ΤΟΥΡΚΙΚΗ ΑΓΟΡΑ ΔΕΡΜΑΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΔΕΡΜΑΤΙΝΩΝ ΕΙΔΩΝ A. Γενικά στοιχεία/Εισαγωγές-Εξαγωγές Η τουρκική βιομηχανία δερματίνων ειδών είναι μια από τις πιο σημαντικές στην Τουρκία. Με παράδοση στην επεξεργασία δερμάτων, τις απαρχές της οποίας βρίσκει κανείς στο 12ο αιώνα, η τουρκική αγορά δερματίνων γνώρισε ιδιαίτερη άνθηση τις τελευταίες τέσσερις δεκαετίες. Τη δεκαετία του ‘70 άρχισαν να δημιουργούνται στην Τουρκία οι πρώτες - μικρές αρχικά- μονάδες παρασκευής δερματίνων ειδών και τη δεκαετία του ’80, οι οποίες γρήγορα απέκτησαν εξαγωγικό προσανατολισμό, ειδικά με τις μεταρρυθμιστικές προσπάθειες της τουρκικής κυβέρνησης για την ενίσχυση της εξωστρέφειας των τουρκικών επιχειρήσεων κατά τη δεκαετία του ’80. Κυριότεροι εισαγωγείς τουρκικών δερματίνων ειδών ήταν η Ουγγαρία και η Πολωνία (οι εξαγωγές προς τις οποίες σε πολλές περιπτώσεις δεν ήταν επισήμως καταγεγραμμένες), ενώ με την κατάρρευση του ανατολικού μπλοκ μπήκε και επισήμως στη σχετική αγορά η Ρωσία, προς την οποία άρχισαν να εξάγονται μεγάλες ποσότητες δερμάτινων. Κάμψη γνώρισε το εν λόγω εμπόριο με την οικονομική κρίση της περιόδου 1997-1998 που έπληξε τη Ρωσία σε μεγάλο βαθμό, καθώς επίσης επανέκαμψε την τελευταία 15ετία, χαρίς και στην αυξημένη ζήτηση από τη συγκεκριμένη χώρα, αλλά και στην άνοδο της ζήτησης από χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (Γερμανία, Ιταλία, Γαλλία). Η βιομηχανία δερματίνων ειδών αντιπροσωπεύει το 2,6% της συνολικής βιομηχανικής παραγωγής, με μερίδιο 1% επί του ΑΕΠ της χώρας και απασχολεί το 1,5% των καταγεγραμμένων στη βιομηχανία εργαζομένων. Το μερίδιο των εξαγωγών δερμάτων και δερμάτινων ειδών είναι λιγότερο από 1%, χαμηλότερο σε σχέση με προηγούμενες χρονιές (ενδεικτικά αναφέρεται ότι το 1990 το αντίστοιχο ποσοστό ήταν 5,7% και το 1995 3,5%). Δεν πρόκειται ωστόσο για πτώση των επιδόσεων, καθώς τα τελευταία τρία χρόνια οι επίσημα καταγεγραμμένες εξαγωγές δερματινων παρουσιάζουν αύξηση, όσο σε αύξηση του συνόλου των τουρκικών εξαγωγών. Αξίζει βέβαια να σημειωθεί ότι τα τουρκικά δερμάτινα είδη αντιμετωπίζουν σφοδρό ανταγωνισμό από την είσοδο της Κίνας στην παγκόσμια αγορά δερματινων, η οποία κατέκτησε το ρωσικό κοινό, αφ’ενός λόγω του χαμηλού κόστους των προϊόντων της και αφ’ετέρου λόγω της εγκατάστασης στις ρωσικές πόλεις κινέζικων καταστημάτων, πράγμα που διευκόλυνε την επί τόπου προσέλκυση πελατείας. Χαρακτηριστικό του τουρκικού εμπορίου δερμάτων και δερμάτινων ειδών είναι ότι η Τουρκία πραγματοποιεί μεγάλες εισαγωγές ακατέργαστων δερμάτων, περίπου τετραπλάσιες των αντίστοιχων εξαγωγών της και την προστιθέμενη αξία την κερδίζει από την επεξεργασία αυτών και την κατασκευή προϊόντων από δέρμα, όπως φαίνεται από τον ακόλουθο πίνακα. Έτος Δασμολογική κλάση Προϊόν Εξαγωγές (σε δολάρια) Εισαγωγές (σε δολάρια) 2012 41 Ακατέργαστα δέρματα (πλην γουνοδερμάτων) 161.320.874 684.593.970 42 Προϊόντα από δέρμα (ρούχα, αξεσουάρ, τσάντες, γάντια, θήκες μουσικών οργάνων κλπ) 410.491.009 484.428.649 43 Γουνοδέρματα 273.948.335 108.814.777 845.760.218 1.277.837.396 Σύνολο (Πηγή: Turkstat) Ειδικότερα, το εμπορικό ισοζύγιο δερματίνων ειδών είναι ελλειμματικό για την Τουρκία. Οι τόσο μεγάλες ανάγκες της για εισαγωγές ακατέργαστων δερμάτων εξηγούνται από το γεγονός ότι υπάρχει και μεγάλη εγχώρια κατανάλωση. Το συγκριτικό της πλεονέκτημα είναι το χαμηλά αμοιβόμενο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό που απασχολείται στη βιομηχανία δερμάτινων και κάνει ανταγωνιστικές τις τιμές, αλλά και η ολοένα αυξανόμενη στροφή προς το σχέδιο μόδας (design), το οποίο δίνει τη δυνατότητα για καλοσχεδιασμένα ρούχα, παπούτσια και αξεσουάρ, χωρίς όμως, λόγω περιορισμένης αναγνωρισιμότητας των τουρκικών brands να είναι ιδιαίτερα ακριβό, αν και τα τελευταία χρόνια παρατηρείται σχετική αύξηση των τιμών. Επιπλέον, η γεωγραφική της θέση (κοντά στη Ρωσία και στις χώρες ΚΑΚ που λόγω καιρικών συνθηκών έχουν ανάγκη από δερμάτινα, αλλά και κοντά σε ευρωπαϊκές χώρες που δείχνουν μία καταναλωτική προτίμηση, τόσο πρακτικής, όσο και αισθητικής φύσης στα δερμάτινα) και οι τουριστικές ροές έχουν συμβάλει στην αύξηση των εξαγωγών της τα τελευταία τρία χρόνια. Στον πίνακα που ακολουθεί είναι εμφανής η αύξηση από το 2010 και μετά. Έτη Δερμάτινα είδη Εισαγωγές (σε δολ.) Εξαγωγές (σε δολ) 484.428.649 410.491.009 2012 2011 479.333.728 419.895.416 2010 2009 408.835.983 370.851.730 200.545 3.524.132 600 500 400 Εισαγωγές σε εκατ.δολάρια 300 Εξαγωγές σε εκατ.δολάρια 200 100 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 Οι εισαγωγές προς την Τουρκία προέρχονται από την Κίνα, τον πιο δυνατό ίσως παίκτη στην αγορά, την Ιταλία, από την οποία εισάγονται σε μεγάλο βαθμό επώνυμα είδη ρουχισμού, η Ινδία και χώρες της πρώην ΕΣΣΔ. Στον παρακάτω πίνακα φαίνονται οι κυριότεροι εξαγωγικοί εταίροι της Τουρκίας στο εμπόριο δερμάτων, γουνοδερμάτων και δερματινων ειδών, σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία του Συνδέσμου Τουρκικών Εταιριών Επωνύμων 1 Ενδυμάτων (http://www.turkishleatherbrands.com/abouttlc.php) XΩΡΕΣ 2011 Ιαν.