Determination of SUSY Parameters at LHC/ILC Hans-Ulrich Martyn RWTH Aachen & DESY Outline • • • • • • • H-U Martyn Why and how to explore supersymmetry Discovery and measurements at LHC Precision measurements at ILC Reconstructing supersymmetry Dark matter and colliders Scenarios off mainstream Summary and outlook SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 2 Why supersymmetry Most attractive extension of Standard Model • • • • • • • ensures naturalness of hierarchy scales unification of fundamental gauge forces provides cold dark matter candidate stabilisation of light Higgs mass corrections local SUSY incorporates gravity additional sources of CP violation maximal symmetry of fermions & bosons Ellis et al 06 EW data consistent with weak-scale SUSY LHC experiments outcome extremely important, huge impact on future projects - ILC, VLHC, superB, super… discovery - revolution in particle physics H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 3 MSSM • • Building blocks SM MSSM – duplication of particles sparticles – 105 new parameters in MSSM R-parity conserving Biggest mystery - symmetry breaking invoke hidden sector Hidden sector • Flavour blind mediators MSSM sector Plethora of mediation mechanisms: gravity, gauge, gaugino, anomaly, string inspired, … reduced set of parameters – what are dominant effects producing couplings of hidden sector and MSSM fields: tree-level, loop-induced, ..., ? H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 4 Soft parameters GUT scale low scale MSSM mSUGRA: m0, m1/2, A, tanβ, sign string inspired models Observables masses, decay widths, spin, couplings, mixings, quantum numbers, cross-sections , tanβ, Af RPV, CPV, LFV … GMSB neutralinos/charginos sleptons squarks Higgs (h,H,A) AMSB ….. at present RGE MGUT, MX, MS, HO corrections, renormalisation scheme..., ? H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 5 Soft parameters GUT scale low scale MSSM mSUGRA: m0, m1/2, A, tanβ, sign string inspired models Observables masses, decay widths, spin, couplings, mixings, quantum numbers, cross-sections , tanβ, Af RPV, CPV, LFV … GMSB neutralinos/charginos sleptons squarks Higgs (h,H,A) AMSB ….. in future all obstacles solvable with sufficient precision data -H-U Martyn need new techniques at hadron colliders SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 6 Experimental facilities ILC LHC pp • • • • 14 TeV 2007 commissioning @ 0.9 TeV 2008 start operation @ 14 TeV goal: few fb-1 per experiment 2010 reliable results on new physics, discoveries? huge discovery potential up to scales of m ~ 2.5 TeV H-U Martyn e+e- • • • • • • 1 TeV 2006 reference design 2009 technical design 2010 + … ready for decision 7 - 8 years construction polarised e+e-, e-e-, γγ high-precision measurements up to kinematic limit 0.5 - 1 TeV SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 7 Exploring supersymmetry LHC Dominant production of strongly interacting squarks, gluinos Many states produced at once, long decay chains complicated final states ILC Production of non-colored sleptons, neutralinos, charginos Select exclusive reactions, bottom-up approach, model independent analysis Considerable synergy between LHC and ILC combined analyses, concurrent running SPS 1a’ mSUGRA benchmark favourable for LHC & ILC H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 8 Discovering SUSY at LHC • • Signatures from gluino/squark decay chain: high pT multi-jets, isolated leptons, large missing energy Inclusive search Meff=∑1,4ETi + ETmiss QCD background reliably calculable? W, Z, tt production Anastasiou H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 9 Early discovery of SUSY at LHC? • Is there New Physics? What is the scale? Science community expects fast and reliable answers, e.g. planning for future facilities • • Understanding detector and ETmisss spectrum crucial! Discovery potential vs luminosity H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 10 Reconstructing masses at LHC Exploit variety of invariant mass distributions, low & high end points Construct kinematic constraints on sparticle masses precise mass differences seriously limited by poor neutralino mass strong slR - χ1 correlation Nojiri, SUSY06 H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 11 Reconstructing masses at LHC • • • • End point method: waste of statistics and information Mass relation method: exact kinematics using complete