SAIGONTECH Course Syllabus Marketing Research and Strategies 1. Class: MRKG 2348 - Marketing Research and Strategies Semester: Fall 2014 2. Instructor: Lam Huynh Nhu, MBA Email: Office telephone: (84-8) 3715 5033 (ext. 1256) Mobile phone: 0906-006-757 Office hours: by appointment 3. Campus and Room Location with Days and Times Venue: R202 SaigonTech Tower Time: Friday 7:30am-10:40am 4. Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH): 3 5. Total Course Contact Hours: 48 hours 6. Textbook: Basic marketing research: A decision - making approach 3rd ed. By Naresh K. Malhotra, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-13-603790-3 7. Course Description: A simulated marketing environment for experience in marketing decisionmaking. Provides practical experiences in analyzing marketing cases. Includes dynamic interrelationships among marketing price, channels of distribution, promotion, and product responsibility. 8. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Identify the marketing mix components in relation to market segmentation. 2. Explain the environmental factors which influence consumer and organizational decision-making process. 3. Outline a marketing plan. 4. Identify the elements of the communication process between buyers and sellers in business. 5. Utilize marketing research techniques to implement competitive marketing decisions. 9. Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): After the course, students are expected to be able to: 1. Analyze marketing case studies employing the problem-solving process; 2. Utilize marketing research techniques to implement competitive marketing decisions. 3. Demonstrate management, accounting, and marketing knowledge through oral and/or written presentations. 4. Interpret marketing research data to forecast industry trends and meet customer demands. 5. Use Excel for data analysis. 10. Types of Instruction: * Lecture: 50% * Class & Group discussion/presentation: 50% * As this course is tough and challenging, I require all of you to read textbook and PowerPoint slides prior to class. Free tutoring class is also offered and must be scheduled with me via email. 1 10. Grading policy Items Attendance and Participation Pre-class quiz * 8 Personal assignment Group Project (report and presentation) Mid-term Exam Final Exam Total % 5% 10% 10% 25% 20% 30% 100% Personal Bonus Assignments: Three (03) bonus assignments will be offered throughout the course and are optional. If you do these assignments by your own self, you can earn a maximum of 6% bonus grade to your overall grade. Group work is NOT allowed. 11. Explanation of grade components and requirements Attendance and Participation (5%) Regular attendance is required. If you miss class, you will be responsible for any work missed during your absence and will have your class participation grade reduced. You are also highly encouraged to join in class discussion by giving questions, answers or comments. Your grade will be given based on your regular attendance and quality of contribution to class discussion. Pre-class quiz (10%) As this course is tough and challenging, you have to read textbook and PowerPoint slides prior to class so that you can fully comprehend my lectures at school. At the beginning of the class, you will have a pre-class quiz on reading material that I will discuss with you on the same day. There will be 10 pre-class quizzes; however only 08 best quiz scores will count towards your final grade. Quiz Type Open/close book No. of questions Multiple Choice and Short Answer Questions Open 10 Duration Points 15 minutes 10 Personal Assignment (10%) You personally must develop a questionnaire of 10 - 12 questions for a pre-assigned mini research. The questionnaire must be sent to my email address for grading. Only soft copy is needed. Group Project Presentation (25%) Each team of 3 to 4 students will write a report and present a pre-assigned research project to the class. Your group project must cover both qualitative research and quantitative research, include data analysis in the format of charts, graphs, tables etc., and discuss key findings, and managerial insights. Team presentation should last 30 minutes including Q & A section and must contain PowerPoint slides. Team report must limit in 10 pages. Appendices can be used to illustrate your data tables, graphs, charts etc., and will not count towards your 10 pages. Presentation and report must be sent to my email address for grading. Only soft copies are needed. At the end of the course, I will ask for evaluations of team members, and will consider these remarks when giving you final grade. 2 Mid-term and Final Exam (50%) Exam Midterm Type Open/close book No. of questions Duration Points MC Close 30 35 minutes 30 Essay Open 03 75 minutes 70 MC Close 30 35 minutes 30 Essay Open 03 75 minutes 70 Final Notes You must bring your laptop with Excel program to class to do essay exams. 12. Grading Scale Percentage Grade 90 – 100 80 – 89 70 – 79 60 – 69 0 – 59 Letter Grade A B C D F The passing grade is D. 13. Course calendar Week 1 Date Topic Due tasks 26/09/14 - Syllabus clarification, project/ tasks assignment & discussion - Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing Research 2 03/10/14 - Chapter 2: Defining the market research problems and developing an approach - Quiz 1 (chapter 1 and 2) 3 10/10/14 - Chapter 3: Research design - Quiz 2 (chapter 3) 4 17/10/14 - Chapter 4: Exploratory research design: Secondary data - Quiz 3 (chapter 4) - Bonus assignment 1 discussion 5 24/10/14 - Chapter 6: Exploratory research design: Qualitative research - Group project discussion - Quiz 4 (chapter 6) - Bonus Assignment 1 DUE: Using external published sources, identify major firms in dairy industry (e.g. Vinamilk) in Vietnam in 2013. 3 6 31/10/14 - Chapter 7: Descriptive research design: Survey - Quiz 5 (chapter 7) and Observation - Group project & Bonus assignment 2 discussion 7 07/11/14 - Chapter 9: Measurement and Scaling: Fundamentals and Comparative Scaling - Mid-term exam review - Quiz 6 (chapter 9) - Bonus Assignment 2 DUE: CoopMart wants to learn about consumer grocery shopping behavior. Use 1 qualitative technique to conduct 1 interview for this research. 8 14/11/14 9 21/11/14 - Chapter 10: Measurement and Scaling: Noncomparative scaling techniques - Quiz 7 (chapter 10) 10 28/11/14 - Chapter 10: Measurement and Scaling: Noncomparative scaling techniques (cont.) - Quiz 8 (chapter 10) Mid-term Exam (chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7) - Group project & Personal assignment discussion 11 05/12/14 - Chapter 11: Questionnaire and Form design - Quiz 9 (chapter 11) - Group project & Personal assignment discussion 12 12/12/14 - Chapter 12: Sampling: Design and Procedures - Group project discussion 13 - Quiz 10 (chapter 12) - Personal Assignment DUE: Design a questionnaire of 10 - 12 questions to help CoopMart survey consumer grocery shopping behavior. 19/12/14 - Chapter 16 & 18: Data Analysis: Frequency distribution and Cross-Tabulation (exclude Hypothesis Testing part), Correlation and Regression - Group project & Bonus assignment 3 discussion 14 26/12/14 - Final exam and group project review 15 02/01/15 16 09/01/15 - Group Presentation - Bonus Assignment 3 DUE: Problem 4 pp. 483, Problem 1 pp. 555 (a, b, d, g) Final exam (chapter 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17) - Group Project DUE (must include report and presentation) 4 14. Classroom Policy Late work will NOT be accepted. I will deduct 10% from that late work’s score per every day after due date. Always come to class on time. No cellphone use is allowed during lectures. Students are expected to take exam on the scheduled dates. Make-up exams are not guaranteed. I will ask for your permission if I need to use Vietnamese to explain difficult terms or concepts for you, and vice versa. In-class exercises and exams require the use of a laptop. You will be informed on which specific date you have to bring your laptop to class. 15. Cheating and Plagiarism Policy Refer to Students' guidebook. 16. Guideline for group report I. II. III. IV. V. Executive summary Introduction 1. Company background 2. Objectives of research and data to be gathered Methodology 1. Research methods used 2. Survey method justification and description 3. Data analysis methods used Analysis Conclusions and Recommendations 5