-Δεκ. (1000 $) Μερίδιο εξαγωγών δερματίνω ν% 2012 Ιαν.-Δεκ. (1000 $) Μερίδιο εξαγωγών Μεταβολή δερματίνω % ν% 1 ΡΩΣΙΑ 331.797 22,4 435.298 27,1 31,2 2 ΙΤΑΛΙΑ 139.791 9,5 127.471 7,9 -8,8 3 ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΑ 127.117 8,6 105.698 6,6 -16,8 4 IΡΑΚ 63.004 4,3 85.784 5,3 36,2 5 ΓΑΛΛΙΑ 93.811 6,3 71.535 4,5 -23,7 6 ΗΝ.ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟ 66.189 4,5 63.085 3,9 -4,7 7 ΟΥΚΡΑΝΙΑ 50.375 3,4 57.255 3,6 13,7 8 ΧΟΝΓΚ ΚΟΝΓΚ 45.508 3,1 49.419 3,1 8,6 Σημειώνεται πως υπάρχει απόκλιση μεταξύ των δεδομένων της Turkstat και του ανωτέρω Συνδέσμου Εταιριών, ο οποίος τα στοιχεία του τα αντλεί από τις εταιρίες-μέλη του ως προς την εξαγωγική τους δραστηριότητα 1 9 ΚΙΝΑ 43.300 2,9 47.738 3,0 10,2 10 ΣΑΟΥΔ.ΑΡΑΒΙΑ 31.305 2,1 43.380 2,7 38,6 11 ΗΠΑ 25.845 1,7 30.407 1,9 17,6 12 KAZAKΣTAN 42.429 2,9 25.908 1,6 -38,9 Μερίδιο στις εξαγωγές ανά χώρα Ρωσία Ιταλία Γερμανία Ιρακ Γαλλία ΗΒ Ουκρανία Χονγκ Κονγκ Κίνα Σ.Αραβία Λοιπές χώρες Γ. Κυριότερες πόλεις -Δίκτυα διανομής Οι σημαντικότερες αγορές για την προώθηση των ελληνικών δερματίνων είναι τα μεγάλα αστικά κέντρα, όπως η Κωνσταντινούπολη και η Αττάλεια, η Σμύρνη και η Άγκυρα, πόλεις με υψηλό διαθέσιμο εισόδημα που επιτρέπει την αγορά ενδυμάτων και αξεσουάρ υψηλής ποιότητας, καθώς επίσης με σημαντικό αριθμό τουριστών και αλλοδαπών στελεχών ξένων επιχειρήσεων. Ως προς την παραγωγή δερμάτινων ρούχων και αξεσουάρ, την πρωτοκαθεδρία έχει η Κωνσταντινούπολη. Μάλιστα στην περιοχή ZeytimBurnu της Πόλης είναι εγκατεστημένες οι περισσότερες μικρές και μεσαίες επιχειρήσεις κατασκευής ενδυμάτων, ενώ στην περιοχή Laleli, κοντά στην κλειστή αγορά υπάρχουν καταστήματα λιανικής. 1. ΔΙΜΕΡΕΣ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΟ Οι ελληνικές εξαγωγές δερμάτων προς την Τουρκία βρίσκονται στην πέμπτη θέση με τις σημαντικότερες εξαγωγικές μας επιδόσεις στη συγκεκριμένη χώρα για το 2012, παρουσιάζοντας μάλιστα αύξηση της τάξης του 16% σε σχέση με την προηγούμενη χρονιά, ενώ η αξία τους σε απόλυτους αριθμούς έφτασε τα 30.738.235 ευρώ. Οι εξαγωγές του συγκεκριμένου προϊόντος περιορίζονται ωστόσο στο 1,1% της συνολικής σύνθεσης των εξαγωγών μας. 2011 Αξία εξαγωγών (σε ευρώ) CN-2 Προϊόν 27 Ορυκτά λάδια-καύσιμα 2012 Αξία εξαγωγών(σε ευρώ) 2011-12 Μεταβολή (%) 2012 Σύνθεση (%) 1.186.631.175 1.968.774.221 66% 71,5% 158.710.490 152.143.673 - 4% 5% 52 Βαμβάκι 89.187.336 202.060.680 126% 7,3% 76 Αργίλιο και τεχνουργήματα από αργίλιο 48.049.315 67.378.392 40% 2,4% 41 Δέρματα 26.528.811 30.738.235 16% 1,1% 74 Χαλκός και τεχνουργήματα από χαλκό 25.580.229 44.284.674 73% 1,6% 39 Πλαστικές ύλες και τεχνουργήματα Ενώ οι ελληνικές εξαγωγές ακατέργαστων δερμάτων είναι ιδιαίτερα υψηλές, διαμορφώνοντας το εμπορικό ισοζύγιο υπέρ της χώρας μας στην κατηγορία αυτή (αφού οι αντίστοιχες τουρκικές εξαγωγές είναι σε αξία μόλις 68.630 ευρώ), στην κατηγορία των προϊόντων από δέρμα, η Τουρκία έχει σαφές προβάδισμα, καθώς εξάγει προς τη χώρα μας δερμάτινα αξίας 1.004.211 ευρώ και εισάγει από την Ελλάδα προϊόντα αξίας μόλις 70.993 ευρώ, όπως φαίνεται και από τους παρακάτω πίνακες. Έτος 2012 Δασμολογική κλάση 41: Ακατέργαστα Δέρματα Ελληνικές εξαγωγές προς Τουρκία 39.775.967 δολάρια (30.738.235 ευρώ) Έτος 2012 Ελληνικές Εισαγωγές από Τουρκία 89.018 δολάρια (68.630 ευρώ) Δασμολογική κλάση 42: Προϊόντα από δέρμα Ελληνικές εξαγωγές προς Τουρκία Ελληνικές Εισαγωγές από Τουρκία 92.143 δολάρια (70.993 ευρώ) 1.303.698 δολάρια (1.004.211 ευρώ) Η περυσινές επιδόσεις της χώρας μας στις εξαγωγές ακατέργαστων δερμάτων στην Τουρκία επιβεβαιώνουν τη σταθερά ανοδική πορεία των εξαγωγών μας, καθώς το 2010 οι αντίστοιχες εξαγωγές ήταν σχεδόν το ήμισυ της επόμενης χρονιάς (13.736.863 ευρώ) και το 2009 ήταν μόλις 9.263.000 ευρώ Πρόοδος αξίας ελληνικών εξαγωγών ακατέργαστων γουνοδερμάτων σε Τουρκία τα τελευταία 4 χρόνια (σε εκατ.ευρώ) 35 30 25 20 ελληνικές εξαγωγές 15 10 5 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 Η χώρα μας βρίσκεται στην 26η θέση στην κατάταξη των χωρών εισαγωγέων τουρκικών δερματίνων ειδών. Ειδικότερα, ανά προϊόν, για το 2012 οι τουρκικές εξαγωγές προς τη χώρα μας διαρθρώθηκαν ως εξής: Τουρκικές εξαγωγές στη χώρα μας ανά ειδικότερη κατηγορία προϊόντος για το 2012 τσάντες, βαλίτσες, θήκες ένδυση, υπόδηση, εξαρτήματα ένδυσης (ζώνες) εξαρτήματα μηχανολογικού εξοπλισμούς (ιμάντες) ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑΤΑ-ΠΡΟΤΑΣΕΙΣ Ενδεικτικά, με δεδομένο το εύρος του κατακερματισμού των σχετικών εισαγωγών από πλήθος χωρών, επισημαίνουμε ως κυριότερους ανταγωνιστές της Ελλάδας των εισαγόμενων ακατέργαστων δερμάτων στην τουρκική αγορά την Ινδία (εξαγωγές ύψους 34,5 δισ.δολαρίων), την Αυστραλία (26 εκατ.δολ)και τη Βουλγαρία (19,3 εκατ.