TBLT and Less Commonly Taught Languages Curriculum Development Facing challenges in FL programs: phonological development automatic oral production of non salient forms John MacDermott Director, Instructional Technology Junko Takada SLA Lexicology Specialist Project Research Assistant Albert Matthews Senior Support Specialist for Instructional Technology Edward Dixon Coordinator for Technology in Foreign Languages University of Pennsylvania, US ********************************************** Development of Curriculum Incorporating Web Based Oral Tasks ********************************************** Sponsored by: The Ivy League Language Learning & Teaching Consortium Junko Hondo University of Pennsylvania, US / Lancaster University, UK hondoj@sas.upenn.edu International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching September, 2005 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 1 Challenges in Less Commonly Taught Languages Classroom Promote oral production using Limited exposure to the target language outside of the classroom non salient forms outside of the presents difficulties classroom → CALL? Task-based Syllabus per se: i) “its representation of communicative competence as the undertaking and Empirical studies: Positive phonological development achievement of a range of Phonological adjustment is said to outcomes of CMC tasks (Kern, tasks; be difficult after the 1995, Kitabe, 2000, ii) its direct reliance on the critical/sensitive period Salaberry,2000 among others) contributions of learners in terms of the mobilisation of automatic oral production of non Creation of web based oral / the prior communicative salient forms written tasks incorporated within competence which learners Non salient linguistic features for the existing curriculum L2 learners are reported to be bring to any task; difficult to learn and are prone to iii) its emphasis upon the fossilize universally learning process as * Task-based approach to appropriate content during syllabus (Breen,1987, Skehan, Attempt at a solution? → language learning” 1996, White, 1988) (White 1988:102) 2 Task Type and Effects: Theoretical Perspectives Open (indeterminate) Closed (discrete) Facilitates comprehension, more negotiation of meaning, more learner speech (interlanguage) modification One way information flow Two way information flow One way information flow Two way information flow Fluency Enhancement Accuracy and Complexity Enhancement Fluency Enhancement Accuracy and Complexity Enhancement Structure Based Structure Based Structure Based Structure Based Non Structure based Non Structure based Non Structure Based Facilitates Accuracy under Facilitates Accuracy under Facilitates Accuracy under Facilitates Accuracy under Unpressured Conditions Unpressured Conditions Unpressured Conditions Unpressured Conditions Non Structure based 3 Tasks: 4 themes i. ii. iii. iv. Phonological development and self evaluation skills Transformation of the nature of the feedback: implicitness → explicitness Revealing the effect of synchronous and asynchronous communication Tracking the cognitive registration of form: strong feasibility of longitudinal study Self evaluation Tasks Focused Form Interaction Feedback Synchronous vs Asynchronous Tracking Attentional shift Telephone Message Oral Diary Spot the difference Story construction Jigsaw Discussion Chat Story construction Jigsaw Spot the difference Story construction Jigsaw Supra-segmental Double vowel Flap “R” Word final “N” Tense aspect - Honorific terminologies Adjective transformation NNS – NNS NS - NNS Locative terminologies Particles Tense aspect NNS - NNS Adjective transformation Locative terminologies NNS – NNS 4 NS - NNS Sample Self Evaluation “sing-song”-like dropped “N” sound flat intonations (NS evaluation is reverse) choppy between words (NS evaluation is reverse) O after N was difficult (glottal – high back) alternated sounds: Ka → Ga (Pe → Be, Za → Jya were unmentioned) 9 8 7 6 5 Week 15 Week 28 4 3 2 Decrease in number of mistakes from NS evaluations over 13 weeks (Chart) Double vowel has been manifested for all subjects: no mistakes found 13 weeks later There was no improvement in pronouncing Japanese flap “R” regardless of L1 of the subjects Improvement was evident for both word final “N” and supra segmentation 1 0 SS SS: D. V: F.N: Flap R: D.V F.N Flap R Supra Segmental Omission of second vowel in double vowel Omission of word final “N” 5 Japanese Flap “R” 2. Feedback: • Recast: Implicit in nature Modified feedback with partial reformulation provided immediately following an erroneous utterance, with no adjustment in meaning • High uptake from recast (Often in the classroom, recasts are overlooked by learners. The student reformations, or uptake, is sometimes reported as low as 18% (Lyster and Ranta, 1997) • With the constraint of perceptual modality, does it become “Explicit”? Eg: Subject’s L1: English Length of Japanese study: Nine months at this stage Focused form – Particles wa, ga, ni English translation: Japanese Transcription: T: How many pencils are there on top of the table? Table no ue ni, enpitsu ga nan bon arimasuka? S: Table is – 2 pencils (sic: counter suffixes) Table wa, enpitsu ni bon arimasu. T: Yes, there are two pencils on top of the table, aren’t there? How many books are there on the side of pencils? Hai, table no ue ni, enpitsu ga nihon arimasune. Enpitsu no yoko ni, hon ga, nan satsu arimasuka? S: Pencil is, on the side, book is, two are, exist. Enpitsu wa, yoko ni, hon wa, nisatsu ga arimasu. T: There are two books on the side of the pencil. What are those items there next to Ms. Masako. Enpitsu no yoko ni, hon ga, nisatsu arimasu. Masako san no yoko ni, nani ga imasuka? S: There are two umbrellas (sic: existence) behind of Ms. Masako. Masako san no ushiro ni, kasa ga, san bon imasu, arimasu. 6 3. Synchronous vs Asynchronous Comprehension 25 Asynchronous: Higher accuracy & Comprehension * Proficiency dependent? 20 15 Synch Asynch 10 5 0 Synchronous A total of 251 productions of the target features Asynchronous A total of 269 production of the target features Correct Production Comprehension Pre&Post Tests Delta 81% 11% (63% - 74%) 6sec 93% 21% (63% - 84%) 22sec Pre-post Delta Average Pausing Correct Production Rate 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 Synch Asynch 7 C.P 4. Tracking the Cognitive Registration of Form Depending on the developmental stage, the relationship between the written and oral production changes: eg Oral production: Oba-a-san to oji-i-san wa, hidari ni arimasu. (Grandmother and grandfather are on the left.) Written production: Oba-san to Oji-san wa hidari ni arimasu. (Aunt and uncle are on the left.) Linguistic Item Written Production Oral Production Developmental Stage Oji-i-san (Grandfather) Oba-a-san (Grandmother) Oji-san: Inaccurate (Uncle) Oba-san: Inaccurate (Aunt) Oji-i-san: Accurate (Grandfather) Oba-a-san: Accurate (Grandmother) Fluctuating stage Arimasu / Imasu (Existence for nonanimated objects / animated objects) Arimasu used for people Inaccurate Arimasu used for people Inaccurate Initial stage: corresponding mistakes Subject’s L1: Korean Length of Japanese study: 3 months at this stage 8 Cognitive Processes and Pedagogical Implications Initial Stage Fluctuating Stage Stabilized/ Fossilized Stage Oral Stable: Inaccurate or Accurate Fluctuate: Inaccurate/Accurate Stable: Accurate or Inaccurate Written Stable: Inaccurate or Accurate Fluctuate: Accurate/Inaccurate Stable: Accurate or Inaccurate Cognitive Processes Noticing: (Attention vs. Noticing) Registration and Operation in Working Memory Registration and Operation in Long Term Memory Pedagogical implication Strong feasibility in Impact of form focused TBLT/CALL with intervention associated multimodal emphasis and with “meaning” constraints of perceptual system? Very little or no impact by intervention e.g.: Yu → Jyu (page 10) 9 Feasibility of Longitudinal Studies: Case of L1 German 10 months Phonetic manifestation of the “Yu” replaced with “Jya” L1 German: feature Ja sound is pronounced Ya Periodic data correction Linguistic Item Student production Target language Developmental Stage Yuu mei (Famous) Machi ni wa, ookikute, jyu mei na, daigaku ga... (In town, there is a large and famous university ... ) Machi ni wa, ookikute, yuu mei na, daigaku ga... (In town, there is a large and famous university ... ) Stabilized stage (Stabilized for 8 weeks at this stage) Yuu mei (Famous) Demo, totemo jyu mei de wa arimasen. Watashi no otoo san wa, cyotto jyu mei desu. (However, not too famous. My father is a little famous.) Watashi no okaa san wa, jyu mei dewa arimasen. (My mother is not famous.) Demo, totemo yuu mei de wa arimasen. Watashi no otoo san wa, cyotto jyu mei desu. (However, not too famous. My father is a little famous.) Watashi no okaa san wa, yuu mei dewa arimasen. (My mother is not famous.) Stabilized stage (Stabilized for 11 weeks at this stage) 10 Thank you hondoj@sas.upenn.edu John MacDermott Director, Instructional Technology Junko Takada SLA Lexicology Specialist Project Research Assistant Albert Matthews Senior Support Specialist for Instructional Technology Edward Dixon Coordinator for Technology in Foreign Languages Sponsored by: Ivy League Language Learning & Teaching Consortium Grant 11