Swansboro High School Scholarship Guide A reference for parents and students The listings in this handout represent the notices usually received in the Student Services offices each year. Due dates listed are based on previous year information. Scholarship availability will be announced in bulletins throughout the year. Bulletins will be emailed to students through their Sharp School accounts and to parents if email address is on file. PRIMARY PROGRAMS OF STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE NEED-BASED PROGRAMS FEDERAL PELL GRANTS Eligibility determined directly from Expected Family Contribution with maximum of $5,635 (anticipated) for 2013-14. FEDERAL SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GRANTS Awards of $100 - $4000 to the neediest students determined by institution. FEDERAL PERKINS LOANS Limited number of loans; recipients determined by institution. Maximum $5,500 per year; interest rate 5%. FEDERAL WORK STUDY Usually 8 to 15 hours per week; hourly rate of pay is at least minimum wage. Recipients selected by institution. UNC NEED-BASED GRANT Amounts range from $500 to $4,200 for 2012-13 and vary depending on family contribution and cost of attendance. NORTH CAROLINA COMMUNITY COLLEGE GRANT Awards vary from $150 to $950 for 2012-13 and depend on the amount of the Pell Grant. NORTH CAROLINA EDUCATION LOTTERY SCHOLARSHIP Considers amount of Pell Grant the student will receive. Awards vary and are determined by College Foundation. Eligible students whose family’s contribution is $5,000 or less (calculated using FAFSA) will receive a total of at least $3,400 from Pell and/or Lottery Scholarship. (Note: is not available at independent non-profit institutions. Only available at UNC constituent institutions and NC community colleges.) NORTH CAROLINA NEED-BASED SCHOLARSHIP (NCNBS) Established by the 2011 NC General Assembly to provide need-based funding for students attending eligible private institutions. Amounts vary depending on family contribution with a minimum of $500 and maximum of $7,000. NC residents attending one of the eligible institutions may qualify. Additional information is available on CFNC.org. FEDERAL SUBSIDIZED DIRECT STAFFORD LOANS Maximum amounts of: $3,500 for freshmen; $4,500 for sophomores; $5,500 for juniors/seniors Fixed interest rate is 3.4% for the period 7/1/12-6/30/13. Repayment begins six (6) months after no longer enrolled at least half-time; deferment and cancellation provisions available. NON-NEED BASED PROGRAMS FORGIVABLE EDUCATION LOANS FOR SERVICE (NC FELS) – NEW NC PROGRAM Established by the 2011 NC General Assembly through the consolidation of eight programs into one. Purpose of the program is to provide financial assistance to qualified students to enable them to obtain requisite education beyond the high school level to work in North Carolina in high-need professions and to respond to critical employment shortages. Eligible institutions include: UNC campuses, community college campuses, most private non-profit college campuses, postsecondary institutions owned or operated by a hospital, school of nursing affiliated with a nonprofit postsecondary institution and other public or nonprofit postsecondary institutions offering program of study not otherwise available in NC that is deemed to be eligible. Additional information available at www.CFNC.org/FELS. FEDERAL DIRECT UNSUBSIDIZED STAFFORD LOANS Interest begins while student is in school; for period 7/1/12-6/30/13, interest rate is 6.8% FEDERAL DIRECT PLUS (PARENT) LOANS Maximum available is equal to annual cost of education minus student financial aid. Interest rate is 7.9% for period 7/1/12-6/30/13. Repayment can begin as early as 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed or the parent can temporarily defer repayment during the time the student is enrolled at least half-time. “In our democracy every young person should have an equal opportunity to obtain a higher education, regardless of his station in life or financial means.” - President John F. Kennedy, February 6, 1962 Below is a list of the scholarships that are usually announced each year. Deadlines listed are based on previous year information and should be used as a reference only. Scholarship bulletins are published as new information is available. Bulletins are emailed to students and parents. If you are not receiving information from the counseling office, please email Mrs. Simpson and ask to be added to the Senior Parent Distribution list. (jane.simpson@onslow.k12.nc.us ) Almita Woods Scholarship Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA; if applicant is 18 years or older, he/she must be a registered voter, financial need, essay, and three references are required. 