δολάρια). Συμπερασματικά, παρατηρούμε ότι υπάρχει περιθώριο αύξησης των σχετικών εξαγωγών μας, καθώς το συγκριτικό μας πλεονέκτημα σε σχέση με τις αγορές της Ινδίας και της Αυστραλίας είναι η γεωγραφική εγγύτητα, η οποία μειώνει το κόστος μεταφορών. Πρόταση του Γραφείου ΟΕΥ Αγκύρας είναι η κατάλληλη και συστηματική προβολή των δραστηριοποιούμενων στον τομέα αυτό εταιριών στο πλαίσιο επιχειρηματικών αποστολών και παρουσιάσεων των ελληνικών προϊόντων, η οποία ενδεχομένως να μπορούσε να συμβάλει στην αύξηση των εξαγωγών μας στην Τουρκία. ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΙΣΤΟΣΕΛΙΔΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΣ İstanbul Textile and Apparel Exporters Associations (ITKIB) Tel: 0090-212-454 02 00 pbx Fax: 0090-212-454 02 01 / 454 04 10 E-mail: info@itkib.org.tr Web-site:http://www.itkib.org.tr Export Promotion Center (İGEME) Tel: 0 – 312 – 417 22 23 (8hat) Fax: 0 – 312 – 417 22 33 E-mail: igeme@igeme.org.tr Web-site: http://www.igeme.org.tr Turkish Leather Industrialists Association (TDSD) Tel: 0090 – 216- 394 07 40-41 Fax: 0090- 216- 3940742 E-mail: tdsd@tdsd.org.tr Web-site: http://www.tdsd.org.tr Footwear Industrialist' Association of Turkey (ASD) Tel:0 – 0212 – 551 09 50 Fax:0090-212-551 09 77 E-mail: info@turkishoes.org Web-site: http://www.turkishoes.org Turkish Leather Garment Manufacturers' Association Tel: 0 – 0212 – 665 27 47 Fax: 0090-212-546 77 53 E-mail: leathermode@superonline.com Web-site: http://www.leathermode.org Saddlery Goods Manufacturers’ Association Tel: 0090 – 0212 –543 39 07 Fax: 0090-212-543 30 08 E-mail: zekimar@yahoo.com Web-site: http://www.leathermode.org Turkish Leather Foundation Tel: 0090 – 0212 –558 23 02 Fax: 0090-212-558 22 96 E-mail: info@derivakfi.org Web-site: http://www.derivakfi.org Laleli Manufacturers and Businessmen Association (LASIAD) Tel: 0090-212-458 12 49 Fax: 0090-212-458 12 50 E-mail: lasiad@lasiad.net Web-site: http://www.lasiad.net İstanbul Leather Industrial Organized Zone Tel: 0090-212-394 14 80 (3 hat) Fax: 0090-212-394 14 79 E-mail: info@ideriosb.org.tr Web-site: http://www.ideriosb.org.tr İzmir Menemen Leather Industrial Organized Zone Tel: 0090-232- 842 63 11 pbx Fax: 0090-212-842 63 49 E-mail: info@idesbas.com Web-site: http://www.idesbas.com Κατάλογος εταιριών παραγωγής και εμπορίας (Σχετικό ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ) ΜΑΡΤΙΟΣ 2013 ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΕΤΑΙΡΙΕΣ ΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΑΣ ΔΕΡΜΑΤΙΝΩΝ ΕΙΔΩΝ AYDINLI Deri Konfeksiyon AŞ Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1987 Number of Employees : 460 Production Capacity : 100 sqm/year Exports in 2010 : 27.000.000,- USD Countries of Export : EC Countries, USA, Japan, China, Russia.... Price Range : Luxury Brands : ZAFFERS, VITTORIO&VITTORIO, ELEMENTS Sub Sectors : Double-Face, 2 Contacts Head Office Güneşli, Gülbahar Cad. 19 BagcılarISTANBUL Contact Details : Selçuk Avcı 2 Tel : +90.212.630 79 35 Fax : +90.212.550 3144 E-Mail: selcuk.avci@aydinli.com Web: www.orjin.com ALTINOK Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1984 Production Capacity : 10 sqm/year Countries of Export : Germany, France, Canada, Belgium, Russia, Spain Price Range : Mid-Range About Company : Leather jackets and overcoats and all types of leather garments made from Lamb Nappa; Lamb Nappa from Turkish Domestic, New Zealand and African origin in different finishes such as Plogne, Naturel Finish, Burnished, Semi Aniline, Economic..... Sub Sectors : Men, Women, Double-Face, Nappa, Contacts Head Office Murselpasa Bulv. no: 163 Kahramanlar / IZMIR - TURKIYE Contact Details : Mehmet BUNCU - Yasemin BUNCU - Selcuk BUNCU Tel : +90 (232) 441 25 74 ( pbx ) Fax : +90 (232) 425 89 09 E-Mail: info@altinok.com.tr Web: www.altinok.com.tr Arpel Deri Giyim San. ve Tic. Ltd Sti Year of Foundation : 1987 Countries of Export : China, United States, Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, United Kingdom, Japan, France Price Range : Economic About Company : We are one of the most well-known and innovative doubleface tannerries in Turkey. We are very much proud of our good standard quality. Our tannery has a production capacity of more than 1 million skins per year. We are presenting a product range of Baby Calf Skins, Slink Skins (Astragan and Curly), Lamb / Sheep Skins (Spanish Toscana, Merino, Curly, Rasado and Tigrado) and Kangaroo Skins. Contacts Head Office Yenidoğan Mah. Zübeyde Hanım Cad. No:102 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Hüseyin FAZLIOĞLU Tel : +90 (212) 510-8534 Fax : +90 (212) 510-7689 E-Mail: mehmet@arpelderi.com Web: www.arpelderi.com As Erdogan Deri San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. Year of Foundation : 2007 Countries of Export : Germany, Russia, Canada, Ukrainia, Japan, Belgium, Italy