7th and 8th grade - Parent Letter 15-16

Community House Middle School - French 2015-16
Procedures and Expectations:
Keep at home.
Having and following procedures and expectations offers stability to our classroom environment. I ask
that students always follow my classroom procedures and expectations. We will discuss, set and practice
procedures during the first several days of class. Not following procedures will be considered a
classroom disruption.
Expectations for Behavior:
Students will:
come to class on-time and prepared (with necessary supplies) to participate in class activities;
use technology ONLY when given teacher permission and ONLY for academic purpose;
follow directions the first time they are given;
raise hand before speaking or leaving your seat;
show respect for classmates and teacher (lesson to be given during first week);
be positive and try;
leave GUM at HOME (Le “chewing” c’est interdit dans le cours de français!)
Translation devices:
Use of any device for translation purposes of writing or speaking assignments will result in a
permanent zero for that assignment (no make-up assignments will be accepted).
Students may use a translation device or app in order to look up words or phrases they do not
understand for a reading or listening assignment.
Usage of translation devices and apps is prohibited during assessments of any type.
Here is some information you MUST be aware of:
Your child has French homework EVERY night (ask to see their study log);
If your child is studying effectively, then YOU SHOULD HEAR HIM/HER SPEAKING FRENCH!!!!
7th and 8th GRADE years of study are for High School Credit. The FINAL
EXAM for these
Standard CMS grading scale:
35% - Informal Assessments (homework, all graded classroom activities, some speaking activities AND
daily grades for PARTICIPATION!!!) Students will receive a participation rubric.
STUDENTS are EXPECTED to speak French in order to receive a perfect participation grade.
65% - Formal Assessments (tests and projects)
Homework MUST be completed before the students enter the classroom.
Informal assignments in my French class (with the exception of quizzes and participation grades) receive full, half or
zero credit. Grades are “earned” not “given”. See below for an example.
Example ONLY: A random homework assignment – total points possible = 50 points
Full credit = 50 points (100%)
Half credit = 25 points (50%)
No credit = 0 points (0%)
What you can do to help your child with French!
Allow them to label items around the house in French;
Encourage them to share what they have learned;
Watch a movie together in French, but with English subtitles.
Expose your child to French cultural events/activities:
1. French Chamber of Commerce festivals are open to the public;
2. UNCC’s French/World Language Department hosts events;
3. Visit French restaurants in the Charlotte area.
Check in with your child regarding their homework and studying - your child should study
French EVERY DAY for at least 15 minutes (using the exact methods they have learned in
Excellent websites to help your child with French:
www.french-linguistics.co.uk/dictionary/ - GREAT for vocabulary;
http://www.quia.com/shared/french/ - French games and vocabulary, ability to hear spoken French;
http://www.hello-world.com/French/ - French games and vocabulary, ability to hear spoken French;
http://www.quizlet.com – I will register all of my students with a username and special password (SEE
BELOW FOR THIS INFORMATION) and I will use my e-mail as the contact information. We can easily
track their progress and can and make sure that they are doing what they need to do for their French
http://www.educreations.com – I will also register all of my students with this site and will help them to
join my on-line class which has already been created for them.
http://amykjoseph.cmswiki.wikispaces.net – MY WIKI!
Supplies your child must have for French class:
1 pkg. of 5
**1/2 pkg.
1 roll
For 7th and 8th grades:
2 or 2-1/2 inch three-ring binder
(with pockets)
1 package of 5 subject dividers
Blue or black pens (replenish w/need)
Red pens (replenish w/need)
Highlighters (any color)
Pair of headphones/ear-buds
Loose leaf paper (college or wide-ruled)
(replenish w/need)
Planner or agenda
White-out (strip ONLY, NOT liquid)
For 6th grade:
1 inch three-ring binder (with pockets)
1 pkg. of 5
**1/2 pkg.
1 pkg.
1 package of 5 subject dividers
Blue or black pens (replenish w/need)
Pencils with erasers(replenish w/need)
Loose leaf paper (college or wide-ruled)
Pair of headphones/ear-buds
Either markers or colored pencils
(your preference)
Planner or agenda
1 pr.
**Students do not need an entire package for my classes. They will need about ½ or a package
in the 7th and 8th grade and about ¼ of a package in the 6th grade. In fact, many of these same
supplies are needed for each class, you need not buy MORE; they may certainly use their pens
(etc.) from French class in any of their other classes. HOWEVER, the binder MUST be French
Your child’s username and passwords are below:
Password: _____________________________________
Password: _____________________________________
NOTE: Students MUST sign into Quizlet each time
that they work on it or we will not be able to track
their progress!!!
NOTE: Students MUST sign into Educreations each
time that they work on it or we will not be able to track
their progress!!!
Parents, this is YOUR homework ASSIGNMENT…
Contact through e-mail is a very efficient method of communication between us. I set up group
mailing lists for course information. I will always blind copy the group for your privacy.
Please send me a brief e-mail with the following information:
The name of your child;
Your name (first and last);
Your child’s grade level;
The day (A or B) that your child has French;
You may also feel free to ask any questions that have not been addressed here.
Parents please sign below and have your child return this verification sheet to Mrs. Joseph.
Thank you.
Please return this form to Mrs. Joseph (French teacher)
Grade (circle one):
Day (circle one):
Name of student (please print): __________________________________________
I/We have carefully read the all of the information about the expectations, procedures and grading format for
French courses offered at Community House Middle School.
I/We understand that following procedures and expectations is a requirement and not doing will result in loss of
participation grade points.
I/We understand that my child may use an on-line or app translator for looking up words, but that the work they do
for credit MUST be their own and that use of any translation devices for written or spoken work will result in a
permanent zero for that particular assignment.
Furthermore, I/We understand that 7th and 8th grade French courses are high school credit courses and that in
order to receive credit my child must pass the course.
Printed name of Parent/Guardian
Parents please sign below and have your child return this verification sheet to Mrs. Joseph.
Thank you.
Please return this form to Mrs. Joseph (French teacher)
Grade (circle one):
Day (circle one):
Name of student (please print): __________________________________________
I/We have carefully read the all of the information about the expectations, procedures and grading format for
French courses offered at Community House Middle School.
I/We understand that following procedures and expectations is a requirement and not doing will result in loss of
participation grade points.
I/We understand that my child may use an on-line or app translator for looking up words, but that the work they do
for credit MUST be their own and that use of any translation devices for written or spoken work will result in a
permanent zero for that particular assignment.
Furthermore, I/We understand that 7th and 8th grade French courses are high school credit courses and that in
order to receive credit my child must pass the course.
Printed name of Parent/Guardian