BROOKHAVEN COLLEGE DEANS’ MEETING MINUTES November 4, 2010 Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Michael Dennehy, Brenda Dalton, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Sam Govea, Vernon Hawkins, Marilyn Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy Attendees: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Brenda Dalton, Michael Dennehy, Sarah Ferguson, Sam Govea, Marilyn Lynch, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy Important Things to Know Mark Meyer reported that the meeting with the NLN was very successful. The Brookhaven Nursing program passed with flying colors. The visitors were very impressed with faculty, students and how the administration supports the program. Several members of nursing faculty and staff received high praise for their work. The visitors were also impressed with the faculty files as well as student files. The EMS program will have their evaluation in the spring. Rodger stated the nursing program has some of the best retention rates and highest numbers in the state. Sandy Wyche reported that Sharon Burton will be registering front office medical students on a trial run. Sharon states: “As a pilot, we will be registering our current medical front office students for spring 2011; at the same time, we will also register our new students who have attended the information sessions and have applied for admission to the college as well as have requested their financial aid. In the spring we will begin our first day schedule for the second semester students; we already have a successful evening schedule for the second semester students. All the students enrolled in the co-op/externship have been placed. In the spring semester, we will begin working with Metrocrest Family Clinic to create a volunteer program for our first semester students.” Michael Dennehy reported on the accountability meeting at the Coordinating Board that he attended on Monday. Michael stated that Momentum Points, which are milestones of a student’s progression towards completion or transfer are coming. This process will extend to academic as well as tech/occ programs. Examples of Momentum Points currently being considered are: achieving college readiness; completing a first-year college-level math course; completing first year English, completing 15 semester credit hours; completing 30 semester credit hours; earning a degree or certificate, transferring to a university. The points will be added up; 10% of funding will be based on these points. Michael stated that those schools with points over 10% will receive additional funding. Momentum Points will go into effect 2012-2013. The IR office will do the reporting to the Coordinating Board. Marilyn Lynch reported that the Coordinating Board is trying to come up with a process for obtaining this information. Rodger brought up staff development. It was noted that some DCCCD campuses require a certain number of hours a year for faculty staff development. Rodger would like to devote some time to further discussion on this. Do we want students who are not already accepted into the Nursing or Rad Tech program to be waived from EDUC 1300 and Computer Literacy requirements? Brenda Dalton had three items to bring to the meeting: 1. Division Information Pages – Brenda will send pages to the divisions. She is asking the group to send any changes to her. Brenda also asked that any additional information faculty may want students to be aware of to be included along with overload policies specific to areas. 2. A change to registration – students who have taken TSI assessment even with low grades can register themselves. Advisors will do advisement, goal setting, etc but students will to the eConnect room and register. eConnect will have staff available to assist. Schedule build does not need advising assistance. SCIC will still be handled in advising. EDUC has this information in course. DMAT 99 students register based on advisement. Advisors will give students the information they need. Brenda is the TSI representative for the college. The TSI group plan being revised in spring 2011. There were questions about TASP vs. TSI. TASP students had to remediate vs. TSI where you meet assessment. 3. New CORE – question as to whether students declaring a nursing major are waived from taking EDUC. Mark Meyer reported that nursing majors cannot go over 72 hours. Adding EDUC would bring to 75 hours. EDUC has not been added to a nursing degree program. A SACS concern is that students are spending four years to get a two year degree. Brenda reported that El Centro will not let students waive until they are accepted into the nursing program. Action Item: Mark will contact Sondra Fleming, Vice President Health and Human Services about this issue. Follow-up: Mark reported back that: “The clear answer is that we should waive the EDUC requirement for pre nursing students or this would extend the nursing program for those students who took the EDUC course over the 72 hour limit for an associate degree in nursing. This might put us in hot water with the coordinating board and board of nursing.” Other Sam Govea asked if it would be possible to have lateral forms accessible as a PDF to be done electronically. Brenda will get with Thoa about this issue. Thoa will be invited to the Deans’ meeting for further discussion. Group met with Faculty Council at 3:00 p.m.