Hudson Boys Soccer Optional Conditioning Program Run three

Hudson Boys Soccer Optional Conditioning Program
Run three days a week, determined by your lifting and playing schedule:
 One day Recovery
 One day Moderate
 One day Heavy
Recovery Day (choose one)
 Long distance run of 3-5 miles
 2 sets of 50’s; 10 at 12 seconds
Moderate Day (choose two)
 50’s (10 at 10 seconds and 10 at 11 seconds)
 40’s (5; 18 seconds with 36 seconds rest)
 120’s (5; 17 seconds down, 28 seconds back, 30 seconds rest)
 Lines (3; 37 seconds with 1:15 rest / recovery)
Heavy Day (choose one)
 Manchester United Run
 Everton Run
 120’s (10; first five are 16 and 28 seconds, last five are 17 and 29 seconds)
 Lines (8; 37 seconds, with 1:15 rest / recovery)
 40’s (10; two sets of five, with 5:00 rest between the sets)
Set out markers at 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards. Starting at 0, sprint to the 10
and back, 20 and back, 30 and back, and 40 and back in less than the allotted time.
Touch each marker with your hand
Set up markers 120 yards apart. Sprint the distance in the time allotted, then
immediately recover in the time allowed. You will then have a rest period before
running the next sprint.
Set up markers 40 yards apart. Sprint from one marker to the other 3 times
for a total of 120 yards. The objective is to complete the sprint in less than the
allotted time, and repeat after the rest period.
Set up markers 25 yards apart. Run from one marker to the other in the time
frame given. 1:1 work to rest ration. These are done in sets of 10.
Manchester United Run
The Manchester United Run takes 15 minutes total. For the most part, this is
non-stop running at varying paces. The distance covered on each run is 240
yards; 120 yards down, and 120 yards back. There is a standard time for
each trip, the time down and back will always equal 1 minute.
On lap 1, the first 120 yards must be covered in 25 seconds and the return
must be achieved in 35 seconds or less. If you return in less than the time
allowed, you may rest at the start / finish line until the next lap begins. You
may choose to cover the sprint down and return trip in less time so that you
have time left over to rest, or you may choose to utilize the entire time
allotted, which means you will start the next lap right when you finish the
previous one.
The object is to meet both standards for each lap (the sprint and recovery
time). If you fail to meet the standard for either the spring or the recovery, it
is recorded as a failed attempt. Your objective is to run a total of 15 laps (15
minutes) and the goal is to meet the standard time a minimum of 12 out of 15
laps. The standards for each lap are as follows:
Everton Run
The Everton Run is a series of 4 groups of runs, the sum for each group’s
distance is 800 meters. The total sum of the entire run is 1 mile, with varying
distances and rest periods. Start at Group 1 and work through each group in
its entirety until you have finished all of Group 4. As each rest period
concludes, immediately begin the next run or group. The entire exercise will
take about 25 minutes.
800 meters (x1)
400 meters (x2)
200 meters (x4)
100 meters (x8)