Page 1 of 10 Questions BOOKLET School of Business Studies Midterm Exam / ERP 102012 Examination 2012-13 Name of Program: MBA Paper ID: Subject Code: Roll No. Subject Title: Concept in Enterprise Recourse Planning Time: 60mins. Maximum Marks:20 Note:(1) The question paper consists of 3 parts. (2) All the parts are compulsory. (3) The figures on the right hand side indicate maximum marks. (4) Please manage your time - Please use answer sheet for answers only - Please write your complete name and your ID on your answer sheet Part-1 Q1. Attempt any two of the following maximum marks 5 1. Describe SDLC Phases, the purpose of each phase, incoming to the phase and out going from each phase, all the steps in each phase. 2. Describe APA format According two guidelines that has been send to you Monday, March 21, 2016 Prepared by : Professor Lili Saghafi Page 2 of 10 Questions BOOKLET 3- Please provide Examples of functional areas of operation and their business functions in a table format Part -2 Q2. Attempt any two of the following maximum marks 5 1-Please indicate Current SAP ERP system: SAP ECC 6.0 (Enterprise Central Component 6.0) Modules 1. Sales and Distribution (SD) module 2. Materials Management (MM) module 3. Production Planning (PP) module 4. Quality Management (QM) module 5. Plant Maintenance (PM) module 6. Asset Management (AM) module Monday, March 21, 2016 Prepared by : Professor Lili Saghafi Page 3 of 10 Questions BOOKLET 7. Human Resources (HR) module 8. Project System (PS) module 9. Financial Accounting (FI) module 10. Controlling (CO) module 11. Workflow (WF) module 2- Describe the problems with Fitter Snacker’s sales quotations and orders. (CASE STUDY) ANS: Narration Giving a customer a price quotation and then taking the customer’s order should be a straightforward process, but at FS it is not. For a new customer, the sales process begins with a sales call, during which the salesperson either telephones the customer or visits in person. At the end of the sales call, the salesperson prepares a handwritten quotation on a three-part form. The form generates two copies; the top sheet goes to the customer, the middle copy is first faxed and then mailed to the sales office, and the salesperson keeps the bottom copy for his records. The quotation form has an 800 number that the customer can call to place an order. A number of problems can occur with this process: 1. The salesperson might make an arithmetic error in the sales quotation. For example, a salesperson in the Direct Sales Division might offer both a quantity discount plus a discretionary discount. If the salesperson isn’t careful, the two discounts combined might be so deep that the company receives little or no profit. Monday, March 21, 2016 Prepared by : Professor Lili Saghafi Page 4 of 10 Questions BOOKLET 2. The salesperson faxes a copy of the sales quotation to the sales office, but sometimes the customer calls to place an order before the fax is transmitted. 3. The in-office clerk has no knowledge of the terms of the sale (which are outlined on the quotation) and must ask the customer to repeat the information. On the other hand, even if the quotation has been faxed, the data might not have been entered into the customer database, and still the customer must repeat the order information, much to his annoyance. This situation can also lead to a duplicate order. 4. The fax received by the sales office is a fax of a copy of a handwritten form, and might not be legible. 5. When customers place an order, they usually ask for a delivery date. To get a shipping date, the in-office clerk must contact the warehouse supervisor and ask whether the customer’s order can be shipped from inventory, or whether shipping will be delayed until a future production run is delivered to the warehouse. Because she’s too busy to make an inventory count, total all orders waiting to be filled, and find out how many orders are in process in the sales office, the warehouse supervisor can only estimate the shipping date. Monday, March 21, 2016 Prepared by : Professor Lili Saghafi Page 5 of 10 Questions BOOKLET 6. Once the in-office sales clerk has the warehouse supervisor’s estimated shipping date, she determines the shipping method for the order and how long delivery will take. Next, the clerk checks the customer’s credit status. For new customers, the clerk fills out a paper credit-check form that includes basic customer data and the amount of the order. The form is given to Accounting; the accountants perform the credit check and then return the credit-check form showing the customer’s credit limit. If the credit limit is below the amount of the purchase, assuming there are no other orders outstanding, the clerk calls the customer to determine what action the customer wants to take (reduce the amount of the order, prepay, or dispute the amount of credit granted). If the order is from an existing customer, then the clerk checks a paper report from Accounting that shows the customer’s current balance, credit limit, and available balance. Because the report is generated weekly, it might not reflect a customer’s most recent payments. 