¿Qué te gusta(n)? ¿Qué no te gusta(n)? y ¿Qué te gusta hacer? What do you like? Don’t like? Like to do? Objective: So far in Spanish 1 you have learned how to express what you and others like, don’t like and like to do. Your objective is to create a poster or other form of presentation (powerpoint, prezi etc.) to show off what you and others like, don’t like, and like to do. For each of your sentences you should have a picture that displays the item or action in which the person likes or dislikes. In your “Like” section you should have 3 separate gustar sentences: 1- To express what you like (yo form) 1- To express what your best friend likes (mi mejor amigo(a) form) 1- To express what you and your best friend like (mi mejor amigo(a) y yo/nosotros(as) form) In the “Dislike” section you should have 3 separate gustar sentences: 1- To express what you don’t like (yo form) 1- To express what your best friend doesn’t likes (mi mejor amigo(a) form) 1- To express what you and your best friend don’t like (mi mejor amigo(a) y yo/nosotros(as) form) In the “Like to do” (using verbs) section you should have 3 separate gustar sentences: 1- To express what you like to do (yo form) 1- To express what your best friend likes to do (mi mejor amigo(a) form) 1- To express what you and your best friend like to do (mi mejor amigo(a) y yo /nosotros(as) form) 9 sentences x 2 pts = 18 pts Sentences will be scored on grammatical accuracy and structure (do the P.I.Cs match the subject and are you using the correct form of gustar/ is it in the right order (A.B.C) and variety of vocabulary used (are you using different vocabulary and verbs). 9 pictures (one per sentence) x 1 pt = 9 pts Do you have a picture or drawing that describes each sentence? Project on time and has color = 3 pts Did you use color and was it turned in on the due date? Project total: 30 pts PROJECT DUE DATE: __________________________________________