.- Criminal Law II PROF. FRANCESCO CENTONZE COURSE AIMS This specialised course on criminal law intends to build on the basics learnt when studying general principles and to focus on a critical analysis of individual crimes. COURSE CONTENT The risk society and legal science. Epochal change in contemporary society (in particular industrial development) and hazardous substances, technological risk and the crisis in financial capitalism) and the role of criminal law. The freedom-security balance in contemporary society. The separation between the guilty and the innocent as a watershed between democracy and authoritarian/totalitarian states. Criminal law and evidence-related issues. The protection of the innocent and the principle of beyond reasonable doubt. The relationship between criminal law, civil law and administrative law. The backwardness of civil and administrative law. Judges and science. The role of scientific uncertainty in judicial decisions (with a focus on the following issues: causal nexus and its proof; the construction of crimes of endangerment, imputability and the evolution of psychiatry with special reference to neuroscience, and liability of psychiatrists). Criminal law called into question. Criminal law and industrial development: attempts to make the classic scheme of criminal law more flexible. Medical liability, criminal law and civil law. Criminal law and complex organisations: organisational origins of errors, business crimes and criminal law for scapegoats. Disasters and organisational errors. The origins of errors in health organisations. Criminal liability of legal persons and organisational models. The crisis of legality in Italy. The phenomenon of corruption: an empirical and criminological analysis. The ‘mini-system’ of crimes of corruption in the Criminal Code: the main legal difficulties. The reforms introduced by Law No. 190/2012. During lessons the lecturer will organise “criminal law clinics”, in other words, inclass discussion of documents relating to criminal trials in which some of the issues tackled in the course will be debated. READING LIST All students, whether attending lectures or not, will sit the exam on the portions of the books, articles and judgments indicated in detail by the lecturer, which – except for the books – will be available as a handout from the university photocopying centre. Students will be required to know the latest provisions of the Constitution, the Criminal Code and the other legislation referred to during the course that are pertinent to the course programme. Therefore, an up-to-date version of the Criminal Code containing the main complementary laws is necessary. TEACHING METHOD Lectures and possibly seminars. ASSESSMENT METHOD Final oral examination designed to check knowledge of the essential concepts and a critical awareness of issues. NOTES The topic must be studied closely with the basic general principles of criminal law, knowledge of which is a prerequisite. Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at http://docenti.unicatt.it/web/searchByName.do?language=ENG or on the Faculty notice board.