My Ears are Ringing: A presentation of Tinnitus


Kelly C. Waldvogel, Au.D.

Doctor of Audiology

Northwestern Medicine

What is tinnitus?

What causes tinnitus?

Factors that influence tinnitus.

How do we manage tinnitus?

/’tinit ə s,ti’n ī -/

Sounds heard in the ear(s) that are not present in the environment; “ringing in the ears”; phantom perceptions

Hissing, roaring, static, crickets, screeching, sirens, whooshing, pulsing, ocean waves, buzzing, clicking, etc.

“normal tinnitus” having occasional tinnitus that lasts a short time and goes away on its own

Significant tinnitus-having constant tinnitus, but it may fluctuate from day to day

Subjective tinnitus: meaning only the person can hear it

• 95%

Objective tinnitus: an examiner can hear it using a stethoscope

• 5%

Approximately 15% of the world population has tinnitus

10-20% of people seek medical help

70-90% of individuals with tinnitus show some hearing deficit when tested

The incidence and prevalence of tinnitus increases with age and severity of hearing loss

• Outer ear disorders

Inner ear disorders

Cardiovascular disease

High blood pressure

Multiple sclerosis

Kidney transplant/renal disease

• Poor circulation

Hypothyroid/hyperthy roid disorders

High cholesterol

Vascular disorders

Jaw joint disorders

Cervical or neck disorders

Certain medications

• Lyme disease

• Zinc deficiency

*If an individual has one of the above, it does not mean that they will have tinnitus

Hearing loss

• Outer/Middle Ear: ear wax, allergies, middle ear infection, etc

Inner Ear: hearing loss, noise exposure, etc

Difficulties arise when individuals experience the following as a result of tinnitus:

• Difficulty sleeping and/or concentrating

Focusing/concentrating on speech


Frustration, depression

Annoyance, irritation


Regardless of the initial cause of the tinnitus it is perceived and processed in the brain

Because most people with tinnitus also show some hearing loss it is thought that it is related to auditory deprivation

• Similar to phantom limb syndrome

Additionally, activation of the limbic or emotional system also contributes to tinnitus

Auditory or Hearing Area

Limbic or Emotional Area

Visit an Audiologist

Discussion of the time frame of tinnitus symptoms and other associated symptoms

Hearing evaluation is completed

Recommendations of treatment and management for tinnitus and/or hearing loss

• Referral to other medical providers as needed

There are currently no proven medications that treat tinnitus

HOWEVER, there are MANY ways to help manage tinnitus and an individuals reaction to tinnitus

• Hearing Devices with or without hearing loss

Use of sound in quiet environments

Relaxation techniques

Audiology Services-Department of


675 North Saint Clair Street, Galter 15-200

Chicago, IL 60611

Coles, R.R. (1984) Epidemiology of tinnitus. J Laryngol Otol

Suppl. 9, 7-15

Dobie, R.A. (2004). Overview: suffering from tinnitus. In:

Snow JB, editor. Tinnitus:Theory and Management. Lewiston,

NY: BC Deker Inc. 1-7

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication

Disorders (2001, February) The noise in your ears: Facts

about tinnitus (NIH Pub No 00-4896). Bethesda, MD

Sweetow, R.W. (2000) Cognitive-behavior modifiction In:

Tyler RS. Editor. Tinnitus Handbook. San Diego: Singular

Publishing Group, 297-311

Sweetow, R.W. and Widex A/S(2012) Widex Zen Therapy:

Managing the effects of tinnitus.

All Images were obtained from Google Images
