BMIS235 Management Information Systems Spring 2016 COURSE NO. & TITLE: PROFESSOR: E-MAIL: DAYS, TIMES & ROOM: OFFICE and Phone: OFFICE HOURS: Blackboard (Bb): REQUIRED TEXTS BMIS235 Management Information Systems Professor Jason Chen, Ph.D. CHEN@GONZAGA.EDU BMIS235-02: W 5:30-8:00 pm, Jepson021 Jepson 259; (509)313-3421 T, R 4-5 pm, W 3:30-4:30 pm; and by appointment (T1) Using MIS (8th Edition, 2016, by Kroenke and Boyle, ISBN 13: 9780133919868, Pearson Prentice-Hall ) (T2) ) Web Design with HTML & CSS3: Complete by Jessica Minnick (8th Edition , ISBN:13: 9781305578173, Course Technology) COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to provide students (future managers) with an understanding the concepts of computer-based information systems (CBIS). The course also presents an overview of Management Information Systems (MIS) and examines the role of information systems in supporting a wide range of organizational functions from routine organizational transactions to managerial strategic decision making. The objective of this course is to prepare the students to manage information services in both today's and tomorrow's environment with its social, political, global and ethical issues. Specifically, upon completion the course students will be able to correctly identify components of information systems and explain the relationships (and role) of each component in the system, and properly use technology in their communication. BACKGROUND ON SOFTWARE PACKAGES: You are assumed to have knowledge and skills of four major software packages, Word processor, MS/Access, MS/EXCELL, and Powerpoint (BUSN111 or equivalent) and file management. CLAS, CASE STUDY and UYK POLICY: Students are expected to study the assigned topics (including chapter case studies) before attending the class and to participate actively in class activities and sometimes prepare for pop quizzes. You will also be assigned as a member in working on the group projects. Use of computer software tools for papers and assignments is required. It is your responsibility to keep all the returned materials. In the event of a disputed entry on the instructor's grade sheet, the student MUST show the material(s) to have the grade(s) changed. Student can be penalized for up to 5% of the total points on the grade for distracting behavior each time in class (i.e. talking, reading newspaper, cell phone is ringing, internet surfing, passing notes, etc.) Each group is responsible for preparing and presenting an assigned chapter case study. However, if you are not assigned for a case study, you should read and prepare for participating active case discussion. There will be a ten (10) points off if you are asked and can’t answer case questions every time. For presentation group: prepare a presentation using powerpoint and conduct class discussion and print a hardcopy with two slides on each page and upload a softcopy to the Bb one day before the day of your presentation. All students should read and prepare for class chapter case discussion (i.e., UYK-Use Your Knowledge or So What?) questions. Failed to do it, there will be 10 points off each time toward your final course grade. Academic Honesty Policy: The academic honesty policy in the Gonzaga University’s student handbook (p. 145) states that dishonest activities such as cheating, fabrication and plagiarism carry penalties that could lead to severe penalties. Should you have any doubt regarding a course of conduct, don’t hesitate to inquire of me for guidance on addressing the situation. It is considered a violation of “Academic Honesty Policy” if you break the following rule: all class assignments (everything) you turned in must be “Original Work” for this class only” – it means that they are not from someone else or from your other class this semester or before and is considered a violation of “Honesty Policy”. BMIS235 Syllabus -1 Blackboard, E-MAIL and Web POLICY: It is your responsibility to check class announcements on the Blackboard and your E-MAIL periodically. There might have important messages announced on the Blackboard and/or sent to you via the E-MAIL so that all of students will keep class information up-to-dated (and information from your classmates/friends) and step toward the information/Internet age. Furthermore, Your GU email account is your web repository and will be used for creating your personal Web page. E-mail Communication – All e-mail communications with the instructor should bear the course and section number (viz: BMIS235-XX [Web-assignment1]) in the subject line (XX indicates the section number i.e., 02, of the class you are in), without