check your work against the rubric

 Looks good, overall.
 You didn't put “A1: Your Name” in the jumbotron at the top of the web page.
 Remove any unused code (including unused, commented-out code) before handing this in
 As you're working, make sure that the code is consistently, nicely formatted. Normally this means
moving inwards (rightwards) 1 tab stop after each {, (or if, or else, or while, even if they don’t have a {
after them), then moving back out (leftwards) 1 tab stop at the matching }
 In at least one place you’ve used ‘raw’ JavaScript, rather than jQuery
 Move all your JavaScript to the separate .JS file. You can still do the ‘greeting the user when the page
loads’ stuff there, just as easily
 When you do move your code into the separate .JS file, make sure that you have only a single
$(document).ready() handler
Greeting the user when the page loads:
 Looks good, overall.
 Only display the message if the user has clicked "Ok" (do not display the message if they've clicked
 This is not implemented – please see the "User-greeting functionality" part of the assignment for more
details about what you need to do here.
GPA Calculations:
 Looks good, overall.
 You need to provide a text input box for the user to enter their grade.
 The text input box needs to be clearly labeled, so that it’s clear what to type into it.
 You need to provide a button for the user to click to determine their grade.
 The button needs to be labeled “Click Here to see your GPA!”
 The GPA should NOT be displayed in an alert – use a paragraph element.
 If the user leaves the input box blank, then your page needs to produce an error message that
specifically tells the user that the input element cannot be left blank.
 When checking for the gpa box being empty / blank, check against the raw .val() and NOT the
converted Number
 Convert the user’s input to being a number before you treat it like a number (i.e., after line X) (-2)
 If the input box does not contain a number, then your page needs to produce an error message that
specifically tells the user that the input must be a number
 If the input box contains a number between 0 and 1, then your page needs to produce an error message
that specifically tells the user that the format for the percentage is something like “75”, not “.75”(-2)
 You need to redo the logic around figuring out the grade – it’s not acceptable to use 50 zillion if
statements, one for each possible grade that you might receive. Go back and think about a formula that
you might use instead.
 Your loop works, but is extremely inefficient. Go back and find a formula to use, in order to figure out
what the user’s grade in a single step.
 You don’t quite have the right formula for figuring out the user’s grade. A 94% should be a 3.9, and a
95 or higher should be a 4.0 (just like a 61% or lower is a zero)
In order to calculate your grade, you need to do the following: add up all the numbers in
the right-hand margin (example: -2 + -2 + -3 -7). Add that number to 100 (example:
100 + -7  93)
Note: If you have any duplicate errors, you may see that the second error is listed as "-0". This means that
you don't lose any more points for the second time you made the same mistake. You still have to fix all the
mistakes. You also still have to fix all the mistakes even if I don't specifically mention it the second
(or third, etc) time.
Note: Also: If you see some items that are "greyed out", like so:
 Your "onClick" handler does't work.
It means that you are NOT losing those points on this version, but if/when you hand in the revision, you
should be extra-careful not to make that particular mistake.