events bbll channel – – – 5 masses: each event define 4-dim hypersurface in 5-dim mass space 5 events sufficient to solve mass equations many events: overconstraint fit, solve for masses, improved resolution All sparticle masses known: reconstruction LSP momentum Kawagoe, Nojiri, Polesello 2004 H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 12 Spin, L/R sfermion? • • • • • Shape of decay distribution carry spin information Problems: pick up correct combination quark + near lepton, tell ql+ from anti-ql+ Solution: lepton charge asymmetry Assumptions: more squarks than antisquarks squarks/sleptons dominantly left or right neutralino spin ½ Distinct from other models, e.g. UED spinless H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 13 Finding sparticles with help of ILC • Light neutralinos and chargino found at ILC Prediction of masses of heavy neutralinos and chargino • may not be accessible at ILC New particle can be identified at LHC via ‘edge’ in the di-lepton mass spectrum ~ 0 2 ~ 0 4 LHC/ILC interplay: Phys.Rept.426 (2006) 47 H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 14 SPS 1a’ spectrum from LHC • • • LHC analysis access to high mass states, sleptons and gauginos via cascades resolution limited by strong correlations with neutralino LSP mass differences much more accurate Correct interpretation? neutralino sneutrino Aguilar-Saavedra et al 2006 H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC KK photon 15 Masses at ILC • Energy spectrum, end points flat energy spectrum δm ~ 0.1 GeV • Threshold excitation curve characteristic β dependence, steep rise δm ~ 0.05 - 0.2 GeV H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 16 Masses -stau Stau production flat energy spectrum distorted to triangular shape fit upper end point mstau • E+ E- mstau = 173 GeV δm ~ 0.3 GeV Coannihilation region small Δm = mstau-mχ 3 GeV accessible difficult measurement due to huge γγ bkg important to get DM constraint very problematic for LHC Point D’ mstau = 218 GeV Δm = 5 GeV δm ~ 0.15 GeV h-um 04 H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 17 Masses - gauginos Neutralino production Chargino production Many reactions to get the mass of the lightest neutralino very accurately! δm ~ 0.05 GeV H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 18 Masses - cascade decays Decay chains à la LHC kinematics of cascade decay provides access to intermediate slepton 2-fold ambiguity for mass solutions extremely narrow mass peak δm/m ~ 5∙10-5 Similarly: selectron reconstruction H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC Berggren 05 19 Masses & mixings Chargino sector Mass matrix masses from threshold excitation Mixings polarised cross sections σL,R[11] and σL,R[12] disentangle ambiguities and determine mixing angles cos 2ΦLR Choi et al 2000 H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 20 Masses & mixings Stop production lightest squark in many scenarios, difficult to detect at LHC Mixing polarised cross sections SPS 5 Bartl et al 97 Minimal mass reconstructed from kinematics, momentum correlations, using mχ peak at mstop Finch et al 04 H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 21 Spin Threshold production and Angular distribution all masses known: reconstruction polar angle Θ (2-fold ambiguity) Unambiguous spin assignment model inependent, distinct from e.g. UED L/R quantum numbers via polarisation R sfermions prefer right-handed electrons e-R L sfermions prefer left-handed electrons e-L H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC Choi et al 2006 22 Couplings Basic element of SUSY identical gauge and Yukawa couplings SU(2) gauge g = Yukawa ĝ U(1) gauge g’ = Yukawa ĝ’ Slepton production H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC Freitas et al, 04 23 SPS 1a’ spectrum from LHC+ILC Coherent LHC+ILC analysis • • • complementary spectrum completed superior to sum of individual analyses accuracy increased by 1-2 orders of magnitude Challenge: experimental accuracy matched by theory? Aguilar-Saavedra et al 2006 H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 24 How to proceed? • We want to understand the relation between the visible sector, observables, and the fundamental theory SUSY provides a predictive framework • How precise can we predict masses, x-sections, branching ratios, couplings, … ? • Which precision can be achieved on parameters of the MSSM Lagrangian? • – – – – – many