PROJECT START ARCHITECTURE <PROJECT NAME> Author <Author> Version <Version> Location <Location> Reference <Reference> Project Start Architecture <Project name> Version information VERSION INFORMATION Version Date Description Author Copyright Sogeti Nederland B.V. ©, based in Vianen, the Netherlands. This work (or any part thereof) may not be reproduced and/or published (for whatever purpose) in print, photocopy, microfilm, audio tape, electronically or in any other way whatsoever without prior written permission from van Sogeti Nederland B.V. This report is only intended for internal use by the above mentioned organisation(s). Sogeti Nederland B.V. <Date> <Version> For internal use only II Project Start Architecture <Project name> Distribution List DISTRIBUTION LIST Name Sogeti Nederland B.V. <Date> Organisation / Function <Version> For internal use only III Project Start Architecture <Project name> Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS VERSION INFORMATION ..................................................................... II DISTRIBUTION LIST ......................................................................... III TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................... IV 1 2 PROJECT ............................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of the project ............................................................................1 1.2 Project organisation ...............................................................................1 1.3 Architects involved ................................................................................1 1.4 Business drivers.....................................................................................1 1.5 Architecture drivers ...............................................................................1 BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE ............................................................ 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 2.1.1 Context .....................................................................................2 2.1.2 Policies, guidelines and standards ....................................................2 Products and services .............................................................................2 2.2.1 Context .....................................................................................2 2.2.2 Policies, guidelines and standards ....................................................3 Processes ............................................................................................3 2.3.1 Context .....................................................................................3 2.3.2 Policies, guidelines and standards ....................................................3 INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE ...................................................... 4 3.1 3.2 4 Organisation.........................................................................................2 Applications .........................................................................................4 3.1.1 Context .....................................................................................4 3.1.2 Policies, guidelines and standards ....................................................4 Data ..................................................................................................4 3.2.1 Context .....................................................................................4 3.2.2 Policies, guidelines and standards ....................................................4 TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE ......................................................... 5 4.1 4.2 4.3 Middleware ..........................................................................................5 4.1.1 Context .....................................................................................5 4.1.2 Policies, guidelines and standards ....................................................5 Platform .............................................................................................5 4.2.1 Context .....................................................................................5 4.2.2 Policies, guidelines and standards ....................................................5 Network ..............................................................................................6 Sogeti Nederland B.V. <Date> <Version> For internal use only IV Project Start Architecture <Project name> Table of Contents 5 6 4.3.1 Context .....................................................................................6 4.3.2 Policies, guidelines and standards ....................................................6 DECISIONS EXCEEDING THE PROJECT SCOPE ...................................... 7 5.1 <Design decision 1 – Identifying one-liner> ....................................................7 5.2 <Design decision N – Identifying one-liner> ...................................................7 ARCHITECTURE EXCEPTIONS ........................................................ 8 6.1 <Deviation 1 - Identifying one-liner > ..........................................................8 6.2 <Deviation N - Identifying one-liner > ..........................................................8 Sogeti Nederland B.V. <Date> <Version> For internal use only V Project Start Architecture <Project name> Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 1 PROJECT This document contains the project start architecture (PSA) for the project <project name>. The PSA ensures that new developments and changes are realised in a cohesive manner and in line with organisation-wide management goals. The PSA translates the overall enterprise or domain architecture to the specific situation of the project. 