JFK's New Frontier

Name: ______________________
Domestic Americana
Period: ______________________
Review Assignment (30 Pts)
1950s Americana-Use your class notes, lecture, and/or textbook (Ch. 19) to answer the following
1. How did many major cities change in the 1950s?
2. During America’s first two centuries, the national character was marked by individualism. Why do you
think conformity became the norm in the 1950s?
3. How did radio, TV and the movies contribute to the success of rock ‘n’ roll?
1960 Election
4. Brainstorm ways to make a speech or debate successful. List at least 5 things.
Directions: Watch the 1st Presidential Debate between JFK and Nixon. Answer the following questions from
each of their opening statements.
5. List 5 things JFK is not satisfied with.
6. Observe JFKs physical presence throughout his opening statement. Describe at least 3 things he does
well. Does he do anything bad?
7. What are JFK’s economic goals for America?
Richard Nixon
8. What does Nixon agree on with JFK?
9. What does he disagree on with JFK?
10. Observe Nixon’s physical presence. List the pros and cons of his presence throughout the opening
statement speech.
JFK’s New Frontier Use your class notes, lecture, and/or textbook (Ch. 20) to answer the following
11. Explain each of the New Frontier Programs to complete the web diagram. What was it? What was the purpose of the
program? What effect did the program have on America and/or the world?
Peace Corps:
The New Frontier
Civil Rights Bill:
Stimulating the Economy:
Alliance for Progress:
Moon Program:
12. Which New Frontier program do you think was most successful? Why?
13. What effect did the space program have on other areas of American life?
14. Which conspiracy theory on JFK’s assassination would you most likely believe in, and why?
15. What was the Great Society? Which US President created it?
16. Complete the following chart that helps explain solutions the Great Society worked for.
Problem in
Great Society Programs
Explain how the 2 Acts you listed worked to better the
problem in American Society
1964, Tax Reduction Act
1965, Medicare Act
1965, Elementary and Secondary
Education Act
1965, High Education Act
1964, Civil Rights Act
1965, Voting Rights Act
1965, Wilderness Preservation
1967, Air Quality Act