3/31 American Freedom Scholarship $500 Requirements: Must be the son or daughter of an active duty, retired or deceased member of the United States Armed Forces. Must be a graduating senior from an Onslow County school, and plan to enroll full time in an accredited college, university, or technical/vocational school. Applications are available in the guidance office 4/3 Best Buy Scholarship Solid grades, involvement in community service or work experience. Apply online at www.at15.com. Check website Buster Bynum Education Scholarship $1,000 Parent/guardian of applicant must have been employed in public school transportation during the past five years. Student must have at least a 3.0 (B) average. Parent income must be equal to or less than $75,000 for each of the “past five tax years”. 5/3 Camp Lejeune Officers’ Wives’ Club Scholarship Requirements: Must have a sponsor who is active duty at Camp Lejeune, or whose last duty station was Camp Lejeune, or is retired or deceased and last duty station was Camp Lejeune. Scholarships are awarded based on academic excellence and merit. Applications can be downloaded at www.camplejeuneowc.org . 2/19 Century Link Military Dependent Scholarship Program Applicants must be a dependent of military personnel stationed at Camp Lejeune or Marine Corps Air Station New River. Students must be accepted to a 4 year college. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of all-around excellence in academics, civic, and social activities. Financial need is not necessarily a criterion for selection. Applications are available in the guidance office. 4/5 Coastal Carolina Community College Foundation Scholarship Students pursuing degrees in Industrial Technology programs at Coastal are eligible to apply. Must have at least a 2.5 GPA 5/1 Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Minimum 3.0 GPA, US citizen. If you encounter a Security Certificate warning message, click OK or CONTINUE to access the secure site. Apply online at https://www.coca-colascholars.org/cokeWeb/ 10/31 Davidson College Bryan Scholarship Must be a scholar and athlete who have the potential to be a strong leader both in the classroom as well as in athletics. Applications are available in guidance. Up to three students may be nominated. 9/18 East Carolina University Academic Scholarship Program Selection based on academic record, test scores and extracurricular activities. Applications are available in guidance or can be downloaded at http://www.ecu.edu/ecscholars/ 12/1 Gates Millennium Scholars African American, Native American, Asian Pacific Islander American, or Hispanic American. Are a citizen/legal permanent resident of the US Have at least a 3.3 GPA Demonstrated Leadership abilities Must meet eligibility for Pell Grant (determined by filing a FAFSA form) More information at www.gmsp.org 1/11 Greensboro college Merit Scholarships Scholarships awarded based on merit regardless of fianancial need; - based on GPA and SAT scores. Students can qualify for following amounts based on criteria listed: Full Tuition and fees 3.75 GPA 1250 SAT (CR & M) $12,500 3.50 GPA 1150 SAT $10,000 3.25 GPA 1050 SAT $7,500 3.00 GPA 1000 SAT $5,000 2.5GPA 900 SAT 3/1 Horatio Alger Scholarship enrollment full time as a high school senior, progressing normally toward graduation in the Spring/Summer 2011, with plans to enter college no later than the fall following graduation; critical financial need ($50,000 or less adjusted gross income per family is preferred, if higher explanation must be provided); involvement in co-curricular and community activities; demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0; and United States Citizenship. www.horatioalger.com/scholarships 10/30 Hugh Shelton Leadership Scholarship at NCSU $10,000 per year Information and application available at http://www.ncsu.edu/extension/sheltonleadership/leadershipscholarships/national-scholarships.php 11/1 Jacksonville Board of Realtors $1,000 Three winners from Onslow County and Camp Lejeune High Schools will win. Students selected based on financial need, scholastic achievements, community service, and extra-curricular activities. 5/7 Jacksonville New River Lions Club $500 This scholarship is available for students who meet the following criteria: Graduating senior from an Onslow County School Applicant must be either legally blind, hearing impaired or physically handicapped Show financial need Provide two letters of recommendation 3/31 Jacksonville New River Lions Club Scholarship $500 Applicant must be either blind, hearing impaired, or physically handicapped. Applications are available in the guidance office. 