relations between sparticle masses at tree-level, much worse at loop-level choice of renormalisation scheme? Lagrangian parameters not directly measurable parameters not always directly related to a particular observable, e.g. µ,tan ß fitting procedure, … Can we reconsruct the fundamental theory at high scale? – – unification of couplings, soft masses, … ? which SUSY breaking mechanism, origin of SUSY breaking? Goals of the SPA Project H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 25 SPA convention and project • Supersymmetry Parameter Analysis • SPA Convention • Supported by ~100 theorists & experimentalists renormalisation schemes / LE parameters / observables Program repository theor. & expt. analyses / LHC+ILC tools / Susy Les Houches Accord • scheme translation, RGE & spectrum calculators, event generators, fitting, … Theoretical and experimental tasks short- and long-term sub-projects, SUSY calc. vs expt., LO NLO NNLO, …, • • new channels & observables, combine LHC+ILC data Reference point SPS 1a’ Hollik, Robens derivative of SPS 1a, consistent with all LE and cosmological data Future developments CP-MSSM, NMSSM, RpV, effective string theory, etc. You are invited to join! H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC EPJC 46 (2006) 43 26 Extracting Lagrange parameters Global fit of all available ‘data’ to most up-to-date HO calculations input: masses, edges, x-sects, BRs from LHC & ILC ~120 values incl. realistic error correlations theory: no errors (no reliable estimate available) output: ~20 parameters tools Fittino (Bechtle, Desch, Wienemann), SFitter (Lafaye, Plehn, D. Zerwas) Results SPS 1a’ high precision LHC alone not able to constrain most parameters H-U Martyn Arkani-Hamed SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 27 High-scale extrapolation • Gauge couplings α-1 grand unification ~2σ / giU~2% H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC ε3 at ~8σ level 28 High-scale extrapolation • Universality of gaugino & scalar mass parameters in mSUGRA 1/Mi[GeV-1] Mj2 [103 GeV2] Mj2 [103 GeV2] mSUGRA GMSB MM • • Q [GeV] Q [GeV] Q [GeV] Evolution in GMSB distinctly different from mSUGRA Bottom-up evolution of Lagrange parameters provides high sensitivity to SUSY breaking schemes Porod H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 29 Testing mSUGRA mSUGRA fit excellent Universality can be tested in bottom-up approach non-coloured sector at permil to percent level colored sector needs improvement LHC+ILC: Telescope to Planck scale physics H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 30 Dark matter & colliders Cold dark matter in Universe ΩDM≈ 22% ΩDMh2 = 0.105 ± 0.008 WMAP Understanding nature of cold dark matter requires • direct detection DM particle in astrophysical expt • precise measurement of DM particle mass & spin at colliders • compare relic density calculation with observation Ωχ h2~ 3 ∙10-27cm3s-1/<σv> requires typical weak interaction annihilation cross section Candidates: neutralino, gravitino, sneutrino, axino, … Formation: freeze out of thermal equilibrium in general Ωχ » 0.2, annihilation mechanism needed thermal production late decays Kraml, Allanach H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC metastable stau 31 Neutralino dark matter SPS 1a’ ‘bulk region’ annihilation through slepton exchange χχ тт, bb σχχ depends on light slepton masses & couplings LHC: precision ~20% (very high lumi) assuming mSUGRA, ‘a posteriori’ estimate/fix of unconstrained parameters, e.g. mixings LHC + ILC: precision ~1-2% matches WMAP/Planck expts Reliable prediction for direct neutralino - proton detection cross section Baltz 06 H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 32 Neutralino dark matter LCC2 ‘focus point region’ heavy sfermions, light gauginos annihilation ΧΧ WW, ZZ σχχ depends on M1, M2, μ, tanβ LHC: study gluino decays, not enough constraints to solve neutralino matrix LHC + ILC: ~10% precision on relic abundance μ LHC multiple solutions wino bino Higgsino M1 parasitic LHC peak at Ωχ ~ 0 ILC resolves H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 33 Gravitino dark matter Gravitino mass set by SUSY breaking scale F of mediating interaction m3/2 =F/√3∙MP Planck scale MP =2.4∙1018 GeV In general free parameter depending on scenario supergravity, gaugino, gauge mediation m3/2 = TeV … eV Most interesting: gravitino LSP, stau NLSP m3/2 = few GeV - few 