Price Range : Economic About Company : Our company carries out its activities in various fields related to fur such as original products for leather clothing sector, fashion conscious innovative manufacturing for shoe industry, polished skins for automotive industry, rolled skin manufacturing for paint industry, medical lambskin for babies, elderly people and bedridden patients, fur boot known as UGG - shoe - baby shoe manufacturing, decoration products. Contacts Head Office Nuripaşa Mah. 13.Sok. No:65-67 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Muharrem ERDOĞAN, Ömer YETİŞGİN, Pervin PAKSOY Tel : +90 (212) 546-9490 Fax : +90 (212) 546-9480 E-Mail: info@erdoganderi.com.tr Web: www.erdoganderi.com.tr Aslan Deri Ith. Ihr. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Year of Foundation : 1996 Countries of Export : Russia, Ukrainia, Canada, China, Portugal Price Range : Economic About Company : Doubleface Tannery presenting range of Sheepskins&Lambskins for Garments, Shoes&Handbags and other types of doubleface products for different markets. We have over 40 years experience in this sector. Tannery is landed in Corlu, head office is in İSTANBUL. Our tannery can produce daily 3.000 pcs of skins. Our Co focused on customer satisfaction and quality. We export our products to Canada, USA, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Russia, China, HK, Ukraina. Contacts Head Office Hıdırağa Mah. Kuzey Cad. 1 Sok. No:6 Çorlu - TEKİRDAĞ Contact Details : Hasan Hüseyin ASLAN, Yılmaz ASLAN, Ziya ASLAN, Ayvaz ASLAN Tel : +90 (282) 686-2317 Fax : +90 (282) 686-1145 E-Mail: aslanderi@netone.com.tr; Web:aslangrup01@hotmail.com www.aslanderi.com Albes Leather Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1980 Number of Employees : 40 Price Range : Mid-Range About Company : Deri sektöründeki faliyetleri 1980 yılı başından itibaren deri konfeksiyon üretimi ile başlayan ve bu tarihten itibaren hem yurt içi ve hem de yurt dışına bu ürünlerini pazarlayarak deri sektöründe kaliteli üretimi ile kendine bir yer edinen Deristil Limited, 1990 yılinda Albes Deri firmasını kurarak, ham sığır deri işletme tesisini işletmeye alır. Deri ve Salpa üretimi konusunda yoğunlaşan Albes Deri, kemerlik deri üretiminde Türkiye iç piyasasında özellikle kalın yarmaderide ilk sıradadır.Albes Deri sadece üretime odaklanmamıştır.Aynı zamanda kaliteli dolgu, binder, boya ve pigmentleri ile deri sektörüne hizmet vermektedir. Sub Sectors : Upholstery, Double-Face, Nappa, Leather Merchant, Double Face, Upperleather, Raw Materials, Contacts Factory Kazlıçeşme caddesi No: 43 P/7 B Özel Parsel, 34957 Tuzla Deri Sanayi Bölgesi Contact Details : Kemal Bozdağ AKAR DERİ AYAKKABI SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. Tel : 0216 394 24 25 Fax : 0216 394 24 17 E-Mail: info@albesleather.com Web: www.albesleather.com Price Range : Economic About Company : Boots, Classical Moccasins, Classical Shoes Brands : CORRENTE Sub Sectors : Sport Shoes, Safety Shoes, Kids, Men, Contacts Factory Sanayi Mah. Özcan Sk. No: 1/1 Güngören 34165 İstanul / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Doğan ÖZÜNAL Tel : 90 212 637 82 70 Fax : 90 212 637 82 71 E-Mail: akarshoes@hotmail.com Web: www.akarayakkabi.com AS ERDOGAN DERİ SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ Price Range : Economic About Company : Ankle Boots, Booties, Boots, Snow Boots, Fur Boots Brands : PEGIA Sub Sectors : Men, Women, Burc Deri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Year of Foundation : 1994 Countries of Export : Europe and Russia Price Range : Economic About Company : HIDE, SKIN AND FUR TANNED, WET BLUE, FINISHED. FROM BABY CALF, CATTLE, SHEEP AND LAMB . FOR FOOTWEAR, GARMENT, UPHOLSTERY. Brands : BURC DERİ / BUSEM DERI Contacts Head Office Merkez Egemenlik Mah. 6116 Sok. No:17 Ayakkabicilar Sitesi Isikkent IZMIR Contact Details : Ahmet Bican BEŞİRİK Tel : +90 (236) 2113440 Fax : +90 (236) 2113442 E-Mail: b.besirik@burcderi.com.tr; Web:info@burcderi.com.tr www.burcderi.com.tr Baykallar Tekstil ve Deri Countries of Export : United Kingdom, Russia, France Price Range : Economic About Company : As Baykallar group we are producing double face nappa for around 40 years. Baykallar has 2 tanneries in Çorlu and skins for garments only produced in nappa and fur. Contacts Head Office Yenidogan Mah. Zübeyde Hanim Cad. No:100 Z. Burnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Mehmet Zeki BAYKAL, Celal BAYKAL Tel : +90 (212) 510-8873 Fax : +90 (212) 510-8875 E-Mail: celal@baykallargroup.com; Web:hacer@baykallargroup.com www.baykallargroup.com Birdallar Deri San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. Year of Foundation : 1989 Countries of Export : Belarus, Georgia, Russia, Ukrainia, Lebanon Price Range : Economic About Company : In the year 1983, our