1.1 Purpose of the project <A short description of the purpose of the project, including main functionalities (max. 5 lines).> 1.2 Project organisation <Include a short description in wording and/or a figure of the project organisation, including names of main stakeholders and their roles in the project.> 1.3 Architects involved <List the names of the architects involved in this project. Apart from the responsible project architect other architects may have been involved in specifying certain parts of this PSA.> 1.4 Business drivers <State all the business drivers for this project, e.g.: The business drivers for this project are: Decrease maintenance costs; Increase customer satisfaction by implementing multi language support in the web channel.> 1.5 Architecture drivers <What are the most important architecture drivers or principles for this project? E.g. does this project contribute to: Reduction of complexity in short and long term? Improvements in business continuity? Reduction of time-to-market of new product or service offerings? In case the result of the project has a negative impact on main architecture drivers, include a clarification.> Sogeti Nederland B.V. <Date> <Version> For internal use only 1 Project Start Architecture <Project name> Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 2 BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE This chapter identifies, at a high-level, the architecture impact of this project on products and business services, processes and organisation. <The structure of this and following chapters is based on the DYA framework. This framework offers a certain classification of architecture artefacts in domains or views. Although this framework is based on sound practice, an organisation may choose to adapt this framework, combine it with another architecture framework or use a different framework altogether. In that case the structure of the PSA template must be changed accordingly.> 2.1 Organisation This paragraph gives insight into which parts of the organisation are affected or newly implemented as result of this project. In addition, relevant policies, principles, standards and models are included. 2.1.1 Context External organisation <List the external stakeholders relevant to this project including their interests or concerns (e.g. customers, suppliers, legislators).> Internal organisation <List the internal stakeholders (parts of the organisation) who have a direct interest in the result of this project. If available, include an organisation chart.> 2.1.2 Policies, guidelines and standards <In this paragraph an overview is given of policies, principles, standards and other guiding statements relevant to the organisation architecture aspect of this project.> Principle X.X Implications <A compact statement indicating the essence of the principle*. This is taken from the full description of the principle included in the enterprise/domain/reference architecture. * In the rest of this document where principle is mentioned, this may be substituted by policy, guideline or standard.> <Specify the (potential) impact of this principle for this project.> Principle X.X Implications 2.2 Products and services 2.2.1 Context <Specify which product or business services are affected or realised as a result of this project. If available, use an existing product/service model or portfolio. That model may depict the current state or a (near) future state.> Sogeti Nederland B.V. <Date> <Version> For internal use only 2 Project Start Architecture <Project name> Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 2.2.2 Policies, guidelines and standards <In this paragraph an overview is given of policies, principles, standards and other guiding statements relevant to the product and business service architecture aspect of this project.> Principle X.X Implications <A compact statement indicating the essence of the principle. This is taken from the full description of the principle included in the enterprise/domain/reference architecture.> <Specify the (potential) impact of this principle for this project.> Principle X.X Implications 2.3 Processes 2.3.1 Context <Include an existing process model in this paragraph. This model may depict the current state or a (near) future state. Indicate which processes are affected and which processes have a dependency.> 2.3.2 Policies, guidelines and standards <In this paragraph an overview is given of policies, principles, standards and other guiding statements relevant to the process architecture aspect of this project.> Principle X.X Implications <A compact statement indicating the essence of the principle. This is taken from the full description of the principle included in the enterprise/domain/reference architecture.> <Specify the (potential) impact of this principle for this project.> Principle X.X Implications Sogeti Nederland B.V. <Date> <Version> For internal use only 3 Project Start Architecture <Project name> Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 3 INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE This chapter identifies, at a high-level, the architecture impact of this project on applications (information systems) and data (information). 3.1 Applications 3.1.1 Context <Include an existing application landscape model in this paragraph. This model may depict the current state or a (near) future state. Indicate which applications are affected and which application have a direct dependency.> 3.1.2 Policies, guidelines and standards <In this paragraph an overview is given of policies, principles, standards and other guiding statements relevant to the application architecture aspect of this project.> Principle X.X Implications <A compact statement indicating the essence of the principle. This is taken from the full description of the principle included in the enterprise/domain/reference architecture.