The Buffalo Hunt “Kokum, when are we going to be at Buffalo Jump

The Buffalo Hunt
“Kokum, when are we going to be at Buffalo Jump?’’ I said.
It was the 1988, we lived in the Blackfoot region, and we spoke Algonquian.
Kokum didn’t answer me so I said it again, “ Kokum when are we going to
be at Buffalo Jump? This ride is so tedious!’’
Kokum finally answered, “Oh, it’s going to be a long time still. Why don’t I
tell you a story?”
“Fine”, I said.
Kokum started like this, “It was a beautiful sunny day so my dad wanted to
take me to Buffalo Jump, just like today, but I wasn’t in a taxi like this I was on a
horse because they didn’t invent cars yet. It was the 1900’s in those days, anyway
when we got there, I got to go in tents and play games. It was very fun. The tents
were big and we told stories there. People sang and we used drums. We danced
and learned there was a big cliff, that’s where the buffaloes were. The buffalo
were big and mean with long horns the buffalo were for us to eat!
This is how we got the buffalo: And then someone would dress up as a wolf
and chase the buffalo off the cliff, then they would fall off and die and then.
I was very interested in them, so I went to go see the buffalo I didn’t go too
close to them, but I did want to so I decided to go close to them but I was scared!
They announced who would be dressing up and chasing the buffalo. It was
a boy named “Buffalo horn” and then he was a man who always chased the
buffalo every year because he was very good at it. When he got in the wolf hide
and when everyone was distracted I snuck in
When he ran I ran too. I was feeling brave.
When everyone saw me, they all stared at me and shouted at me “get out
of there, you’re going to get hurt!”
I didn’t listen to them, I just ran faster
Soon I past the man named Buffalo horn. Buffalo horn said “get out of
there this is dangerous.”
I ignored him and kept on running in my moccasins and my Indian
headband with a feather on top. It shook as I ran
When I ran towards the buffalo it started to chase me! I thought as fast as I
could. The only thing I could think of was to try to scare it away because I was
very scared so I thought I would be good at scaring it
I roared and yelled, I ran faster and faster towards it, I made buffalo noises
because maybe it could mean something to them
Then I realized I made a big mistake. Teasing the buffalo made it mad and
more aggressive, so it chased me faster! One of its horns even poked me.
The buffalo looked like it was running a race! Or a marathon
I yelled “help, help but everyone was too scared.
I thought I was going to die
I thought very hard, then I had it.
I was going to try and run very fast towards a cliff to make the buffalo fall
also by turning sharp
I ran very fast but the buffalo would find a short cut every time.
I was all out of ideas and I didn’t know what to do.
All of a sudden Buffalo horn saved me !
It was like the very most exciting/scariest thing that’s ever happened to
He picked me up and carried me I got to see all the buffalo get chased off
the cliff. Everyone cheered for buffalo horn
After all the commotion we had a big buffalo supper and everyone was
“Wow Kokum” I yelled with excitement, was that true?”
“yes” she said, with a little giggle.
“Did you actually chase a buffalo, and buffalo horn….did he actually save
“Yes, all of this is true.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“Look, we’re at buffalo jump, but remember, don’t chase any buffalo”
“OK Kokum,” I said surprised.
When we arrived at buffalo jump it was very fun. I even saw Buffalo horn!
He told me what he experienced and how he saved my Kokum, but there
was one thing Buffalo horn mentioned that Kokum didn’t, Kokum’s name became
“Brave spirit!”
After talking to Buffalo horn we went in a tent like what Kokum (Brave
spirit) said in the story she told me. We played games and told stories, we sang
and used drums.
Kokum and I seen the buffalo fall off the cliff too!
When Kokum and I got home I told my mother (Malka) what happened.
Now I have a story to tell everyone!
The end