Company was founded in Çorlu, where in they are still continuing their industrial activities by producing calfskins( vidala ) and from time to time. Birdallar Leather for varied leather wears. Birdallar Leather, conceived in the increasing and perfection of its quality, has adopted itself the principle of earning a most reputable corporate indentity with in the Turkish Leather Industry. Brands : BİRDALLAR DERİ Contacts Head Office Yeşiltepe OSB Mah. Kuzey Cad. 5.Sok. No:9 Çorlu - TEKİRDAĞ Tel : +90 (282) 686-2075 Fax : +90 (282) 686- 1903 Contact Details : Serdal BİRDAL, Erdal E-Mail: serdal@birdallar.com; Web:vuslat_olgun@hotmail.com BİRDAL, Murat BİRDAL www.birdallar.com BOZYAKA AYAKKABI VE DERİ ÜRÜNLERİ SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. Price Range : Economic About Company : Boots, Other Sport Shoes, Sandals, Brands : FRESCO GOSSI Sub Sectors : Sport Shoes, Men, Women, Contacts Factory 2. Anafartalar Mah. 1531 Sk. No:2/A 45020 Manisa / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Rüstü BOZYAKA DERIFORM DERI SAN.TIC.LTD. STI. Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1989 Number of Employees : 85 Production Capacity : 60000 sqm/year Tel : 90 236 231 62 32 Fax : 90 236 234 26 28 E-Mail: info@bozyaka.com.tr Web: www.bozyaka.com.tr Exports in 2010 : 4789035 Countries of Export : Germany, Austria Price Range : Mid-Range- Expensive Brands : DERIFORM Producer of Foreign Brands : Hugo Boss, Marc Cain, Schneiders, Habsburg, Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, Gössl, Hauber, Luisa Cerano Quality Certificates : ISO9001 Sub Sectors : Double-Face, Nappa, Garment, Contacts Factory 1145/6 SK.NO:2 AYDINLAR İŞMERKEZİ A BLOK YENİŞEHİR İZMİR Contact Details : ÜMİT ÖZKAN Tel : 232.4697383-4697384 Fax : 0.232.4490256 E-Mail: umit.ozkan@deriform.com.tr Web: www.deriform.com.tr Factory 1145/6 SK.NO:2/202-203-301-401 YENİŞEHİR-İZMİR Contact Details : ÜMİT ÖZKAN Tel : 02324697383 Fax : 02324490256 E-Mail: umit.ozkan@deriform.com.tr Web: www.deriform.com.tr DURU DERİ Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 109 Number of Employees : 16 Production Capacity : 1800 sqm/year Price Range : Economic About Company : In 2009 - Started to work in Çorlu Organized Industry Zone In 2011 - Started to Shanghai export Now - Manufacturing fur, zig and suede in 3200 m2 closed area Sub Sectors : Sport Shoes, Safety Shoes, Kids, Men, Women, Double-Face, Nappa, Upperleather, Contacts Factory Tel : 0.282.6865554 Fax : 0.282.6865563 Organize Deri San Bölgesi Kuzey Cad 2.Sok No:1 Çorlu/TEKİRDAĞ Contact Details : Yücel Çete E-Mail: duruderi@hotmail.com Web: www.duruleather.com DERI'X ACCESSORIES Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 2007 Number of Employees : 10 Production Capacity : 100000 sqm/year Countries of Export : UK , Canada, Greece, Australia, Germany Price Range : Mid-Range About Company : Manufacturing Leather Bags and Leather Hats Sub Sectors : Luggage, Gloves, Belts, Handbags, Contacts Factory GAZİLER CAD 117 KAT:1 DAİRE 113 KAPILAR / İZMİR / TÜRKİYE Contact Details : Ekrem DAĞ Tel : 02324463023 Fax : 02324413664 E-Mail: info@derixbag.net, info@leathercaps.net Web: www.derixbag.net, www.leathercaps.net DOĞU DERİ TEKSTİL SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1999 Number of Employees : 100 Countries of Export : Rusya,İtalya,Danimarka Price Range : Luxury Brands : Perre Sub Sectors : Double-Face, Nappa, Contacts Factory Yenidoğan Mh.Zübeyde Hanım Cd. No:120 Zeytinburnu/İstanbul/Turkey Tel : +90 212 415 57 17 Fax : +90 212 510 27 36 Contact Details : Mehmet Ali Dinç E-Mail: m.ali@doguderi.com Web: www.perre.com.tr Desa Deri San ve Tic. A.S. Year of Foundation : 1972 Countries of Export : USA, England, Italy, Germany, France, China, Hong Kong, South Korea Price Range : Economic Contacts Head Office Halkalı Cad. No:208 34295 Sefaköy - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Melih ÇELET, Burak ÇELET Tel : +90 (212) 473 18 00 Fax : +90 (212) 6989812 E-Mail: burak.celet@desa.com.tr Web: www.desa.com.tr Denizler Deri Giyim San ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Year of Foundation : 2003 Countries of Export : Russia, Ukrainia Price Range : Economic About Company : Our mission in leather industries has started in 1951, our latest established factory in BalikesirGonen has 15.000 m2 of closed area. We import our selected fur and leather from Spain, Italy, France, Great Britain and Ireland. Fur leathers processed by latest techonology and specialist stuff and reach 700.000- pieces per year. We are presenting these products to our customers in our showroom in Zeytinburnu/İSTANBUL. Contacts Head Office Nuripaşa Mah. Zübeyde Hanım Cad. No:194/2 Kat:2 Zeytinburnu İSTANBUL Contact Details : Adem DENİZ, Erdem DENİZ, Ayhan DENİZ Tel : +90 (212) 546-2323 Fax : +90 (212) 582-0421 E-Mail: info@denizlerderi.com Web: www.denizlerderi.com DEVRAN AYAKKABI SANAYİ A.