Name: Date________________ Period ______ A Review of

Name: ________________________________
Date________________ Period ______
A Review of Echinoderms
Read about Echinoderms on pp. 141-145 in your textbook and answer the following questions.
Explain the following characteristics of echinoderms:
1. Pentamerous radial symmetry in adults–
2. Oral side –
3. Endoskeleton 4. Spines –
5. Water vascular system –
6. Tube feet –
7. Madreporite (sea stars and sea urchins) –
What types of organisms belong to each of these echinoderm classes?
Asteroidea -
Ophiuroidea -
Echinoidea -
Holothuroidea -
Crinoidea -
Describe the unique characteristics of each class of echinoderms:
Asteroidea –
(include ambulacral grooves and pedicellariae)
Ophiuroidea –
Echinoidea (include Aristotle’s Lantern)
Holothuroidea (include evisceration)
Crinoidea –
Biology of Echinoderms
Digestion and Feeding
Digestion in sea stars?
Digestion in sea urchins and sea cucumbers?
Circulatory system? How does gas exchange take place?
Nervous System and Behavior
Simple? Complex?
Reproduction and Life Cycle
How are larvae different from adults?
Asexual reproduction?
How do echinoderms breathe?
How do echinoderms move?
What is curious about the way that sea stars eat? Is digestion internal or external?
What is a gonopore?
Why do brittle stars have this common name?
What does the scientific name ‘ Ophiuroidea’ mean?
For what purposes do sea urchins use their spines?
In what type of echinoderm would you find a structure called Aristotle’s lantern?
For what purpose is this structure used?
What is one major difference between the larvae and adult forms of echinoderms?
What do pedicellariae do?
What is the organism of choice for the study of reproduction?
What are the defenses of a sea cucumber?
Where are members of the class Crinoidea generally found?
Which class of echinoderms is the most ancient?
Which echinoderms are suspension feeders?
Which echinoderms are deposit feeders?
BioMEDIA associates: the biology of echinoderms video found at
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