Human Rights Review Sheet (HW)


Name: _______________________________________

Global History II

Human Rights Violations Unit Review Sheet

Use the terms below to fill in the blanks throughout the packet.

Ethnic cleasning sanctions Yugoslavia

Date: ____________________

Augugliaro/ Patten/ Kempton


Genocide concentration camp

ethnic group gas chamber


Yellow Star of David


Nuremberg Trials rape

colonization Tribunals

United Nations

Hutu final solution




Pol Pot


Killing Fields

Educated people



Willfull Neglect


Khmer Rouge torture


Genocide Convention


Nuremberg Laws communes




100 days mass grave civil war machetes


Omar al Bashir


Blue Scarf



1. The Belgians gave this group power, creating tensions between the people of Rwanda.


2. Pol pot used _______________ to force people to work on__________________.

3. These made it illegal for Jews to marry non- Jews, own businesses, or go to school. ___________________

4. This was one of the most infamous camps during the Holocaust. _________________

5. Along with extermination camps, the Nazis detained people in _____________________.

6. In 1948 the United Nations held the ________________________ to define genocide and make plans to intervene.

7. The UN held ____________ in which they held court sessions to prosecute those responsible.

8. This group was the majority in Rwanda and carried out the genocide against the Tutsi. _________________.

9. The Nazis used the ________________________ to identify Jews more easily.

10. The United States policy during the Cambodian genocide. ______________________.

11. The ___________ and Hitler carried out the genocide against the Jews.

12. The _______________ was one of the methods used by the Nazis to kill the Jews.

13. The Serbians called their actions _______________________ which differs slightly from genocide.

14. Many people who have the same religion, race, nationality, and location can be called an


15. The UN put ___________________ on Slobodan ______________ to stop the trade with Serbia.

16. The ____________________ were the court sessions that prosecuted the Nazis after the Holocaust.

17. ____________________ from France was a major cause of the Cambodian genocide.

18. The ___________________ is a peacekeeping organization that defines genocide.

19. __________________ is the deliberate killing of an ethnic groups with hopes of destroying all of its members.

20. The nazi plan to exterminate all of the Jews. _____________________

21. The _______________ of Cambodia became known as the _____________________.

22. In Rwanda 1 million people were killed in ______________.

23. The break-up of __________________________ was a major cause of the Bosnian genocide.

24. North and South ___________________ were involved in a ________________, which was a major cause of the genocide in Darfur.

25. During the Bosnian genocide, Orthdox Christian__________living in Bosnia attacked Muslim Bosnians also known as ___________________.

26. The Hutus formed ___________ and their main weapon of choice during the Rwandan genocide was the


27. Hutu Power Radio spread hate messages, a form of ______________________.

28. ______________ and the _________________ led the genocide in Cambodia.

29. Like the yellow star, Cambodian leader Pol Pot required all ______________ and city dwellers to wear a

___________________ to help identify them for death more easily.

30. The Dafurian genocide was the killing of African ______________ . This was carried out by the

______________, or Arabs. The term is also known as “devil on horseback”.

31. The UN and ___________________ led bombings and attacks into Bosnia on Bosnian Serbs in hopes of ending the genocide.

32. Hatred or discrimination for Jewish people and their culture. ________________________

33. the Night of Broken Glass during which many Germans destroyed Jewish symbols and synagogues.


34. The only sitting president to be charged with genocide and crimes against humanity in history.

35. The International Criminal Court or the ______________ hold trials for those charged with genocide.

36. Commander Duch ran this __________________ camp during the Cambodian genocide. It was called

