Shared Service Arrangement (SSA) - Region 5

Region 5 Education Service Center
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program
Shared Services Arrangement (SSA)
Funding guidelines for Carl Perkins (Federal Funds) state that districts whose basic grant allotment is less than $15,000
may still participate in the grant allotment by forming a Shared Services Arrangement (SSA) with other LEAs to meet the
minimum grant requirement of $15,000.
CTE Program Leadership:
 Develop the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Title I, Part C, Carl D. Perkins Basic Grant
 Negotiate SSA Application with TEA
 Maintain: SSA budget; budget amendments; records for audit
 Cooperative purchasing and processing of all LEA purchase orders for materials and services as voted upon by all
members of the SSA following federal guidelines
 All monies from SSA members are collectively used to mutually benefit each member of the SSA. Money is not
directed back to each district individually based on their state allotment, per TEA restrictions and guidelines
 Make final budgetary report to TEA at end of funding year
 Conduct beginning-of-year planning meeting to determine the SSA’s goals and expenditure objectives for the
coming year
 Conduct end-of-year summary meeting to review effectiveness of consortium and areas of concern
Technical Assistance, Professional Development, Communication:
 Technical assistance for Performance Based Monitoring issues and CTE Program Management
 Regularly scheduled CTE Directors meetings (4 on-site at Region 5 ESC, 4 web based communication)
 Maintain online Reference Manual and Resource Directory for CTE Directors
 One full day of staff development per semester at no charge. See below for pricing*.
o Staff development for enhancing parental and community involvement with local CTE programs
o Staff development to address specific areas of concern from the following areas:
 Integrate academics with CTE programs using a coherent sequence of courses.
 Link CTE at the secondary and postsecondary levels.
 Provide students with strong experience in and understanding of all aspects of an industry.
 Develop, improve, or expand the use of technology in CTE programs.
 Provide professional development programs to teachers, faculty, administrators, and career
guidance and academic counselors who are involved in integrating CTE programs.
 Develop and implement evaluations of the CTE programs carried out with funds, including an
assessment of how the needs of special populations are being met.
 Initiate, improve, expand, and modernize quality CTE programs, including relevant technology.
 Provide services and activities that are of sufficient size, scope, and quality to be effective.
 Provide activities to prepare special populations for high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand
occupations that will lead to self-sufficiency.
 Liaison among LEAs and the Texas Education Agency, workforce development boards, business and industry
councils, Career and Technical Association of Texas (CTAT)
100% of Carl Perkins Funds for districts generating less than $15,000
Region 5 Education Service Center will be the fiscal agent
Private Schools – 100% of Carl Perkins Funds for districts generating less than $15,000 or negotiated fee
*$250 per whole day, $125 per half-day for additional on-site assistance or training
ESC Contact: Maris Peno, 409-951-1723 or
Region 5 ESC/14-15 Coop Information/Instructional Services/November 2014/Rev. 2
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Region 5 Education Service Center
Career and Technical Education Program (CTE)
Shared Services Arrangement Contract
DISTRICT: ___________________________________________________________________________
Funding guidelines for Carl Perkins (Federal Funds) state that districts whose basic grant allotment is less than $15,000 may still
participate in the grant allotment by forming a Shared Service Arrangement (SSA) with other LEAs to meet the minimum grant
requirement of $15,000.
The Region 5 Education Service Center, Title I, Part C, Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Shared Services Arrangement
(SSA) will:
CTE Program Leadership:
 Develop the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Title I, Part C, Carl D. Perkins Basic Grant
 Negotiate SSA Application with TEA
 Maintain: SSA budget; budget amendments; records for audit
 Cooperative purchasing and processing of all LEA purchase orders for materials and services as voted upon by all members of
the SSA following federal guidelines
 All monies from SSA members are collectively used to mutually benefit each member of the SSA. Money is not directed back
to each district individually based on their state allotment, per TEA restrictions and guidelines
 Make final budgetary report to TEA at end of funding year
 Conduct beginning-of-year planning meeting to determine the SSA’s goals and expenditure objectives for the coming year
 Conduct end-of-year summary meeting to review effectiveness of consortium and areas of concern
Technical Assistance, Professional Development, Communication:
 Technical assistance for Performance Based Monitoring issues and CTE Program Management
 Regularly scheduled CTE Directors meetings (4 on-site at Region 5 ESC, 4 web based communication)
 Maintain online Reference Manual and Resource Directory for CTE Directors
 One full day of staff development per semester at no charge. See below for pricing*.
o Staff development for enhancing parental and community involvement with local CTE programs
o Staff development to address specific areas of concern from the nine requirements of Perkins funds. See CTE
Program SSA document for topics.
 Liaison among LEAs and the Texas Education Agency, workforce development boards, business and industry councils, Career
and Technical Association of Texas (CTAT)
*$250 per whole day, $125 per half-day for additional on-site assistance or training
It is understood that the fiscal agent is responsible for the refund for any exception received as a result of monitoring or audit. Monies
refunded shall be provided by the entity responsible for the discrepancy. All documentation for direct-services is the responsibility of
each LEA.
In the event that the Title I, Part C, Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Shared Services Arrangement (SSA) is dissolved,
the following disbursement of funds and equipment will apply:
 Monies will be divided on a pro rata basis among SSA members according to allocations
 Equipment will remain with the entity originating its purchase
Total Contract Amount: 100% Allocation
Term of Agreement: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Name of District Representative
Education Service Center Representative
Signature of District Representative
Signature of ESC Representative
Region 5 ESC/14-15 Coop Information/Instructional Services/November 2014/Rev. 2
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