Chapter 18 Braiding and Braid Extensions •Origins in Africa •Different styles ~ social status •More important the person, the more elaborate the braids were •Today ~ signals self-esteem and self-image •Africa ~ handed down from generation to generation •Investment of time •African cultures ~ opportunity for women to socialize and form relationships •Today ~ salons practice “natural hairstyling” •No chemicals ~ does not alter the natural curl or coil pattern •For people of all ethnicities •Diverse approach to hair care •With proper care ~ can last up to three months ~ 6-8 weeks preserves the health of the hair •Investment in time and money is high •Detailed consultation ~ ensures a happy ending •Fill out client card ~ update every appointment Hair Analysis Consultation: ~ condition of hair and scalp ~ texture (3 qualities) 1. Diameter ~ coarse, medium, or fine 2. Feel ~ oily, dry, hard, soft, smooth, coarse, or wiry 3. Wave pattern (coil configuration) ~ straight, wavy, curly, or coiled •Coil ~ very tight curl ~ spiral in formation ~ when stretched, resembles loops • “Textured hair”= tight coil pattern Consider: •Density ~ where hair is thin •Condition ~ damage and breakage •Length ~ physically long enough •Scalp health ~ healthy/properly cared for Read FYI Page 517 Oval Face •Most braids are appropriate Round Face •Add height ***Asymmetrical creates a slenderizing look •High on top *secured below the crown in back Square face •Longer braids to frame the face Inverted Triangle (Heart) Face ***Partial bangs ***Frame the face ***Fullness at chin Triangular (Pear) Face •Bring braids forward at chin line Oblong Face ***Full styles ***Partial bangs ***Medium length ***Avoid middle parts •Side chignon Tools for Braiding Boar-bristle brush ~ stimulates scalp ~ removes dirt and lint •Soft nylon brush ~ fine ~ soft hair at hairline Square paddle brush ~ releases tangles, knots, and snarls ~ cushion of air (bristles collapse with resistance *prevents breakage in fragile hair Vent brush ~ gently to remove tangles ~ wet or dry hair •Use on human hair extensions •Check tips ~ even if one is missing/discard Wide-toothed comb ~ teeth width ~ medium to large •Avoidsscratching the scalp •Allows textured hair to move between rows of teeth Double-tooth comb ~ separates the hair ~ detangles wet hair Tail comb ~ for design parting ~ sectioning large segments ~ opening and removing braids Finishing comb ~ 8 to 10” in length ~ used while cutting ~ fine/straight hair Cutting comb ~ for small sections ~ use after hair is softened and elongated with blow-dryer Pick with round teeth ~ lifting and separating *** one in kit Blow-dryer with pick nozzle ~ dries, stretches, and softens Diffuser ~ dries without disturbing the finished look $187.00 Five-inch scissors ~ creates shape and finished look ~ trims bangs (fringe) ~ excess extension material Long clips ~ separates into large sections Butterfly and small clips ~ separates into various sections Hooded dryer ~ remove excess moisture before blowdrying Small rubber bands or string ~secure the ends Read: State Regulatory Alert Extensions Extension fibers-list to follow Hackle ~ board of fine upright nails ~ used to detangle and blend colors Drawing board ~ flat leather pads with close and fine teeth ~ sandwich the human hair extensions Materials and Extensions •The fibers you use will determine ~ how successful ~ durable the extension will be •Buying new product: ~ buy in small quantities ~ test the fiber on a mannequin first Human hair ~ gold standard ~ imported from Asia ~ little information about the process ~ is it 100% ? ~ deal with suppliers you know and trust Kanekalon ~ manufactured, synthetic fiber of excellent quality ~variety of types, colors, textures ***less shine ~ some are high-heat resistant ~ durable, soft, less tangling ~ holds up to shampooing and styling ***costs more/better quality Nylon or rayon synthetic ~ less expensive ~ varying qualities ~ reflects light/very shiny ~ known to cut or break the hair ~ repeated shampooing=less durable ~ will melt if high heat is applied Yarn ~ made of cotton or nylon blend ~ very inexpensive ~ light, soft, and detangles easily ~ available in many colors ~ matte finish ~ expands when shampooed * will not slip ~ appear black in store/shows blue or green tint in natural light Quinnster, Lin ~ wool fiber from Africa ~ matte finish ~ only in black and brown ~ comes in roll ~ any length and size ~ very flammable Yak ~ strong fiber ~ domestic ox ~ use alone or blend with human hair ~ mixed helps to remove manufactured shine Working With Wet or Dry Hair ~ best dry/wet shrinks ~ tension leads to breakage ~ wet-allow for shrinkage ~ straight, resistant hair *coat with wax or pomade Read Caution ~ if shampooed, apply leave-in conditioner ~ use wide-toothed comb * detangling comb ~ blow-dry the hair ~ wax, pomades, gels, or lotions can be used ~ use large paddle brush ~ start at ends to remove tangles ~ textured hair is * very fragile/wet and dry ~ blow-dry quickly * softens * more manageable ~ loosens and elongates wave pattern * easier “pick-up” * manipulation of the hair Braiding the Hair •Classified ~ visible or invisible Visible braid ~ three-strand braid ~ underhand technique ~ left and right sides woven under center strand ***used for cornrows Invisible braid ~ three-strand braid ~ overlapping ~ overhand technique ~left and right strands go over the middle one Amothers’ Rope Braid •Two strands ~ twisted around each other ~ on one-length or long, layered hair ~ add to both sides before twisting ***done on dry hair Fishtail Braid •Simple two-strand braid ~ hair picked up from sides ~ added to the strands as they are crossed over each other *** done on dry hair ~ non-layered hair, at least shoulder length Invisible Braid •On or off the scalp •With or without extensions •Straight layered hair-use wax or pomade Single Braids Terms: single, box, individual ~ all refer to free-hanging braids ~ with or without tension ~ either underhand or overhand stitch ~ all hair textures Subsections ~ square ~ triangular ~ rectangular ~ parting determine where braid is * how it moves ~ moves in any direction •Extensions ~ for single braids * integrated into the natural hair ~ select synthetic hair, yarn, or human hair ~ vital in the finished style ~ must be consistent and close together •During consultation ~ open package ~ verify that color is correct ~ cut to desired length ~ place on drawing board ~ place a heavy object on top ~ allows easy extract ~ can be separated and dispensed free-hand Cornrows •Or canerows ~ narrow strips of visible braid *lie close to the scalp ~ on-the-scalp technique ~ consistent even partings ~ mannequin to practice * speed *accuracy * finger and wrist dexterity ~ worn by men, women, and children Combination cornrow with single braids in back ~ various lengths and textures ~ elaborate designs ~ skill and creative expression ~ can last several weeks without extensions ~ two months with extensions Cornrows with Extensions ~ feed-in method ~ built up strand by strand ~ excess extension material * too much weight on fragile hairline * leaves an unrealistic finished look ~ correct tension eliminates artificial look *prevents breakage •Traditional ~ flat, natural, and contoured ~ partings define the finished style ~ creates a tapered or narrow base at the hairline ~ extension hair * fills in the base ~ takes longer ~ lasts longer ~ looks more natural •When picking up hair ~ directly underneath ~ never comes from another panel ~ or extended up into the braid from a lower part •Overextending or misplacing the beginning of the extension ~ leaves hair exposed and unsupported ~ leads to breakage and hair loss especially at hairline Tree Braids •Newer way to add hair for longer looks •Client’s hair is braided along with extension •Finished look shows mostly faux hair RDarDDzUlWM&imgurl= 882344098738236&page=4&tbnh=135&tbnw=192&start=63&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:63,i:234 •Takes about 4 hours •Techniques are still evolving •Many ways to do them. •You can read on if interested in these braids. Locks •Or dreadlocks ~ hair that is intertwined and meshed together ~ forms a single or separate network of hair ~ without chemicals ~ several slow phases ~ can take six months to one year To cultivate locks ~ double twisting ~ wrapping with cord ~ coiling ~ braiding ~ or not combing or brushing •Rastafarians of Jamaica ~ natural course will cause it to lock (Rasta is a religion of respect of all living things and self-respect) •Cultivated African locks ~ have symmetry and balance Comb Technique •Early stage ~ while the coil is still open ~ place comb at base of the scalp * with a rotating motion * spiraling the hair into a curl ~ comb moves down to the end ~ gives a tight coil ~ excellent on short hair Palm Roll ~ gentlest ~ guides it through all the natural stages of locking ~ apply gel to dampened subsections ~ place portion of hair between palms of both hands ~ roll in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction ~ move down the coil shaft •Partings are: ~ directional ~ horizontal ~ vertical ~ bricklayered •Decorative designs •Sculpting patterns are creative options Braids or Extensions ~ involves sectioning the hair * single braiding ~ synthetic fiber, yarn, or human hair * added to single braid to form a lock ~ after several weeks, braid will grow away from the scalp ~ palm roll used to cultivate the new growth to form a lock Micro braids Senegalese twists *Synthetic hair Tree braids Kinky twists