Marine Food Web - LifeScienceExplorations

Using the information provided draw a food web of the ocean.
Your food web must contain at least three individuals at each level.
Keep in mind that each level doesn’t always eat the level below it, some
organisms may eat organisms within their own food web level.
Use arrows to show that correct transfer of energy from one organism to another.
Identify each level: Producers, 1st level consumers (primary), 2nd level consumers
(secondary), 3rd level consumers (tertiary), etc.
Identify at least two food chains within your food web.
Primary Producers:
Phytoplankton; These include the following
Diatoms: Very small drifters that are producers. They are known for their unique shapes.
Coccolithophorids ("round-stone-bearers") are named after their coccoliths, CaCO 3
scales that form the cell wall. The coccoliths of different species have diverse shapes and
ornamentations and can be used for taxonomic identification. Coccolithophorids are
small organisms - their cells range in size from only 0.2-2µm - and so are difficult to
view in the context of a classroom setting. You need a great microscope (usually only a
scanning electron microscope will do), a book of micrographs, or some time looking at
websites to be able to appreciate the diversity and beauty of these stunning organisms
Dinflagellates: Ninety percent of all dinoflagellates are marine plankton. There are also
many freshwater species, some of which have been found growing in snow! They may be
photosynthetic or non-photosynthetic; about half the species fall into each category. The
photosynthetic dinoflagellates are second only to diatoms as primary producers in coastal
Though cyanobacteria do not have a great diversity of form, and though they are
microscopic, they are rich in chemical diversity. Cyanobacteria get their name from the
bluish pigment phycocyanin, which they use to capture light for photosynthesis
Plankton are eaten by small predators:
At the top of the marine food web are the large predators:
1. What would happen in this food web if the plankton were removed?
2. What would happened in this food web if the top level producers were
3. Are there any organisms in this food web that are 1st and 2nd level
consumers? 2nd and 3rd? If so explain