Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon’s Affect On Latin American Revolutions Lizett Delgado, Figgy Burger, Alfredo Sevilla, Melissa Castaneda Napoleon’s Background ● Napoleon was born on August 15, 1969 ● Napoleon was a French military leader and political leader ● Napoleon was emperor of France from 1804 to 1814 and again in 1815 ● Died May 5, 1821 Napoleon Invades Spain ● Charles IV was the King before Napoleon invaded ● Napoleon invades and conquers Spain and Portugal in 1808 ● Spain ruled by France was an outrage to everyone ● This caused them to rebel as they were loyal to Spain and not Napoleon ● The Revolutions were called the Napoleonic Wars Independence from Spain ● Napoleon put his older brother Joseph on the Spanish throne ● This caused for secession and Spain got rid of Joseph ● By then most of Spain's colonies declared themselves independent Reference Information Napoleon w_did_Napoleon_cause_revol utions_in_Latin_America 3bg8/maxresdefault.jpg www.latinamericanhistory.abou ?sourceid=chromeinstant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF8#q=napoleon+bonaparte