TWMCC Texas-Wisconsin Modeling and Control Consortium T. F. Edgar • Co-Dir ector The University of Texas at Austi n Department of Chemical Engineer ing Austi n, Texas 78712- 1062 Tel: ( 512) 471- 3080 • Fax: (512) 471-7060 email : edgar J. B. Rawl ings • Co-Di rector Univer sityof Wisconsi n-Madi son Department of Chemical Engineer ing Madi son, Wi sconsin 53706-1691 Tel: ( 608) 263- 5859 • Fax: (608) 262-5434 email : jbraw@che.wi T.F. Edgar Department of Chemical Engineering The University of Texas Austin, Texas 78712 February 19-20, 2001 Austin, Texas Agenda Monday February 19th 8:30 9:00 9:10 10:10 10:40 11:00 11:45 1:00 Coffee and Donuts Introduction/Review of Agenda PI Overviews T.Edgar J. Qin J. Rawlings Comparison of Process Systems Consortia Break Multi-model Robust MPC Lunch (TCC Cafeteria) Closed-Loop State and parameter Estimation 2:00 Process Modeling and Control at Motorola 2:30 Break T. Edgar T. Edgar J. Wang M. Nikolaou Univ. of Houston Karen McBrayer Motorola Agenda Monday, February 19th 3:00 4:00 5:30 6:30 Reactive Distillation Modeling and Control J. Schell (UT) J. Peng (UT) S. Lextrait (UT) Poster Session J. Hahn J. Schell S. Lextrait J. Peng H. Potrykus S. Valle-Cervantes Q. He J. Wang (UT) J. Wang (UW) Adjourn Mixer/Dinner Matt’s El Rancho - 2613 S. Lamar Agenda Tuesday, February 20th 8:15 Meeting with PI’s and Sponsors - Continental Breakfast 9:00 9:30 CPC-6 Review Recent Advances in Global Optimization 10:15 Break 10:30 Hierarchical Statistical Monitoring 11:20 Subspace Identification Using PCA 11:50 Wrap-up 12:00 Adjourn J. Rawlings L. Lasdon S. ValleCervantes J. Wang (UT) T. Edgar TWMCC - Multiple Projects Company AMD Aspentech Condea-Vista DuPont Equilon Exxon/Mobil Fisher-Rosemount KLA-Tencor Motorola JBR √ √ √ √ TFE √√ √ √ JQ √√ √ √ √ √ √ TWMCC - Multiple Projects (Cont’d) Company JBR Pharmacia √ SmithKline Beecham √ Texas Instruments Tokyo Electron America Union Carbide/Dow Weyerhauser TFE √ √ JQ in progress √ √√ Courting Applied Materials, GE-Continental Controls, Chevron, DOT Products, Alliant Energy, SEMATECH, Matrikon, Oil Systems, Honeywell, Yield Dynamics M.S., Ph.D. Graduates (1999 - 2001) Student/Supervisor K. Teague (TFE) C. Pfeiffer (TFE) Q. Finefrock (TFE) J. Campbell (TFE) M. Misra (JQ) T. Nugroho (JQ) R. Bindlish (JBR) C. Rao (JBR) G. Scheid (JQ) W. Cho (TFE) B. Ko (TFE) Destination Ph.D. (5/99) Ph.D. (12/99) Ph.D. (?/?) Ph.D. (8/99) Ph.D. (8/99) Ph.D. (8/99) Ph.D. (12/99) Ph.D. (12/99) M.S. (5/99) Ph.D. (5/01) Ph.D. (5/00) Aspentech Motorola Still consulting KLA-Tencor Motorola Pertamina Dow Postdoc/Ohio State LSI Logic AMD ExxonMobil M.S., Ph.D. Graduates (1999 - 2001) Student/Supervisor H. Yue (JQ) S. Middlebrooks (JBR) C. Bode (TFE) T. Soderstrom (TFE) S. Alici (TFE) J. Schell (TFE) J. Wang (JBR) D. Patience (JBR) S.V. Venkatesh (JBR) S. Valle Cervantes (JQ) R. Mak (JQ) S.B. Hwang (TFE) Destination Ph.D. (5/00) Ph.D. (2/01) Ph.D. (5/01) Ph.D. (2/01) Ph.D. (5/01) Ph.D. (5/01) Ph.D. (5/01) Ph.D. (12/01) M.S. (5/01) Ph.D. (5/01) M.S. (5/01) Ph.D. (5/01) Tokyo Electron America LSI Logic AMD ExxonMobil Air Products Interviewing Interviewing Interviewing ASML Mastools Interviewing Interviewing Return to Hyundai Highlights (Edgar Group) • Added two new (experienced) graduate students in Spring • Six Ph.D.s to graduate in 2001 • Publication of optimization book (with Himmelblau and Lasdon) • Seven students doing research at industrial sites during past year (AMD, Motorola, Condea-Vista, KLA-Tencor, Tokyo Electron, SEMATECH) • ChE Department looking for systems faculty Six Ph.D Candidates to Graduate in 2001 1. Tyler Soderstrom: Data Reconciliation and Gross Error Detection 2. Semra Alici: Dynamic Data Reconciliation Using Process Simulators 3. John Schell: Modeling and Control of Reactive Distillation Column 4. Chris Bode: Run-to-run Control of Photographic Overlay 5. Sung Bo Hwang: Modeling of Lithography Dry Development and RTCVD of SiGe 6. Wonhui Cho: Multivariable Temperature Control in Rapid Thermal Processing Simultaneous Data Reconciliation and Bias Detection/Identification Research Contributions Tyler Soderstrom • Formulate Combined Problem as a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) Problem • Evaluate the Effects of Method Parameters Using Linear Steady State Models (MILP Problem) • Incorporate Empirical Bias Detection Methods Directly into the Problem Framework • Extend the Method to be Applicable to Nonlinear Systems and Investigate Novel Solution Techniques (MINLP Problem) • Extend the Method to be Applicable to Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Dynamic Data Reconciliation via Simulation Software (DDRSS) Semra Alici DDRSS Algorithm • Two New Approaches for the Incorporation of Simulation Software Into Dynamic Data Reconciliation Measurements, Initial Guesses Model Identification • Finite Difference Approach • Time