Week of May 21-25, 2012 Thanks to Ben Soberg and his parents, Tarryn and Randy, we are going to have pizza from the Pizza Hut on Thursday for lunch. Tarryn and Randy “won” the Pizza Party for a Class at the Tiger Fun Fair’s Silent Auction. Pizza and soda pop will be provided. If your child would like other food to accompany this meal, they may certainly bring additional victuals to add to their meal. Thanks, Ben, Tarryn and Randy for this delicious treat! We visited the MS today. The students were given a tour of the MS by 8th grade WEB leaders (MS student leaders), ate lunch, listened to the MS band and met with Mrs. Klinkner and Mr. Haas, the MS principal and assistant principal. I am sure your child will have much to tell you when they arrive home today. If you want to be the recipient of a hermit crab, continue reading; if you don’t want a hermit crab, stop now! Mr. Pickles, Shy guy and Mr. Shades will be going home with three lucky students at the end of the school year. Each child who is interested in owning a hermit crab must write a persuasive essay explaining why they will be an excellent owner to a crustacean. Two English teachers will read the essays and the creators of the winning essays will go home with a hermit crab! Parents, if your child chooses to write a persuasive letter, please send a note which states that your child has permission to provide a home to a hermit crab. Essays are due Friday, May 25th. The hermit crabs will go home the following week. I learned something new this week. Delano Elementary fourth graders are the only fourth graders are the only fourth grade students who are able to attend Camp Friendship for the team building activities! Typically, students must be older to participate in these activities, but Delano fourth graders are so well-behaved, they make an exception for our students! Wow! That is one more reason to be proud of your child! Dates to Remember: Tuesday, May 22: 4th Grade Concert Thursday, May 24: Pizza Hut pizza for lunch Friday, May 25: Hermit Crab persuasive essays are due MATH LANGUAGE Unit 9: Fractions, Decimals and Percents Vocabulary: percent, regular price/list price, discount, percent of discount, sale or discounted price Skills: describe data using percents. multiply and divide using decimals Reading Vocabulary: identified, enterprising, persistence and venture ARTS SOCIAL STUDIES SCIENCE/ HEALTH TECH NOLOGY SPELLING HOMEWORK IMPORTANT DATES STUPENDOUS STUDENTS (These students have returned all homework due on the assigned date.) Skills: vocabulary, comprehension skill of compare and contrast, inflected verb endings ex. admitting, offered, tagged and married and identify main verb and helping verb Story: independent reading books and “Kid Reporters at Work” Writing: poetry and respond to a writing prompts Minnesota Geography The students will have health with Mrs. Knisley. We will have computer one day this week! Week 31 spelling words Monday: read, write misspelled words 5 times and S.L. 9.7 Tuesday: read and practice spelling words – Music Program tonight Wednesday: read and write misspelled words 5 times Thursday: read, practice spelling words and S.L. 9.8 Friday: read and review spelling words Reading Log Assignment for week: Students must read a minimum of 120 minutes per week during May. Thursday, May 31: 4th Grade Track and Field Day Monday, June 4: 4th Grade Sleepover Wednesday, June 6: Last day of 4th Grade Elliot Alex Cade Nathan Michael Cam Allie Tate Ben John Matt Chandler Courtney Meghan Sara Charlotte Naomi Ellis Hannah Adam Lauren Helayna Kyra Signed reading logs are due Monday or the first day of the school week. SNACK SCHEDULE Monday, May 21: Ben Tuesday, May 22: Hannah Wednesday, May 23: Michael Thursday, May 24: John Friday, May 25: Tate Please send 22 snacks on your designated snack day. If it is your birthday, please remember that we have 26 people in our room. The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day. O.A. Battista