Website: E-mail: CALL FOR PARTICIPATION in the 1ST INTERNATIONAL COΝFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW Under the Auspices of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic The EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW INSTITUTE organizes an INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on: INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW AND CONTEMPORARY REALITY: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES 3-5 June 2016 in the Conference Room of the Bank of Greece Official Languages: Greek, English, German with Simultaneous Translation Sessions: -General Principles of the International Criminal Law-The Law of International Offences -International Economic Criminal Law-Corruption -European Criminal Law Speakers (in alphabetical order): 1. Ilias Bandekas, Professor of Public International Law, Human Rights and Arbitration at the Brunel University of London: “Odious And Illegal Public Debt As A State Crime” 2. Αndrea Castaldo, Professor at the University of Salerno: «General principles on economic crimes and bribery prevention» 3. Aggelos Constantinides, Professor of Criminal Law at the Democritus University of Thrace: “The Universality Principle. Contemporary issues (Drugs-Money Laundering-Terrorism)”. 4. Theocharis Dalakouras, Professor of Criminal Law at the Demokritos University of Thrace: “Investigation procedure in Corruption cases The limits of the human rights violation under the ECHR” 5. Maria Kaiafa Gbandi, Professor of Criminal Law at the Aristoteleio University of Thessaloniki: "Criminal law in the era of globalization: fundamental questions in a comparative approach of the US and EU criminal law" 6. Hans Heiner Kühne, Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Trier: “Police operations in Europe - Freedom of control in a state of justice?” 7. Genlin Liang, Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Beijing: “Chinese Anti-Bribery Law and Anti-Corruption Convention:A Comparative Study”. 8. Valsamis Mitsilegas, Professor of European Criminal Law at the Queen Mary University of London: “Mutual Recognition, Mutual Trust and Fundamental Rights after Lisbon”. 9. Francisco Muñoz-Conde, Professor of Criminal Law at the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville: “Indirect perpetration by means of an organizational mechanism of power as a means of treating the past in the Case Law of Latin America”. 10. Christos Mylonopoulos, Professor at the National und Kapodistrian University of Athens, Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts: “General Theory of Criminal Law as prerequisite for effectiveness and justice in International Criminal Law”. 11. Ulfried Neumann, Professor of Criminal Law at the Goethe University of Frankfurt: “International criminal jurisdiction between Law and Politics”. 12. Claus Roxin, Emeritus Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Munich: "The perpetration by means of an organizational mechanism of power". 13. Frank Saliger, Professor of Criminal Law at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen: “The need for integration of European law on national Anti-Corruption criminal law” 14. Helmut Satzger, Professor of Criminal Law at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich: “How far is permitted and should the approximation of european legislations reach? - The issue of harmonization of general principles and criminal penalties”. 15. Emmanouel Sfakianakis, Major General of the Hellenic Police: “Cybercrime as a universal phenomenon. Legislative shortfalls at national and international level”. 16. Ulrich Sieber, Professor at the University of Freiburg, Director of the Max-Planck Institute for International and Foreign Criminal Law : “The paradeigma change: From the traditional criminal law to the transnational proactive security law" 17. Jesús-Maria Silva Sanchez, Professor of Criminal Law at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona: “Targeted killings”. 18. Brigitte Tag, Professor at the University of Zurich, Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts: “Tissues transplantations with international aspects as a corruption problem in domestic and international criminal law” 19. George Triantafyllou, Assistant Professor at the National and Kaposdistrian University of Athens: “The rights of defence in the transnational procedure of collecting evidence” Please register until: 30.4.2016 Participation fees: 20 euros Participation form: Contact details: Phone: +30 210 3611337 Address: 9, Valaoritou str, 10671 Athens, Greece Certificate of Attendance will be provided THE PRESIDENT Christos Mylonopoulos Professor at the National and Κapodistrian University of Athens THE GENERAL SECRETARY Dimitris Asprogerakas Public Prosecutor at the Court of Appeals