Series Model Approach Simplified Model • Identification Methods • Parametric (Ordinary Least Squares, AR, ARMA,... Models) • Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) • Neural Networks HYSYS NLP New Estimates Constraints Objective Func. Modeling and Control of Reactive Distillation Columns John Schell • Novel Application of Reactive Distillation – Kinetic, Exothermic Reaction with Stearic Equilibrium in Product – Pilot Column > 40 feet tall • Validation of Steady State and Dynamic Models – RADFRAC, RateFRAC, Aspen Dynamics • Control Study – Shows need for nonlinear control Run-to-run Control of Lithography Overlay and Poly Gate Linewidth • • • • Christopher A. Bode Compiled a set of known disturbances to the process responsible for overlay and linewidth performance, and completed an analysis of variance to identify the significant disturbances. Identified an strategy for the control of these significant disturbances based upon control thread methodology. Developed a run-to run Model Predictive Control (MPC) method for each controlled variable. Deployed above to high-volume semiconductor manufacturing, realizing a 40% improvement in process capability (Cpk) for overlay and a 44% improvement in gate linewidth Cpk. Rapid Thermal CVD of Si1-xGex Sung Bo Hwang RTCVD of Si1-xGex using Si2H6-GeH4 chemistry (470oC~550oC) Minimize diffusive mixing at interfaces using temperature and gas switching Need process optimization to get the quantum dots or to deposit a Ge-graded film DOE(Design of experiments) 3 factors : Temperature, flow rates of GeH4 and flow rate of Si2H6. Responses : Growth rate, Ge concentration in films, and Morphology (dot size and density) Full factorial with 3 center points Neural network modeling Using Bayesian Network AFM (Morphology) Dot density ( on Si > on SiO2 ) XRD (Ge concentration and thickness) Ge composition ration and growth rate mainly depend on the reactant ratio (PGeH4/PSi2H6 ) 1000000 DS/GeH4=10sccm/15sccm DS/GeH4=10sccm/11.25sccm DS/GeH4=10sccm/7.5sccm 100000 12.68% 10000 17.75% 1000 Ge 20.48% 100 10 1 0.1 31 31.5 32 32.5 33 Omega/2Theta on SiO2 on Si 33.5 34 34.5 Modeling and Control of Rapid Thermal Processor Wonhui Cho • Multi input/output wafer heat transport dynamic model based on finite difference method (FDM) and view factor analysis • Closed loop parameter identification • Nonlinear MIMO (3X3) Iterative Control application to temperature uniformity control • Development of Windows NT-VME based real-time control system Reactive Distillation Project Goals (J. Schell, S. Lextrait, J. Peng) • Operate columns – Alkylation (Condea Vista) – Etherification (TAME chemistry) • Validate existing reactive distillation simulators – Aspen’s RADFRAC (equilibrium stage) – Aspen’s RateFRAC (mass transfer rate) – Aspen Custom Modeler • Develop fundamental nonlinear models for comparison • Future funding by Aspentech, GOALI proposal to NSF Optimization of Chemical Processes Second Edition McGraw-Hill - available January, 2001 By Edgar, Himmeblau, and Lasdon ISBN 0070393591 Major changes from First Edition: Chapter 2 Modeling for Optimization Chapter 6 Unconstrained Optimization Chapter 7 Linear Programming Chapter 8 Nonlinear Programming Chapter 9 Mixed-Integer Programming Chapter 10 Global Optimization Chapter 15 Process Design and Operations Chapter 16 Planning/Scheduling/Control Process Systems Research Consortia ( • Chemical Modeling & Process Control Research Center, Lehigh University • Center for Process Analytical Chemistry, University of Washington • McMaster Control Consortium • Measurement and Control Engineering Center (University of Tennessee, Oklahoma State) • Center for Advanced Process Decision-Making, Carnegie Mellon Process Systems Research Consortia • • • • Texas - Wisconsin Modeling & Control Consortium (TWMCC) Texas Tech Process Control and Optimization Consortium UC Santa Barbara Consortium University of Delaware Process Monitoring and Control Consortium • Computer-Integrated Process Operations Consortium - Purdue Consortium Metrics Washington Purdue CMU TWMCC McMaster Delaware UT/OSU Lehigh Texas Tech UCSB Number of Students/Postdocs 26 28 24 28 22 16 15 14 9 6 Number of Faculty 28 3-4 6 3-4 4 3 10 4 2 1 Number of Sponsors 33 12-15 20 15 20 13 16-19 7 7 11 General Observations • Several operate with formal consortium agreement, previous or current government agency funding (UW, CMU, Lehigh, UT/OSU) • Two are mostly focused on analytical measurements and chemistry faculty (UW, UT/OSU) • Most use agency funds to supplement industrial contributions (UCSB, Delaware, Purdue, Lehigh, McMaster, CMU, TWMCC) • Some allow special membership for vendors or for hardware/software donations in lieu of cash (Delaware, UCSB) • Company fees typically range from $12,000 (McMaster-in $US) to $35,000 (UW); UCSB (Single prof) = $5000 • Most consortia meet twice per year