100 GeV Dominant decay gravitational coupling, lifetime sec - years Gravitino not detectable in astrophysical expts H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 34 Gravitino dark matter Detecting metastable staus & gravitinos identify & record stopping stau stau mass wait until decay stau lifetime measure τ recoil spectra gravitino mass rare radiative decays gravitino spin γ- τ correlations in LHC detectors not appropriate stau mass ok, no lifetime or decay spectra moderate rate, high background, busy timing external absorber/calorimeter needed ILC ideal environment high rate, adjustable via cms energy low duty cycle ~0.5%, excellent calorimetry Hamaguchi et al 04, Feng, Smith 04, DeRoeck et al 05, H-UM 06 H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 35 Gravitino dark matter GDM ε scenario mo=m3/2=20 GeV, M1/2=440 GeV ILC case study L=100 fb-1 @ 500 GeV (<1 year data taking) • Prolific stau production • Lifetime measurement • Decay spectrum • Access to Planck scale / Newton’s constant SUSY breaking scale • Unique test of supergravity: gravitino = superpartner of graviton H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC trap H-U M, EPJC 48 (2006) 15 36 Off mainstream scenarios • • • Scenario SPS 1a’ is just a benchmark, a test bed Nature may be very different from SPS 1a’, mSUGRA, or … Other possibilities – – – – – – – – • complex parameters, CP phases baryogenesis lepton flavour violation neutrino masses R-parity violation unstable LSP, neutrino masses alternative SUSY breaking mediation anomaly, gauge, gaugino, … mixed scenarios of SUSY breaking additional matter/gauge fields additional dimensions split SUSY and many more … NMSSM, UMSSM, ESSM, … Different signatures at LHC / ILC H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 37 CP phases SPS 1a CPV in SUSY may explain baryon asymmetry CP phases Bartl et al m=380 GeV affect CP-even quantities generate CP-odd observables (triple products) EDM constraints for 1st, 2nd generation sfermions and charginos/neutralinos mSUGRA Φμ < 0.1-0.2 Stop decay widths μ, At strong phase dependence Φ(At) of stop chargino + b Neutralino sector in selectron production μ, M1 pure Χi0 exchange in t and u channel S/√L transversely polarised e-e- beams cross section CP even azimuthal asymmetry CP odd complementary to H-U Martyn 2 σ @ L=100 fb-1 pse_L∙(se1x se2) Kernreiter, Rolbiecki SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 38 Lepton Flavour Violation LFV in slepton pair production Seesaw mechanism to generate neutrino masses mν LR extension: νR singlet fields and superpartners added to MSSM sensitivity σLFV ~ 0.1-1 fb Majorana mass scale MR~1013-1014 GeV radiative decay Br(μeγ)~10-13 Deppisch Deppisch et al 04 μe SPS 1a τμ Massive neutrinos affect RGEs of sleptons flavour off-diagonal terms with large Yukawa couplings for 3rd generation kink in evolution of L3, H2 M(νR3) = (5.9±1.6) 1014 GeV SPS 1a’ Blair et al 05 H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 39 Split SUSY SUSY breaking scale split between scalar & gaugino sectors Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos Spectrum light Higgs, neutralinos, charginos, gluino squarks, sleptons, H, A extremely heavy Signatures strongly dependent on gluino lifetime long-lived gluino, R-hadrons LHC displaced vertices stable R0 missing ET Kilian et al 04 stable R+ balanced pT Chargino/neutralino sector LHC & ILC conventional phenomenology for searches/masses anomalous Yukawa couplings from gaugino-Higgsino mixing Both LHC & ILC needed to establish SUSY Lagrangian at common scalar mass scale m˜ Provenza H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 40 Summary & outlook Experiments at LHC will tell if weak-scale supersymmetry is realised in nature Methods and techniques have been developed to discover and explore supersymmetry. Close contacts between experiment and theory are needed to go beyond basic discovery SPA project provides a platform for discussions Both accelerators, the LHC and a future ILC, are necessary to understand the sparticle spectrum in detail and to unravel in a model-independent way the fundamental supersymmetry theory High-precision measurements of low-energy Lagrange parameters offer the unique possibility to perform reliable extrapolations towards the GUT / Planck scale and to test the concepts of unification of the laws of physics H-U Martyn SUSY parameter determination at LHC/ILC 41