3/31 John Montgomery Belk Scholarship at Davidson College Demonstrated outstanding intellectual and personal achievement and significant leadership ability. One student per high school can be nominated for this scholarship. See Mrs. Simpson if you are interested. 11/15 Jonathan C. Fulcher Crimestoppers Scholarship Students must meet following criteria: Graduating senior in Onslow County Reside in Onslow County Planning to pursue a degree at a 2 or 4 year college in an area related to Criminal Justice Essay required 4/30 KFC Colonel Sanders Scholars Up to $20,000 Requirements: Must have a minimum GPA or 2.75, pursue a bachelor’s degree, demonstrate financial need. Applications will be available December 1, 2009 – February 10, 2010. To complete the application online go to www.kfcscholars.org . 2/10 Kohl’s Kids who Care Scholarship This award recognizes students ages 6 to 18 who are doing great work to benefit their community. Whether organizing a local food drive, helping a younger child learn to read or cleaning up a community park, every contribution makes a difference, and Kohl’s wants to know about them. Please visit www.kohlskids.com to nominate yourself or another student for this award 2/15 Lejeune Chapter MOAA Scholarship $1,000 Son or daughter of a parent eligible for MOAA membership active duty, retired, or former officer of any uniformed service, or any son or daughter of an active duty or retired enlisted parent , and not be the recipient of a full tuition scholarship. 3/31 Lejeune Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) $1,000 Requirements: Son or daughter of a parent eligible for MOAA membership active duty, retired, or former officer of any uniformed service, or son or daughter of an active duty or retired enlisted parent. May submit up to five letters recommendation with application. 3/31 Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Minimum 2.8 cumulative GPA, good moral character, financial need. 3/31 Morehead-Cain Scholarship Annual stipend to cover college expenses, including tuition, room and board, books, student fees, and spending money. Students are selected on the basis of strong leadership, scholastics, moral force of character, and physical vigor as indicated by participation in sports or other ways. Previous students nominated have been in the upper 5% of the senior class with a 1350 (verbal and math) on the SAT. Information and preliminary applications are available in guidance. Three nominations will be submitted. 9/23 National Co-op Scholarship Program $6,000 Minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA, must be planning to attend Drexel University, Johnson & Wales, Kettering University, northeastern University, Pace University, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Cicinnati, University of Toledo, or Wentworth Institute of Technology. Apply online at www.co-op.edu 2/15 Navy ROTC Scholarship $180,000 Requirements: Students must have minimum SAT scores of 530 CR and 520 M. Must be attending a college that offers NROTC program (in NC – UNC Chapel Hill, NC State, Duke). Students get monthly salary allotment – don’t have to commit to the military until the end of your freshman year. Contact Chief Jeff Bowman, US Navy Recruiter 910 376-0424 for more information. 12/31 NC State University Centennial Scholarship Top students who are interested in the fields of study related to textiles (engineering, business, chemistry, design, apparel, medical fields, etc. Swansboro can nominate two students. Please see Mrs. Simpson no later than 10/25/10 if you would like to if you would like to be considered for this scholarship. 10/25 NC State USBC Youth Scholarship Students must be current members of the USBC and provide information on league games and total games bowled. Coaches signature is required. Applicants must also provide academic information and a personal statement. Applications are available in the guidance office. 3/1 NCAE-FTA Scholarship Applicants must be a member in good standing with a local FTA organization, be planning to major in education, have a 3.0 GPA or higher and be a NC resident. Three letters of recommendation are required. Applications are available in the guidance office. 