> <Specify the (potential) impact of this principle for this project.> Principle X.X Implications 3.2 Data 3.2.1 Context <Include an existing data model in this paragraph. This model may depict the current state or a (near) future state. Indicate which data elements and/or relations are affected.> 3.2.2 Policies, guidelines and standards <In this paragraph an overview is given of policies, principles, standards and other guiding statements relevant to the data architecture aspect of this project.> Principle X.X Implications <A compact statement indicating the essence of the principle. This is taken from the full description of the principle included in the enterprise/domain/reference architecture.> <Specify the (potential) impact of this principle for this project.> Principle X.X Implications Sogeti Nederland B.V. <Date> <Version> For internal use only 4 Project Start Architecture <Project name> Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 4 TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE This chapter identifies, at a high-level, the architecture impact of this project on the technical or infrastructure architecture. 4.1 Middleware 4.1.1 Context <Include in this paragraph a list of middleware components relevant to this project (direct or via a dependency). > 4.1.2 Policies, guidelines and standards <In this paragraph an overview is given of policies, principles, standards and other guiding statements relevant to the middleware architecture aspect of this project.> Principle X.X Implications <A compact statement indicating the essence of the principle. This is taken from the full description of the principle included in the enterprise/domain/reference architecture.> <Specify the (potential) impact of this principle for this project.> Principle X.X Implications 4.2 Platform 4.2.1 Context <Include in this paragraph an existing platform model. This model may depict the current state or a (near) future state. Indicate which platforms are affected.> 4.2.2 Policies, guidelines and standards <In this paragraph an overview is given of policies, principles, standards and other guiding statements relevant to the platform architecture aspect of this project.> Principle X.X Implications <A compact statement indicating the essence of the principle. This is taken from the full description of the principle included in the enterprise/domain/reference architecture.> <Specify the (potential) impact of this principle for this project.> Principle X.X Implications Sogeti Nederland B.V. <Date> <Version> For internal use only 5 Project Start Architecture <Project name> Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 4.3 Network 4.3.1 Context <Include in this paragraph an existing network model. This model may depict the current state or a (near) future state. Indicate which network elements are affected.> 4.3.2 Policies, guidelines and standards <In this paragraph an overview is given of policies, principles, standards and other guiding statements relevant to the network architecture aspect of this project.> Principle X.X Implications <A compact statement indicating the essence of the principle. This is taken from the full description of the principle included in the enterprise/domain/reference architecture.> <Specify the (potential) impact of this principle for this project.> Principle X.X Implications Sogeti Nederland B.V. <Date> <Version> For internal use only 6 Project Start Architecture <Project name> Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 5 DECISIONS EXCEEDING THE PROJECT SCOPE In this chapter design decisions are described that have an effect outside the scope of this project and for which no architecture principles or guidelines are defined. For each decision a paragraph is included, describing the design decision, alternatives and decision criteria. 5.1 <Design decision 1 – Identifying one-liner> Design decision <Description of the background and choice> Alternatives <Short high level description of considered alternatives> Decision criteria <List of criteria used for evaluating the alternatives.> 5.2 <Design decision N – Identifying one-liner> Design decision <Description of the background and choice> Alternatives <Short high level description of considered alternatives> Decision criteria <List of criteria used for evaluating the alternatives.> Sogeti Nederland B.V. <Date> <Version> For internal use only 7 Project Start Architecture <Project name> Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 6 ARCHITECTURE EXCEPTIONS In day-to-day reality a project may encounter constraints preventing partial/full architecture compliance e.g. due to timing issues or unresolved dependencies outside the project scope. In those circumstances a (temporary) permit is given to deviate from architecture principles or guidelines. This chapter includes for each deviation a paragraph describing the exception, the reason behind, implications and the measures which are taken. 6.1 <Deviation 1 - Identifying one-liner > Deviation <Description of the deviation> Reason <Substantiate the reason for this deviation, explain why no alternatives were available.> Implications <Description of the implications of this deviation.> Measures <Description of measures which are taken to control or compensate for the effects (e.g. risks) of the deviation.> 6.2 <Deviation N - Identifying one-liner > Deviation <Description of the deviation> Reason <Substantiate the reason for this deviation, explain why no alternatives were available.> Implications <Description of the implications of this deviation.> Measures <Description of measures which are taken to control or compensate for the effects (e.g. risks) of the deviation.> Sogeti Nederland B.V. <Date> <Version> For internal use only 8