Hurricane Preparedness and Awareness

Hurricane Preparedness and
Check these out…
You’d probably want to
evacuate at this point…
What kind of damage are we talking about here?
Might want to take the detour…
What Exactly Is a Hurricane?
A hurricane can best be
described as a huge
tropical storm (up to 600
miles in diameter)!
Winds can be up to 200
Storm usually doesn’t last
for more than 7-10 days.
It moves across the ocean
at around 10-20 mph…not
too fast really!
Arrows indicate
“feeder bands”
or “rain bands”
The winds are the strongest around the eye
wall. The eye of the storm is usually about
20 miles in diameter. Within the eye, winds
are calm and the weather is great.
Strongest winds are on the right side,
heaviest rain is usually on the left side.
When do I need to watch out for these things?
Since we’re in the USA, we’ll focus on what meteorologists call the “Atlantic Basin”.
The Atlantic basin includes the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico.
The “hurricane
season” is just a
name for the time
period when we
expect to see
tropical systems
develop. The
hurricane season
for the Atlantic
runs from June 1st
– November 30th.
Peak season is the middle part of September…why
do you think this is?
Where are these “Atlantic Basin” Hurricanes forming?
Storms of the Atlantic basin
will begin forming in one of
three places:
• Off the coast of Africa
• In the Caribbean Sea
• In the Gulf of Mexico
What is the
Intertropical Convergence Zone
The ITCZ is an
area of low
pressure located
roughly 5
degrees North
and South of the
Equator. It is a
place where air
converges, rises,
and condenses
(forming clouds).
It is the rainiest
place on Earth!
What Does a Hurricane Need in Order to Develop?
A hurricane needs warm water, time to grow, and favorable upper
level winds in the troposphere. If the winds are too strong, they will
blow the hurricane apart – we call that wind shear!
Evolution of Hurricane Development -- Stages
Stage 1 – Tropical Wave (Depression)
Usually has begun its life off of the west coast of Africa in the ITCZ.
Tropical depressions have winds of less than 39mph, and are not given a
Lacks structure – no
well developed
feeder bands or eye
Evolution of Hurricane Development -- Stages
Stage 2 – Tropical Storm
At this point, the tropical storm is beginning to develop some serious
structure. Winds range from 40-73 mph. In the Atlantic, storms are given
a name when they reach this stage.
Feeder bands are
beginning to develop
– you can see the
center of the low
pressure system
more easily. Eye and
eye wall still not well
Evolution of Hurricane Development -- Stages
Stage 3 – Category 1 Hurricane
Winds range from 75-94 mph.
Well developed
feeder bands. An
eye begins to form
(although it is
covered in clouds).
Storm is tightening
around center.
Evolution of Hurricane Development -- Stages
Stage 4 – Category 2 Hurricane
Winds range from 95-110 mph.
Well developed
feeder bands. An
eye and eye wall are
usually very well
formed. Storm
continues to tighten
around center.
Evolution of Hurricane Development -- Stages
Stage 5 – Category 3 Hurricane
Winds range from 111-130 mph.
Now considered a
“Major Storm”.
Intense flooding and
building damage will
occur to most areas
on the coast. Further
inland, the damage
will still be
Evolution of Hurricane Development -- Stages
Stage 6 – Category 4 Hurricane
Winds range from 131-155 mph.
All shrubs, signs and
trees blown down.
mobile homes.
Extensive damage to
doors and windows.
Major damage to lower
floors of structures near
the coast.
Evolution of Hurricane Development -- Stages
Stage 7 – Category 5 Hurricane
Winds greater than 156 mph!
Complete roof failure on
many residential and
industrial buildings.
Some complete building
failures with small
utility buildings blown
over or away.
Massive evacuation of
residential areas on low
ground within 5-10
miles of the coastline
maybe required.
How do they measure hurricanes’ strength?
Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
Wind speed (mph)
Storm surge (feet)
More than18
Additional classifications
Tropical storm
Tropical depression
Saffir-Simpson Scale of Hurricane Intensity
What kind of damage are we talking about here?
Might want to take the
Is flooding a serious threat?
• Floods: Flooding
occurs when water
rises. More people
are killed by floods
during a hurricane
than by any other
hazard. Tidal surges
push ocean water in
hurricanes and can
cause deadly flash
What is a storm surge?
• Storm surge: Storm surge is a
massive dome of water, that sweeps
across the coast near the area where
the eye of the hurricane makes
landfall. The stronger the hurricane,
the higher the storm surge. For those
living along the coast, storm surge is
one of the most dangerous parts of a
hurricane. Here are examples of a
storm surge flooding a coastal town.
What is a hurricane watch & warning?
• Hurricane Watch: A
hurricane is possible
within 36 hours. Listen
closely to the radio and
television for more
information. It is very
important for you to
listen for the hurricane
• Hurricane Warning: A
hurricane is expected
within 24 hours. You may
be told to evacuate. You
and your family should
begin preparations to
Do I need to prepare for tornadoes?
• YES! Hurricanes
often bring
tornadoes with
them. Listen to
your radio for
tornado warnings
and try to stay
What can you do?
Listen to the radio: Get a radio
and extra batteries for it, and be
sure to listen to it during a
hurricane or any emergency.
The radio will tell you when you
need to take shelter.
NOAA provides continuous
emergency weather broadcasts
from local stations. Check your
local listings.
What can you do?
• Prepare your house for
the storm!
• Help your family get the
house ready by picking up
loose items in the yard
that could become deadly
missiles, covering windows
with plywood, and turning
off utilities.
What can you do?
• Disaster supply kit: Make
sure your family has a
disaster supply kit assembled
and ready to use.
• Disaster meeting place: Ask
your family to decide on a
meeting place in case you get
separated during a disaster.
Choose an out-of-town
relative or friend who you can
check in with to say you're
What can you do?
• Pets: If you have pets, you need
to find a place for them to stay if
you have to evacuate your home.
• Make sure this safe place is
outside the evacuated area. If
your family plans to stay in a
public shelter, you may have to
keep your pets somewhere else.
You could also take shelter in a
hotel, but make sure they accept
pets before you evacuate.
Keep Track of the Hurricane
• If you know how, try to keep
track of the hurricane.
• You can see it on the internet
(if you are away from the storm)
or listen to a radio and
download a hurricane tracking
• When a hurricane forms, you
can follow its course by
listening to the news on the
radio and you can plot it on the
Hurricane Naming System – Why do they have names?
•In 1953 the National Weather
Service began naming storms
after women.
•In 1979, men’s names were
added to the list of hurricane
• In the Atlantic, there are 6
lists of names that are
• In the case of storms so
devastating that reusing the
name is inappropriate, the
name is taken off the list and
another name is used to
replace it. The name “Katrina”
is one that will be removed
from the list.
This year’s list: (2010)
More stuff to check out…
Last, stay safe and listen!
• The final thing is
to stay indoors
and stay safe
and dry!
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