Ş. Price Range : Economic About Company : Ankle Boots, Booties, Boat Moccasins, Boots, Classical Moccasins, Classical Shoes, Dancing Shoes, Evening Shoes, Other Non-Classical Closed Shoes Brands : PEDRO CAMINO Sub Sectors : Men, Contacts Factory Firuzköy Bulvarı No: 206 Avcılar 34325 Istanbul / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Umut DEVECİ Tel : 90 212 423 20 50 Fax : 90 212 690 46 36 E-Mail: devran@devranayakkabi.com.tr Web: www.devranayakkabi.com ERSİN ÖZBOYACI DERİ KONFEKSİYON Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 2008 Number of Employees : 25 Production Capacity : 18 sqm/year Price Range : Mid-Range About Company : ÖZBOYACI GRUBU deri üretimine 1970 yılında İZMİR'de başlamıştır. Zamanla giysilik deri üretimi için profesyonel bir takım oluşturmuştur. 30 yılı aşkın tecrübesini günümüz teknoloji- leriyle birleştirerek; dünya kalite standartlarına uygun deri mamülleri üreterek global deri pazarında rekabet etmektedir. Deri işlentisi kendi kontrolümüzde yapılmaktadır. Çeşitli ülkelerden gelen hamderiler deri türlerine göre işletilmektedir. Konfeksiyon üretimi İzmir-Basmane'de yapılmaktadır. Bu tesisin kapasitesi ayda 5000 cekettir. Amacımız dünyadaki en iyi hammaddelerden en kaliteli ve en doğal ürünleri üretmek, yine dünyadaki insanları bu ürünlerle giydirmektir. Yeni sezon çalısmalarında klasik ve exlusive olmak üzere iki tarzda yön veren ÖZBOYACI kolleksiyonlarında tamamen dünya trendlerine uygun kendi çizgisini oluşturmuştur. Eskitmenin piyasadan farklı versiyonlarında kullanıldığı kolleksiyonda değişik görünümde işlemeler ön planda tutulmuştur. Ağırlıklı genç bayan modellerinden oluşan kreasyonunda kalite, uyum ve tarz bütünleşmiştir. Evrenin sonu olmadığı gibi tasarımın da sonu olmadığı fikrinden yola çıkarak hazırladığımız kolleksiyonumuzu biraz daha yeniliğe açık, biraz uçuk kaçık, biraz detaycı bir çizgide hazırladık. Deri sektörü hem değişime açık, hem sabit fikirli bir piyasa olduğu için gerek materyallerde gerekse renk seçiminde doğallıktan yola çıkarak renkli ve sıradışı bir kreasyon hazırlamıştır. Avrupa'nın klasik çizgisi ile Rusya'nın renkli ve detaylı stili ön planda tutulup; dünya üzerin- deki her kitleye hitap etmeyi hedeflemektedir. Yeni bir yapılanmaya geçen ÖZBOYACI DERİ kolleksiyonunda denge unsurunu gözönünde bulundurarak dünya üzerindeki her insanın kendinden birşeyler bulabileceği zarif bir kreasyon hazırlamıştır. Avrupa ve Rus pazarındaki yerini sağlamlaştırarak; VAZGEÇİLMEZ'i hedeflemektedir. Brands : BELLUCCI Sub Sectors : Sport Shoes, Safety Shoes, Kids, Men, Women, Garment, Contacts Head Office Etiler mh. 1268 sk. no.2 Basmane - İZMİR Contact Details : ERSİN ÖZBOYACI Tel : (232)425 42 13 - 425 42 93 Fax : (232)425 42 05 E-Mail: info@ozboyacileather.com Web: www.ozboyacileather.com ENSARI DERI KURK SAN. VE TIC. A.S. Year of Foundation : 1993 Countries of Export : China, India, Italy, Russia, Spain, Canada, France, Polland Price Range : Economic About Company : Ensari Deri has been established in Corlu Organised Leather Industrial Zone in 1978, our factory has a capacity of processing different origins of high quality lambskin of approximately 10,000,000 sft/year with its high technology machinery and provides high quality fur-suede lamb skins for domestic & foreign customers. Our garment brand “MEDUSA” has an annual production of 80,000 pieces jacket and exports to Russia, EU countries, USA and Japan. Contacts Head Office Yeni Doğan Mah. Zübeyde Hanım Tel : +90 (212) 679-0205 Cad. 41/1 Sok. No:3 Zeytinburnu İSTANBUL Contact Details : Muhammed Nuri ENSARİ, Okan KOVANCI Fax : +90 (212) 582-2482 E-Mail: bircan@ensarideri.com;info@ensarideri.com Web: www.ensarideri.com Ekol Deri ve Tekstil San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. Countries of Export : Italy, Russia Price Range : Economic About Company : EKOL LEATHER is a Turkish corporation and a vital producer in “Double Face Lambskin for Garments” business with 36 years of in depth experience. The company presents a deep “Tanner Family” knowledge of 4 generations in lambskin production. Application of the world wide accepted processes of tanning, dyeing, printing and machining, introduces our high quality and innovative structure to the industry. Contacts Head Office Zübeyde Hanım Cad. No:54 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Ersin ÖZEL, Refiye Didem ÖZEL, Mehmet Uğur ÖZEL Tel : +90 (212) 679-1031 Fax : +90 (212) 510-6018 E-Mail: ekolderi@gmail.com Web: www.ekolderi.net Ensar Deri Imalat San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. Year of Foundation : 1997 Countries of Export : Russia, China, Ukrainia, Kazakhstan Price Range : Economic About Company : Ensar has been established in 1993 with brand of DER-AY to produce best quality