
CS 120 Lecture 10
Events (2)
(Alice In Action, Ch 6)
28 September 2012
Slides Credit: Joel Adams, Alice in Action
• Create new events in Alice
• Create handler methods for Alice events
• Use events to build interactive stories
Alice in Action with Java
• Event: action generated by a user or a program
– Ex: clicking the Play button will generate “When the
world starts” event
• Interactive programs, such as games, are event-driven
• Two steps to making a program respond to an event
– Choose or define a method to handle the event
• Such a method is called an event handler
• Define an event handler when responsive behavior is
– Tell Alice to invoke the method when the event occurs
Alice in Action with Java
Handling Key Presses: A Helicopter
Flight Simulator
• The problem
– The mayor’s cat is lost and city government has halted
– You need to use your helicopter to find the cat
– Search begins at an airport outside the city
Alice in Action with Java
Event Design
• Six keys for six types of helicopter movement
‘a’ key: ascend
‘d’ key: descend
Up arrow key: move forward
Down arrow key: move backward
Left arrow key: turn left
Right arrow key: turn right
• Keys are chosen for two reasons
– Convenient positions and mnemonic values
• Choosing correct keys improves usability
Alice in Action with Java
Helicopter Flight Simulation
• Plan the world for a helicopter simulation
Add airport, helicopter, city terrain, buildings, and a cat
Position the helicopter at the airport
Position camera to be peering out in front of helicopter
Set the camera’s vehicle property to be helicopter
Alice in Action with Java
Helicopter Flight Simulation
• Event handling
– Observation: feasible helicopter motion
depends on its status in air
• E.g. it can only descend, turn L/R, or
move F/B, when it is in air
– Define Boolean property inTheAir for helicopter
– In event handler methods, check the value
of inTheAir and respond accordingly
Alice in Action with Java
Helicopter Flight Simulation
• Making the helicopter ascend (continued)
Add a When a key is typed event
Change event to While a key is typed event
Associate the ‘A’ key with the event
Enable the handler to perform while ‘A’ key is pressed
Alice in Action with Java
Helicopter Flight Simulation
Alice in Action with Java
Helicopter Flight Simulation
• Making the helicopter descend
– Define descend()method for helicopter
• Method logic mirrors the logic of ascend()
• Note that the ground provides a floor for the descent
– Enable descend()to perform while ‘D’ key is pressed
Alice in Action with Java
Helicopter Flight Simulation
Alice in Action with Java
Helicopter Flight Simulation
• Define turnSlightly()to handle left or right turns
– helicopter turns only if inTheAir is true
– turnSlightly()takes a Left or Right argument
– Arrow keys are associated with the method
– Depressing arrow key sends a Left or Right argument
Alice in Action with Java
Helicopter Flight Simulation
• Connect the left and right arrow keys with the method
– Depressing arrow key sends a Left or Right argument
Alice in Action with Java
Helicopter Flight Simulation
• Define go()to handle forward or backward movement
– Logic is similar to logic for turnSlightly()method
Alice in Action with Java
Alice Tip: Using 3-D Text
• Helicopter simulator should have flight instructions
• Solution: add 3-D text that explains the interface
• Creating 3-D text for the simulator
– Return to the Add Objects screen
– Click Create 3D Text (at far end of Local Gallery)
– Add flight instructions in the text box
– Click OK
– Rename the text object, instructions
Alice in Action with Java
Alice Tip: Using 3-D Text (continued)
Alice in Action with Java
Repositioning Text that is Off-Camera
• Right-click instructions to access methods
• Three settings for positioning text in front of camera
– Choose methods->
– Choose methods->move(<direction>,<amount>)
->FORWARD->10 meters
– Choose methods->turn<direction>,<amount>)
->LEFT->1/2 revolution
• Linking text to camera and changing text color
– Set instructions.vehicle to camera
– Set instructions.color to yellow
Alice in Action with Java
Repositioning Text that is Off-Camera
Alice in Action with Java
Adding a Background
• Text for instructions is difficult to read
• Solution: provide a background for the text
• One way to add a background to instructions
– Insert square object (Square is in Shapes Folder)
– Resize and reposition square behind instructions
– Set square.color property to black
– Make light turn to face the instructions
– Set the square.vehicle property to instructions
Alice in Action with Java
Adding a Background (continued)
Alice in Action with Java
Making Text Appear or Disappear
• Another example of two-state behavior
• Implementation strategy
– Add handler to switch value of isShowing property
• Logic of toggleInstructionVisibility()
– Negate the value of isShowing property
– Apply negation to both square and instructions
• Completing the implementation of the handler
– Add a When a key is typed event
– Associate the toggle method with the spacebar
Alice in Action with Java
Making Text Appear or Disappear
Alice in Action with Java
Making Text Appear or Disappear
Alice in Action with Java
Event: action generated by a user or a program
User events: keyboard events and mouse events
Event handler: method called in response to an
Event-driven program: program directed by events
and handlers
Two-state behavior: pattern that switches the state of
an object
Alice in Action with Java
• Readings:
Student To Do’s
– Alice in Action, Chapter 6
• Homework Due Monday @ Lab Session
• Midterm: Friday, Oct 12th on material through today
• We will start Java next week.
– Make sure you have the Java textbook.
• Alice Project
Details on Monday in Lab
Can not be dropped
Groups of 1 to 3 people
In-Class Demos on Tuesday Oct 15th