1/22 New Bridge Middle School Scholarship $500 - $1,000 Students who attended New Bridge Middle school are eligible to apply. Nominee’s character, ability and need for financial assistance will be considered. Three letters of recommendation are required 5/14 New River Officers’ Spouses Club Scholarship Must be a dependent of active duty, retired, or deceased military rank (MCAS, New River); minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA. Applications are available in guidance 3/31 New River Staff NCO Wives Club Must have a valid military ID and be dependent of service member Must be planning to attend 2 or 4 year school Must have at least a 3.0 GPA Must not be recipient of full year scholarship through other source 3/1 North Carolina Retired School Personnel Scholarship $600 Recipient must be planning to go into the field of education. statement are required. 5/8 Three letters of recommendation and a biographical North Carolina State USBC Association, Inc Youth Scholarship $1,500 Seniors must be current member of the NCS USCA and bowling in a certified USBC North Carolina youth league. Must also have an unimpaired amateur standing in bowling. Applications can be picked up in the guidance office or downloaded at www.ncbowls.com . 3/1 Onslow County Association of Office Professionals $350 - $500 Students must be pursuing post secondary education at a 2 year or 4 year college. Application must include essay, letters of recommendation, and academic information. Applications are available in guidance. Onslow County SEAL Scholarship $500 Must have attended the last 12 months of high school in Onslow County or DOD school, must have at least an 80%average for the past 12 months of school, must have good conduct and student’s actions must have promoted peace and goodwill at school, home, or in the community. One scholarship will be awarded to a senior at each of Onslow County Schools. 3/31 Park Scholarship – North Carolina State University Two seniors will be nominated based on the selection criteria of outstanding scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Interested students should submit a resume (including email address) and a personal statement describing their educational and public service interests to Mrs. Simpson in guidance. 9/23 Phi Delta Kappa – ECU Chapter $400 Graduating seniors must be planning to major in education. Essay and two letters of recommendation are required. Applications are available in the guidance office. 2/15 Principal’s Leadership Award One student will be submitted by our school based on leadership skills, participation in service organizations and clubs, achievements in the arts and sciences, employment experience, and academic record. 12/3 Professional Women in Building of Onslow County Home Builder’s Assoc. $500 Applicants must provide letter of acceptance to a 2 or 4 year college. Students must show evidence of participation in extra curricular activities at school and in the community. Essay required explaining why you should be the recipient of scholarship. Scholarship will be awarded based on need. Applications are available in guidance. 4/9 Rolling Thunder Scholarship Applicants between the ages of 17 – 21 A family member whose sponsor meets one of the following criteria: Active duty personnel currently serving within Onslow County, Carteret or Craven County Active duty personnel currently fulfilling an unaccompanied PCS tour whose last duty station was in Onslow County, Carteret or Craven County Retired or deceased military personnel whose last duty station was in Onslow, Carteret or Craven County A current and active member of Rolling Thunder®, Inc., Chapter NC-5. 7/16 Ronald McDonald House Charities Scholarships $1,000 and up Visit the website for more details and application. Must have at least one parent of specified heritage. www.rmhc.org 2/16 SAE Engineering Scholarship Additional information is available in guidance or at www.sae.org/students/engschlr.htm 12/1 SAMMY 2010 (Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year) $7,500 From now until March 2011, teachers, coaches, parents, community members and students are encouraged to nominate a student athlete for the SAMMY award. Criteria is broken down into five areas: Academic performance (35%) Athletic excellence (35%) Leadership (15%0 Community service (10%) Milk experience (5%) 3/5 ST Mildred’s Women’s Guild Scholarship $1,000 Applicants must be registered members of St. Mildred’s Catholic Church in Swansboro NC. Students must submit the following information: High school transcript Two letters of recommendation One page essay stating reasons why applicant should be considered for the scholarship 4/2 Staff NCO Wives Club (Camp Lejeune) $400 Must meet the following requirements: Be dependent of an active duty, retired, or deceased member of the US Armed Forces Graduating senior in Onslow County SAT scores and transcript List of honors and awards Two letters of recommendation Typed personal statement 4/15 State Employees Association of NC (SEANC) Requirements: Parent or guardian must be a member of SEANC (parents who are state employees who want to join can do so before student applies ). Twenty awards are given out state wide. Application materials can be downloaded at www.seanc.org or contact Renee Vaughan at 919 833-6436 ext. 3333 or 800 222-2758. 