
Flower Dissection
The Flower
• The flower is the reproductive unit of some
plants (angiosperms)
• Include petals, sepals, one or more carpels
(the female reproductive organs), and
stamens (the male reproductive organs).
Female Reproductive Organs
• The pistil is the collective term for the carpel(s)
• Each carpel includes an ovary (where the
ovules/eggs are produced), a style (a tube on top of
the ovary), and a stigma (which receives the pollen
during fertilization)
The Male Reproductive Organs
• Stamens are the male reproductive parts of
flowers. A stamen consists of an anther (which
produces pollen) and a filament
• The pollen are the male reproductive cells
Types of Flowers
• Some flowers (called perfect flowers) have
both male and female reproductive organs
• Some flowers (called imperfect flowers) have
only male reproductive organs or only female
reproductive organs.
• In groups of 3, each student obtain 2 different
• Gently remove the sepals and petals with your
hand or tweezers and place them on your
• Draw diagrams of what you see
• Locate the stamens and identify the filament
and anther
• Locate the pistil/carpel and identify the
stigma, style, and ovary
• Draw diagrams of what you see
• Carefully remove the stamen and pistil and
arrange the parts according to the diagram on
page 4 of dissection handout