Introduction to Workplace Diversity


“To keep the Golden Rule we must put ourselves in other people’s places. If we had the imagination to do that. . . fewer bitter judgments would pass our lips, fewer racial, national, and class prejudices would stain our lives.”

---Harry Emerson Fosdick

Our Changing Workforce

 The generation gap continues to widen

 More women are in the workforce

 Persons with disabilities are being better accommodated

 More diverse ethnic groups are being absorbed and accepted

Defining Culture & Diversity


 the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes and religion by a group of people


 the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc.; variety

Workplace Diversity

 Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. That sounds simple, but diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more.

Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

Cultural diversity in the workplace provides strength. It also challenges individuals to respond to their diverse work environment effectively.

“Valuing” individual and group cultural differences is critical to achieving the organizational goals.

Executives on Diversity


1. Name two (of four) changes in the workforce.



2. What is workplace diversity?

3. What does cultural diversity provide in the workplace?

Chapter 14


Cultural Awareness

Know your own cultural background.

Recognize your own stereotypes and biases.

Gain knowledge of cultural history and heritage.

Be aware of other’s perceptions.

Recognize effects of others.

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4. Name two ways that you can be culturally aware.



Chapter 14


Widen Your Perspective

 Attend ethnic cultural events

 Patronize ethnic business places

 Socialize with people of different cultures

 Participate in diversity training activities

 Help with fund-raising for special groups


5. What are two ways you can widen your cultural perspective?



Respect Cultural Differences

 Study other cultures--books, television, movies--check the library and Internet

 Make friends with people with different cultural backgrounds

 Observe interactions of people from other cultures--gestures, expressions, actions

 Notice different customs of people from other cultures

Respect Cultural Differences

6. Name at least three ways to show that you respect cultural differences.




Manage Language Barriers

Avoid Making Incorrect Assumptions

 Study the language

 Use an interpreter

 Make opportunities to speak the language to sharpen your skills

Help Others Make Cultural Adjustments

 Keep yourself well-informed

 Become aware of and concerned about problems and issues that create disunity

 Explain your own culture to those of another culture

 Offer guidance, help, and empathy--help them understand and fit in

 Take a stand on issues that promote respect and appreciation for diversity

7. Why do YOU think it would be important to help others make cultural adjustments?

Chapter 14


Recognize And Understand


 STEREOTYPING --occurs whenever you think of all members of a group as having the same characteristics, rather than viewing them as unique individuals

PREJUDICE-means to unfairly prejudge or form an opinion based on a group stereotype, without considering what the individual is really like


8. What is stereotyping?

9. What is prejudice?

Chapter 14


Take Positive Action

 Speak up and challenge those who make negative comments based on prejudice

 Show disapproval or walk away when someone tells an ethnic or racial joke

 Bring up the subject of discrimination--share your ideas and views

 Avoid minority group labels. Use preferred terms

 Resist and expose prejudice


10. What is “positive action”?

Chapter 14


The Law Does Not Allow

Discrimination On The Basis Of. . .

 Race

 Color

 Ethnic background

 Religious affiliation or practice

 Gender

 Family status

 Age

 “Unacceptable character”


11. The law does NOT allow discrimination on the basis of….




f. Family status c.

d. Religious g. h. “Unacceptable a ffiliation or practice character”


Chapter 14

To Protect The Rights Of Persons

With Disabilities. . .

 The job may be restructured

 Special equipment may be acquired

 Facilities must be made accessible

 The employer may not specifically ask if the person is disabled

 No special treatment or special requirements are allowed

 The employer is not required to hire someone who is not competent to do the job

To Protect The Rights Of Persons

With Disabilities. . .

12. Name at least two ways to protect the rights of persons with disabilities.



Sexual Harassment Is Coerced,

Unethical And Unwanted Intimacy

 Remarks, teasing, flirting

 Gestures

 Graffiti, notes, or sign

 Rude sounds

 Whistling suggestively

 Jokes about sex

 Derogatory rumors

 Unwelcome touching


13. List actions and/or words that would fall under the definition of “sexual harassment,” which is “coerced, unwanted, and unethical intimacy .” a.

Remarks, teasing, flirting e.

Whistling suggestively b. f.


Graffiti, notes, or sign d. g.


Avoiding, Resisting, Or Fighting


 You can turn and walk away

 You may use positive resistance, with patience

 Do not resort to revenge--vandalizing, assault, verbal abuse

 File a grievance. Ask for an investigation

 Contact an attorney

 Contact a local human rights agency or the

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


14. How can you avoid, resist, or fight discrimination? Name three ways.





 Learning about and accepting diversity can improve your interpersonal effectiveness and increase your personal and professional opportunities.

Do Your Homework

Learn about other cultures.

Know respectful behavior.

Learn tolerance.

“recognition of and respect for the opinions, practices or behavior of others.”


15. Why is it important to understand and accept workplace diversity?

“Aggressive fighting for the right is the greatest sport in the world.”

---Theodore Roosevelt