which the e-mail is likely to be unread. Furthermore, you should include “Dr. Chen” and “your full name” at the beginning and end of the content of each email respectively. QUIZZES: You will take a quiz for each chapter (from the main text) during a designated period. These quizzes will contain true-false and/or multiple choice questions. Each quiz normally has 11 questions (10 possible points with 1 point bonus) and you should complete it within the time limit (usually 15 minutes; however, you should be able to complete it in about 10 minutes if you read/prepare the chapter well) on midnight Sunday. There will be 12 quizzes this semester. Quizzes are available under ‘Tests & Quizzes’ button on the Bb. The rules of taking tests/quizzes are: (1) Students are NOT allowed to take this assessment multiple times. Therefore, you should use a computer with reliable/stable internet connection. To be fair to all students, an zero point will be assigned if you lost Internet connection unless the Bb system crashed. (2) Students must complete the assessment the first time it is launched (3) Time limit: 15 minutes for every quiz. (4) There will be 1 point off for every 15 seconds if you exceed the specified time limit. ASSIGNMENTS All assignments such as case studies and web page design should be uploaded to the Bb before the deadline. The instructor will grade/check it after the due date. Assignments are available under ‘Assignments’ button on the Bb. EXAMS: There will be two (2) midterm exams will include only that material covered since the previous exam. This includes material from the textbook, software packages books, and class discussions -- all can appear on the exams. The type of exam will be left up to the instructor. It may be objective, essay, or a case problem. Your instructor will specify the format before the exam. No credit will be received if you miss an exam unless you have permission from the instructor and/or obtain a University-approved absence. COURSE ATTENDANCE If you miss a class session without what I consider a legitimate excuse (be sure that you should have my permission in advance or present a university-approved evidence after the missed class), I reserve the right to take 10 points 0ff for each class you missed. The more classes you missed the more points will be taken points 0ff. You must contact the instructor about every absence. Furthermore, students should be aware of the University policy regarding absence. According to the university policy, "[T]he grade given for excessive absence is V, which has the same effect as F and is counted in the GPA....The fact that a student has met other course requirements (such as papers) is not sufficient to change a V to a passing grade." (Catalogue, p. 38). The total time of excessive absence in this class is 300 minutes, equivalent to four absences. In other words, if one student misses four (sec. 3 and 5) or two (sec. 2) classes for whatever reasons, he/she should expect a V for his/her final grade. DREAM Students: If you are in the DREAM (Disability Resources, Education and Access) program, it is your responsibility to inform me one week in advance and contact DREM office for arranging EVERY test in the DREAM office. GRADE POLICY ON SOFTWARE ASSIGNMENTS/LECTURES: You must complete all computer assignments, or you will receive an F on your final grade. If you violate dishonest policy on any software assignments, quizzes, exams etc. you will receive an F on the final course grade. You are allowed to discuss with other students on the computer assignments, however, you should do your own work and BMIS235 Syllabus -2 understand the work you turned in. You may be asked/selected randomly to explain any work you turned in. It is considered as the violation of dishonest policy, if you fail to explain any work you turned in. FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE: BMIS235-02 (5:30 class): Tuesday, May 3; 8:00 to 10:00 pm BMIS235-03 (10:50 class): Wednesday, May 4; 10:30 am to 12:30 pm BMIS235-05 (2:40 class): Tuesday, May 3; 3:30 to 5:30 pm GRADE DISSTRIBUTION: Quizzes (main text) 12@10 .........................................................…........ 120 Quizzes (HTML text) 7@10 .........................................................…........ 70 Midterm exams (2 @ 150) ...................................................................... 300 Class attitude, performance and attendance ................................................... 40 Collaboration Software Project …………………………………………….. 10 Web#1, Web#2 (7,8) ………………………………………………………. 15 Web Design assignments (2,3 @6; 4@8; 5,6@10; 8@15) …………….