Dracula Study Guide Chapters 3 and 4 Ryan - LMS-English-8

Chapters 3 & 4 – Study Guide
Chapters 3-4:
1. Describe Jonathan Harker’s thoughts after he discovers the Count laying the table in the
dining room.
When Jonathan finds the Count setting the table in the dining room, his initial thoughts
about Castle Dracula are confirmed. Jonathan realizes that Dracula has no servants in his
castle; only himself. He also realizes that the stagedriver was Dracula in disguise. Pg. 38
2. Count Dracula claims to be the ancestor of what famous warrior?
Dracula claims to be the ancestor of Attila the Hun. Pg. 39
3. What does the Count warn Jonathan not to do when he is alone at night?
The Count warns Jonathan not to sleep in any other parts of his castle besides Jonathan’s
room and the living room right off the entrance to Castle Dracula. Pg. 45
4. Describe the way Jonathan Harker sees the Count leave the Castle.
Jonathan sees Count Dracula leave his castle by crawling out his window and face down
to the castle grounds. Jonathan describes it similar to the way that a “lizard crawls a
wall.” Pg. 47
5. Jonathan Harker falls asleep in the parlor. What does he see upon waking?
When Jonathan wakes up in the parlor, he sees the vampires of three ladies that the Count
had seduced and brought to his castle. Pg. 51
6. Describe the Count’s reaction to finding the women with Jonathan Harker.
When the Count saw the women with Jonathan Harker, he goes into a fit of rage. He says
that Jonathan belongs to him, and goes on to question “How dare you touch him!” He’s
very protective of Jonathan, probably because Jonathan will be his meal. Pg. 53
7. What does Jonathan Harker believe he hears coming from the bag the Count had thrown
to the floor?
Jonathan believes that he hears the cry of a suffocating child in the bag that the Count
throws to the ladies. Pg. 54
8. What happens to the women and the bag?
The women, with the bag that the Count gave to them, faded away until they became
invisible and seemed to go out through an open window in the castle. Pg. 54
9. The Count instructs Jonathan to write three letters home. What is the content of these
The content of the three letters that the Count instructs Jonathan to write three letters
home, one that says he is almost done with his work at the castle, one that said he was
starting for home at the next morning of the time of the letter, and one that said he had
arrived at Bistritz. Pg. 56
10. Jonathan attempts to send letters home without the Count reading them. What happens to
the letters?
The letters that Jonathan attempts to send home without the Count’s knowledge are given
to the Szgany, or a group of travelling gypsies, that are staying in the Count’s court.
Jonathan tries to get them to send the letters to Mina and Mr. Hawkins, but the gypsies
instead give the letters back to the Count. Pg. 57
11. What does Jonathan discover upon waking on 31 May?
When Jonathan wakes up on the 31st of May, he realizes that the Count has taken away
all of Jonathan’s possessions that would be useful outside of the castle, including his suit
and overcoat and all of his train schedules. Pg. 59
12. What do the Slovaks deliver to the castle?
The Slovaks delivered large empty boxes to Castle Dracula. Pg. 60
13. When Count Dracula leaves the castle on 24 June, what does Jonathan Harker notice?
When the Count leaves the castle on the 24, Jonathan notices that he is wearing the
clothes that Jonathan brought to Castle Dracula on the day of his arrival. He realizes that
the Count will post the letter he forced Jonathan to write and pretend as if Jonathan has
left his castle by wearing Jonathan’s clothes. Pg. 60
14. Jonathan goes to the window when he hears the agonizing cry of a woman. What does
she yell upon seeing Jonathan’s face in the window?
When the woman sees Jonathan’s face in the window, she yells “Monster, give me my
child!” The woman believes that Jonathan is the Count. Pg. 62
15. What happens to the woman as she continues to bang on the door of the Count’s castle?
As the woman continues to bang on the door of the Count, the Count calls the wolves to
the woman. The wolves consume her. Pg. 63
16. Jonathan decides to climb the wall of the castle into the Count’s room. Describe what
Jonathan Harker discovers in the Count’s room.
When Jonathan reaches the Count’s room, he discovers a pile of old currencies from
different countries, as wells as jewels, chains, and ornaments. Pg. 65
17. Jonathan tells the Count that he wants to leave the night of 29 June, but he suddenly
changes his mind. Why?
Jonathan changes his mind because the Count had called his wolves to the entranceway,
and had Jonathan walked out of Castle Dracula, he would’ve been consumed like the
woman who wanted her child. Pg. 68
18. What does Jonathan Harker find when he goes back to the Count’s room to look for a key
to the door?
When Jonathan Harker goes back to the Count’s room to look for the key to the door, he
finds the Count, who has gorged on blood. His face is swollen, blood is trickling down
his neck, and he appears to be younger than the night before. Pg. 71