7. The sales clerk enters the customer’s order into the current order entry system. The computer program performs four important tasks. First, it stores the customer’s order data, which are used later to analyze sales performance at the division level. Second, it prints out a packing list and shipping labels for the warehouse to use to pick, pack, and ship the customer’s order. Third, it produces a data file for the Accounting department to use for preparing invoices (the file is also used for financial, tax, and managerial accounting, which is discussed in Chapter 5). And fourth, the data file is copied to a disk and entered into a PCbased accounting software program on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Monday, March 21, 2016 Prepared by : Professor Lili Saghafi Page 6 of 10 Questions BOOKLET 3-the definition of various terms in the ERP context. ERP terminology ( based on Navigation document that has been send to you for SAP) Please provide the complete definition of Business scenario: a group of related business transactions belonging to a particular organizational area that fulfill a related purpose in the company, for example preparation of the balance sheet, personnel administration, purchasing, service, or production. Organizational unit: organizational grouping of areas of the company that belong together for legal or other business reasons. Examples of organizational units are company, sales office, and plant. Organizational unit Master data: data stored in the system over a long period of time for business processes. Examples are customer, material, and supplier. Master data Transaction data: transaction-specific data that is short-lived and assigned to certain master data, for example a customer. Transaction data created when executing transactions is stored as documents. Examples of documents are sales order, purchase order, material document, and posting document. Transaction: an application program that executes business transactions in the system, such as create sales order or post incoming payments. Monday, March 21, 2016 Prepared by : Professor Lili Saghafi Page 7 of 10 Questions BOOKLET Part- 3 Suggested solutions Q3. Attempt any two of the following maximum marks 10 1. Draw a Context Level Diagram for Health Clinic IN SU R AN C E PAYMEN T C LAIM PATIEN T R EPO R TS AN D O U TPU TS PATIEN T PAYMEN T 0 PATIEN T IN PU TS N EW C EN TU R Y O FFIC E SYSTEM O FFIC E STAFF R EPO R TS AN D O U TPU TS O FFIC E STAFF Monday, March 21, 2016 AMER IC AN MED IC AL ASSO C IATIO N IN SU R AN C E C O MPAN Y PATIEN T C PT C OD ES PR O VID ER R EPO R TS AN D O U TPU TS PR O VID ER IN PU TS PR O VID ER Prepared by : Professor Lili Saghafi Page 8 of 10 Questions BOOKLET 2-Develop a physical Zero Level DFD that models the process of grocery shopping from the time you write down a shopping list until the time you store purchased groceries in your home. Construct your DFD as a linear sequence of processes. Note that process names on the physical DFD all note the person performing the process. Note also that the customer is represented as both an external entity and as two processes. All of the processes are performed in a linear sequence. In contrast, the logical DFD omits all references to persons performing processes. The customer’s needs/preferences are now represented in an Monday, March 21, 2016 Prepared by : Professor Lili Saghafi Page 9 of 10 Questions BOOKLET explicit data store (Stock List) instead of within the logic of the Select Groceries process. An extra process has been added to maintain the new data store. Some of the old processes are now performed in parallel as a result of separating the physical groceries from their information content. Monday, March 21, 2016 Prepared by : Professor Lili Saghafi Page 10 of 10 Questions BOOKLET 3- Draw a zero level diagram for a Health Clinic MTD PAYMENTS MTD PAYMENTS PATIENT PAYMENT 2 INSURANCE PAYMENT D4 STATEMENT PROCESS PAYMENT INSURANCE COMPANY PATIENT APPOINTMENT REQUEST PAYMENT DATA CLAIM AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION CPT CODES APPOINTMENT DATA D6 APPOINTMENT DATA CHARGES PROVIDER DATA HOUSEHOLD UPDATE SERVICE CHARGE D3 PROVIDERS FEE AND SERVICE DATA SERVICE DATA PROVIDER UPDATE D21 SERVICE DATA D7 HOUSEHOLDS D5 PROVIDER CHARGES APPOINTMENT DATA D1 PENDING INSURANCE CLAIMS D22 HOUSEHOLD DATA 1 PROCESS APPOINTMENT SERVICE DATA YTD PAYMENTS PAYMENT UPDATE INSURANCE CLAIM DATA MTD PAYMENTS INSURANCE CARRIERS INSURANCE CARRIER DATA INSURANCE UPDATE MTD CHARGES SERVICE CHARGE INSURANCE COMPANY PATIENT DATA D2 PATIENTS REPORT 3 PRODUCE REPORTS CLAIM STATUS SUMMARY APPOINTMENT LIST PATIENT UPDATE MAILING LABELS CALL LIST PROVIDER REPORT PROVIDER CHANGE INSURANCE CHANGE OFFICE STAFF PROVIDER PATIENT HOUSEHOLD CHANGE PATIENT CHANGE REMINDER POSTCARD Monday, March 21, 2016 Prepared by : Professor Lili Saghafi 4 MAINTAIN RECORDS