… 55 Chapter case presentation ………………………………………………… 10 Term project ………………………………………………………………… 50 Other projects (if assigned) ………………………………………………….. 20 Final Exam (Comprehensive) ..................................................................... 200 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 890 points If you receive a zero on any of COMPUTER assignments (e.g., Web Design), your final course grade is F. (The above grading components may be slightly changed if needed). GRADE RANGES: Percentage >=94 Grade A >=90 A- >=87 B+ >=84 B >=80 B- >=77 C+ BMIS235 Syllabus -3 >=74 C >=70 C- >=65 D+ >=60 D <60 F [Week] Date [1] Jan. 13 [2] Jan. 20 [3] Jan. 27 [4] Feb. 3 [5] Feb. 10 [6] Feb. 17 BMIS235 – SCHEDULE –(Tentative, 1/8/2016) Topic and Activities Quiz/HW/ HW/CASE UYK Assigned Due Course Introduction and Intro. To MIS Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) If you miss today’s class, you must drop the class – according to university policy (T1) 1: MIS and You UYK#1(2)-p.29 Organizing Groups (T1) 1: MIS and You (cont.) Quiz - Ch.1 (Due Case#1 (1Video: RollTop (1m48s) Sunday, Jan. 24) 9,11,12,13,14; p.33) Introduction to Computer Facility: MS Web#1 Web#1 (Due Windows, Jepson labs and Barney Systems Sunday) (T3-1) File Transfer Protocol Web#1 HW [Learning from Examples] (You are required to create a gmail account by this weekend) (T2) 1: Introduction to the Internet and Web Quiz:HTML#1( 1. Web#2(Due Design Due Sunday) Sunday) (T3-2): Online HTML tutorials 2. Collaboration Improving your Personal Web Page (Web#2) project due (Sunday) (T1) 2: Collaboration Information Systems UYK#2-4(a-f)Case #2 (2Collaboration project p.73 [do this 9,10,11,13,14) before the class; p.74-79 and ask 2.f] Collaboration 1.Quiz - Ch.2 Project (due 2.Collaboration Sunday, 2/7 via project Bb) (T2) 2: Building a Webpage Template with 1.Quiz:HTML#2 ski02.html (Due HTML5 (Due Sunday Sunday) [exercise]: fitness02.html 2.(Extend YK; [hw]: ski02.html p.75) (Due Sunday) (T1) 3: Strategy and Information Systems (T1) 3: Strategy and Information Systems UYK#3-3(a-e) Case#3(3-4, 5, 6, (cont.) p.105 8, 9) p.105-109 Quiz - Ch.3 (T2) 3: Enhancing a Website with Links and Extend YK; Start to work Images p.127-129 (Due ski03.html this [exercise]: fitness03.html next Sunday) week [hw]: ski03.html EXAM I (T2) 3: Enhancing a Website with Links and Images (cont.) [exercise]: fitness03.html [hw]: ski03.html 1.Quiz:HTML#3 (Due Sunday 2.Extend YK; p.127-129 (Due Sunday) BMIS235 Syllabus -4 [hw]:ski03.html (Due Sunday) enhance your personal web page Chapter Case Study ALL GROUPS G1 G2 [7] Feb. 24 (T2) 4: Applying CSS Styles to Webpages [exercise]: fitness04.html [hw]: ski04.html 1.Quiz:HTML#4 (Due Sunday 2.Extend YK; p.179-181) (Due Sunday) UYK#4-4,45(p.156) Quiz - Ch. 4 [hw] ski04.html (Due Sunday) enhance your personal web page Case#4 (all questions); p.157-159 (T1) 5: Database Processing (cont.) UYK#5(5-1, 5-2, 5-3); p.195 MyMISLab (517,5-18) p.203 Project: Phase I (T1) 5: Database Processing (cont.) Quiz – Ch.5 (T1) 4: Hardware, Software, and Mobile Systems [8] Mar. 2 [9] Mar. 7 – Mar. 11 [10] Mar. 16 [11] Mar. 23 All Groups HAPPY SPRING BREAK – NO CLASS (T2) 5: Responsive Design Part 1(Mobile Device) [exercise]: fitness05.html [hw]: foodbank05.html (T1) 6: The Cloud (T2) 6: Responsive Design Part 2(Desktop and Tablet Devices) [exercise]: fitness06.html [hw]: foodbank06.html (T1) 7: Processes, Organizations, and Information Systems [12] Mar. 30 [12] Mar. 30 EXAM II [13] April 6 (T1) 9: Business Intelligence Systems (T1) 8: Social Media Information Systems (T1) 9: Business Intelligence Systems (cont.) [14] April 13 ALL GROUPS (T2) 8: Creating Tables and Forms [exercise]: fitness08.html [hw]: foodbank08.html (T1) 10: Information Systems Security Quiz:HTML#5( Due Sunday Lab1: p.246-248 [hw] foodbank05.html (Due Sunday) UYK#6(6-5,66)-p.244 Quiz - Ch.6 Quiz:HTML#6( Due Sunday Lab1: p.300-304 Case #6 (614,15,16,17,20) (p.245-246) [hw] foodbank06.html (Due Sunday) and enhance your personal web page Case7 (7-11, 12, 13, 15, 16) p.288-290) UYK#7(7-5) p.285 Quiz - Ch.7 UYK#8(8-5) p.331 Quiz -Ch.8 UYK#9(9-7,98)368 Quiz - Ch.9 Quiz:HTML#8( Due Sunday Lab1: p.420-424304 UYK#10(2)p.423 Quiz Ch.10 BMIS235 Syllabus -5 G3 G4 Case#8 (8-10, 12, 14, 15; p.332-335) Project: Phase II G5 Case#9 (9-16, 9-17(a thru f), 9-19); p.381-383 [hw] foodbank08.html (Due Sunday) G6 Case#10 (10-8,10,11,14), p.424-426 ALL GROUPS [15] April 20 (T1) 11: Information Systems Management [16] April 27 (T1) 12: Information Systems Development Final exam review/Slack time/Project Presentation UYK#11(3)consider with IS Triangle Strategy; p.451 