4/15 State Employees Credit Union People Helping People Scholarship $10,000 ($2500 per year) One graduating senior from each high school in NC will be awarded a $10,000 scholarship to be used at one of the 16 constituent campuses of the University of NC. The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize and reward leadership, integrity, and community involvement. Preference will be given to students whose parents or guardians are public sector employees who live and work in NC. Students must show proof of acceptance at a UNC system school and must be eligible for in-state tuition. SECU employees or their family members are ineligible to apply. Applications are available in the guidance office. 4/15 Steven Robert Campbell Memorial Scholarship $250 Applicant must be planning to attend NC State University. Must have participated in at least one high school sport. Submit an activities resume and brief personal statement regarding plans for career and education (Availability subject to annual funding) 3/1 Suntrust Off to College Scholarship Sweepstakes High school seniors can win a $1,000 scholarship for their first year of college. One winner will be chosen every two weeks from October 30, 2009 through May 14, 2010. Students can register for the drawing every two weeks beginning on Sept. 14. For details, visit www.offtocollege.info or www.suntrusteducation.com . Open Swansboro Rotary Foundation Scholarship $2,000 - $4,000 Students must be attending either Croatan or Swansboro High School and planning to enroll in a two or four year post-secondary program. The scholarship committee will consider Financial need, Academic Achievement, and Other Considerations, when selecting scholarship winners. Applications are available in the guidance office 2/5 The Fountainhead essay contest More that $81,000 in prize money and free materials for classrooms will be given away. For a complete list of rules and guidelines go to www.aynrandeducation.com . 4/26 The Jagannathan Scholarship $3,500 Students must be accepted and planning to attend a UNC System university (UNC Wilmington, UNC Charlotte, etc.) Extracurricular activities, a personal statement, two letters of reference and transcript are required. You must file a CSS Profile form (use code 0093 to identify the Jagannathan Scholarship program). Only one applicant can be submitted by Swansboro High. Applications are available in the guidance office or online at: http://www.cfnc.org/static/pdf/paying/pubs/pdf/JAG_App.pdf 2/9 The National Defense Transportation Association Open to all students planning to attend a two year or four year college pursuing a degree in transportation, logistics, or other business and public administration related fields. 4/24 The Robertson Scholars Program This program recruits the best undergraduate students at Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill. Robertson Scholars have full student rights and privileges at both universities. During the second semester of the sophomore year, the students switch campuses. Duke Scholars live and learn at UNC-CH and UNC-CH Scholars live and learn at Duke. Additional information is available in guidance or at www.robertsonscholars.org 12/1 The Sunshine Lady Foundation, Inc. Unweighted GPA of 3.2 or better, combined SAT of at least 1500 (all three scores), must show financial need as evidenced through FAFSA form, dedicated to leading a healthy lifestyle. Open Thomas Wolfe Scholarship at UNC Chapel Hill Talented writers are encouraged to apply. Recipients are not required to major in writing but must minor in Creative Writing. More information and application available at http://englishcomplit.unc.edu/creative/scholarships/tws 11/1 UNC Greensboro Merit Awards Program Must have minimum 1800 combined SAT or 27 ACT, minimum 3.5 GPA, accepted to UNC G by January 4, 2010. Applications available only online at www.uncg.edu/fia/meritawards . 1/4 United States JCI Senate Foundation Scholarship Program Students who plan to attend any vocational, 2 year or 4 year accredited college or university are eligible. Personal statement and up to five letters of recommendation are required. Applications are available in the guidance office. 12/31