Quiz Ch.11 UYK#12-5; p.497 Quiz Ch.12 Case#11(1111,14,16, 17); p.452-453 G7 Case#12(1210,13,14) p.499500) ALL GROUPS Project: Final Phase Final Bonus Personal Web Page due Friday, April 29 ALL GROUPS [17] FINAL EXAM (Comprehensive) May 3-6 Note that: UYK: Using Your Knowledge; So What?; Case: Case Study (both are at the end of each chapter) (T1) Using MIS (8th Edition, Pearson Prentice-Hall) (T2) Web Design with HTML5 & CSS3 by Minnick (T3) Tutorials will be handed out in classes. (T3-1) Introduction to FTP (T3-2) Online HTML tutorials ( and HTML tag reference ( Final Personal Web Page (bonus) should include materials from all chapters you learned from the class and chapter 7 that you learn by yourself (Learning to Learn and Learning to Change!) Information for end of Chapter Case Presentation: 1. For Presentation Group: a. The file name should be like BMIS235-0X-GY-ChapterZ_Case.ppt (e.g., BMIS235-01-G2-Capter8_Case.ppt b. A Powerpoint e-file should b uploaded to the Bb by the midnight before the day of your presentation c. A hardcopy of powerpoint (TWO slides per page) should be turned in to me in the class 2. All other students – see Class, Case Study and UYK policy. PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT Phase I: Your group may either make up a business scenario or select an appropriate topic from a reality. Turn in a written report includes project’s description (scenario) and its objectives (what you try to accomplish and how – employing Porter’s model ; see more details below). The report for phase I should be about 2 pages. Phase II: Extend the content on Phase I and add base model (or implementation) to your existing report. It should be with at least 4 pages. FIANL REPORT: see information below, it should be organized well, comprehensive and complete. Project Outline (How to improve/create competitive advantage using Porter’s Model and Generic Strategies and with SDLC approach) 1. Project Theme: Decision Making in the Information Age 2. Project Title: (A Specific title that you should provide on the proposal) A. Introduction: (with your selected topic) B. Objectives to achieved C. Main body (detailed description of business applications, OLAP and Web page inclusion and more) D. Conclusion: suggestions, comparison, and future observations in working with this project. PROJECT’S FORMAT and CONTENTS The final project written report should include the following (but not limited to): BMIS235 Syllabus -6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Project scenario. (what is the problem domain?) Project objective. (what goals/Objectives your group try to accomplish and suggest?) What and how were they accomplished? a) Employ Porter’s Five-competitive force and value chain models and generic strategies and think critically that how to improve competitive advantage/business value. b) Follow a well-defined SDLC (what is SDLC?) Describe the managerial and organizational (and others) impacts on your project. Develop a prototype and delivered on the Web environment. Conclusion. It should include suggestions, comparison, and future observations in working with this project. The project should be available on the Internet (available on one of group member’s web site). Policy on the Group Project and Presentation: All the group members will receive the same grade as I assigned on the FINAL report except that those do not contribute their efforts on the project based on the survey from the evaluation of the team members. The group leader or the majority of the group members should report the project progress to the instructor in case that there is (are) major problem(s) in your group. Both SOFT and HARD copies of written report (Word format), Powepoint and others if available should be uploaded and turned in by the deadline. Include GROUP# and members’ names on the cover page. For example, specify the following information: File name: BMIS235-03-G1-Term Project.docx, BMIS235-03-G1-Term Project.pptx A hardcopy of the term project (with all documents) should be turned at the beginning of the first day of presentation regardless of your group#. The presentation is formal, dressed up and using POWERPOINT and other presentation aids. The group leader should assign/distribute responsibility to all members for working and presenting the project. The grade will be based on the following criteria: (1) presentation, (2) content of the problem domain (using SDLC methodology), (3) Implementations with software packages (e.g, Web Design, Office Suite etc.), (4) a written report, (5) time management and dress code (formal presentation). BMIS235 Syllabus -7