leather for garment, handbags and shoes. Our factory is located in Gonen/Balikesir leather industrial zone. Our production capacity is 6.000 tons per year with the high quality. We service to our costumer in our China office as well. Brands : DER-AY Contacts Head Office Tel : +90 (212) 679-1733 Fax : +90 (212) 664-9038 Gökalp Mah. 34.Sok. No:58 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Nusret AYTEKİN, Naci AYTEKİN, Kadir AYTEKİN E-Mail: ensarderi@hotmail.com; Web:kadir_aytekin@hotmail.com www.derayderi.com ELİBOL DERİ KONF.TRZM.SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1989 Number of Employees : 59 Production Capacity : 30000 sqm/year Countries of Export : RUSYA,LITVANIA,POLONYA,ÇİN,KANADA,YUNANİSTAN,FRANSA Price Range : Mid-Range Brands : ELİBOL,VICENTINI,TILDA Sub Sectors : Sport Shoes, Safety Shoes, Kids, Men, Women, Raw Materials, Contacts Head Office mithatpaşa cd.büyükhaydarefendi sk.no:14 beyazıt/ist Tel : 212 518 34 78 Fax : Contact Details : NEHİR GÜRBAKAR E-Mail: info@elibol.com Web: www.elibol.com yenidoğan mah.Şehitkomiser Günaydın cd.41/4 sk.no5-7 z.burnu/ist Tel : 212 664 41 76 Fax : 212 664 73 82 Factory Contact Details : YÜCEL ELİBOL E-Mail: info@elibol.com Web: www.elibol.com Erluks Deri Year of Foundation : 1987 Countries of Export : Hong Kong, China, Russia, Ukrainia Price Range : Economic About Company : As a leading factory in leather sector in Turkey, we fulfill production in years 8 million sqft of cattle hide leathers products through Italian tecnology in Çorlu Organised Leather Industry Region. The capacity is always supplied by a proportional amount of raw and auxiliary materials which are kept in stock. Variety of clothing and shoe leather producing with Itallian technology and auxiliary materials. Contacts Head Office Organize Deri San. Böl. Hazan Sok. No:1 Çorlu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Fatih EROĞLU, Zülfiye SÜZEN Tel : +90 (212) 510-9591 Fax : +90 (212) 558-7214 E-Mail: bilgi@erluks.com.tr Web: www.erluks.com.tr gedamla Leather Year of Foundation : 1994 Countries of Export : China, Hong Kong, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine Price Range : Economic About Company : Our company is located in Usak Mixed Leather Industrial Zone which is sensitive to environment with its infrastructure, superstructure and treatment facilities established. Ozkuplemez has been serving its customers from both local and internatinal markets (Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, China, Hong Kong). We are markets for garments full vegetable tanned, semi-vagetable tanned, nappa, double side, relief& printed leather, suede, leather for bags and shoes. Brands : Almina - EGEDAMLA leather Contacts Head Office Karma Org. San. Bölg. 9.Cad. No:36 UŞAK Contact Details : Akif KÜPLEMEZ, Yaşar KÜPLEMEZ Tel : +90 (276) 234-0196 Fax : +90 (276) 234-0396 E-Mail: info@egedamladeri.com Web: www.egedamladeri.com EMIN AYAKKABI SAN.TIC.LTD.STI. Price Range : Economic About Company : Boat Moccasins, Boots, Classical Moccasins, Classical Shoes, Evening Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, House Shoes Brands : TRUST @ CALLIGNARI Sub Sectors : Sport Shoes, Safety Shoes, Kids, Men, Contacts Factory Gençosman Mah. Org. Eşref Bitlis Cad. Bahtiyar İşhanı No:37/5 Güngören 34165 Istanbul / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Mahmut BÜLBÜL Tel : 90 212 677 72 11 Fax : 90 212 553 69 47 E-Mail: sales@trustshoes.com Web: www.trustshoes.com OSTER Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1996 Number of Employees : 110 Production Capacity : 12 sqm/year Countries of Export : CIS, Midde East Price Range : Mid-Range About Company : Brands : Foster, Beha, Yepaz, Blackfoot, FosGard Quality Certificates : ISO9001 Sub Sectors : Sport Shoes, Safety Shoes, Kids, Men, Contacts Factory Tuzla Deri Yan Sanayi Bölgesi YC21 parsel Aydınlı/Tuzla/İstanbul Contact Details : Batyr Mamenov Tel : 02165910186 Fax : 02165910688 E-Mail: export@foster-shoes.com Web: www.foster-shoes.com Filizler Dericilik San Tic. Ltd. Sti. Year of Foundation : 1991 Countries of Export : Russia, Germany, France, Canada Price Range : Economic About Company : Filizler’ Tannery & Leatherwear is a leading company in the leather industry. The main products of the company are shearling(double face) lambskins also double face & suede kid-goat skins. The company also runs it's own confectionary. 'Filizler' has showrooms in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Perm and İSTANBUL. Contacts Head Office Gökalp Mah. 73/7 Sok. No:1/A Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Ulas FİLİZ, Kadriye Filiz VURAL Tel : +90 (212) 679-6326 Fax : +90 (212) 665-8146 E-Mail: info@filizler.com.tr; ulas_filiz@hotmail.com Web: www.filizler.com.tr GÜNDÜZ KÜRK A.Ş. Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1997 Number of Employees : 200 Production Capacity : 800 sqm/year Countries of Export : USA, Europe, Russia, China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan Price Range : Economic About Company : The foundation of Gündüz Group dates back to 1971, with the establishment of leather chemicals commercial company. This first step is followed by others and paved the way to today's two group companies, which have a remarkable role in the leather sector. Gündüz Kürk was founded in 1997 and still operates in Çorlu Organized Industrial Zone. Having increased its sales volume and product range in a short period, our tannery manufactures double face lambskins by processing high quality raw skins imported, by its trained and qualified personnel. Gündüz Kürk is one of the largest double face lambskin-producing tannery of Turkey with capacity of 8.000.000 sft./year in 20.000m2 of covered area, and with customer satisfaction and confidence as main supporters for its growth. Brands : GÜNDÜZ KÜRK Sub Sectors : Double Face, Contacts Head Office Tel : +90 212 664 21 00 Fax : +90 212 546 09 70 SRG PLAZA, GÖKALP MH. 39. SK. NO:17 ZEYTİNBURNU, İSTANBUL, TÜRKİYE Contact Details : MEHMET kÖKEN E-Mail: gg@gunduzgroup.com.tr Web: www.gunduzgroup.com.tr Gudersan Deri Countries of Export : China, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Ukrainia Price Range : Economic About Company : Güdersan Group, with its vast experience and reputation, is a leading producer and supplier of high-quality leather to markets worldwide. Contacts Head Office Gökalp Mah. 34.Sok. No:27 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Tayfur ALİSOY Gündüz Kurk Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. Tel : +90 (212) 546-4600 Fax : +90 (216) 582-2527 E-Mail: gudersan@gudersan.com.tr Web: www.gudersan.com.tr Year of Foundation : 1997 Price Range : Economic About Company : Company Information: Established in 1997, making Double Face production with an annual capacity of 8.000.000 sqft. A wide variety of product proposals is launched for choice of the customers. Our mission is the reliability of the services based on a functional and modern managerial structure. Product Information: Presenting fine quality goods specialised in Spanish origin Lechal Toscana/Rassado, Merino, Tigrado, Merinillo, Lacon Lambskins for garment, Baby Calf and UK Domestic both for garment and shoes. Contacts Head Office SRG Plaza, Gökalp Mah. 39. Sok. No:17 34020 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Ruken MIZRAKLI, Nacho FERRIZ, Murat KARDAŞ Tel : +90 (212) 664-2100 Fax : +90 (212) 546-0970 E-Mail: gg@gunduzgroup.com.tr Web: www.gunduzgroup.com.tr Güçlü Deri Countries of Export : China, India, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Pakistan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Russia Price Range : Economic About Company : GUCLU GROUP is a well-known manufacturer and exporter company of TURKEY which has more then 45 years of experience in Hide & Leather industry. With having export capacity of more then 600 metric tones WetBlue Hide & Split every month; we live the proud of being professionals’ choice all over the world. PRODUCTS : Wet Salted Hides - Wet Blue Hides - Wet Blue Splits Finished Leather Brands : G-MOD Contacts Head Office İstanbul Deri Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 11.Yol B-13 Parsel 34956 Tuzla İSTANBUL Contact Details : İbrahim KURŞUNOĞLU, Hakan TAŞKAN Tel : +90 (216) 394-2481 Fax : +90 (216) 394-0890 E-Mail: ibrahimkursunoglu@gucluWeb:group.com;hakantaskan@guclu-group.com www.guclu-group.com GÜDERSAN DERİ Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1984 Number of Employees : 250 Production Capacity : 550000 sqm/year Exports in 2010 : 2000000 Countries of Export : rusya,çin, polonya Price Range : Mid-Range About Company : GİYSİLİK İŞLENMİŞ KUZU DERİSİ VE KÜRKÜ Brands : GÜDERSAN Sub Sectors : Garment, Upperleather, Raw Materials, Contacts Head Office GÖKALP MAH. 34. SOK. NO: 27 ZEYTİNBURNU / İSTANBUL Contact Details : TAYFUR ALİSOY Tel : +90 212 546 46 00 Fax : +90 212 582 25 27 E-Mail: gudersan@gudersan.com.tr Web: www.gudersan.com.tr GÜÇLÜ DERİ TEKSTİL Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 2002 Countries of Export : CHINA, HONG KONG, INDONESIA, ITALY, TAIWAN, KOREA Price Range : Economic Sub Sectors : Upperleather, Raw Materials, Contacts Factory İSTANBUL DERİ ORGANİZE SANAYİ BÖLGESİ 11.YOL B-13 PARSEL 34956 TUZLA - İSTANBUL Tel : +90 216 394 24 81 Fax : +90 216 394 08 90 Contact Details : Ayhan KIRHAN E-Mail: ayhankirhan@guclu-group.com Web: www.guclu-group.com GÜLTAŞ DERİ Price Range : Economic Brands : Gültaş Deri Contacts Head Office Ziya gökalp mah.31.sok.nu:6 zeytinburnu/istanbul Tel : 0212 416 06 72 Fax : HASEL AYAKKABI VE GİYİM SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. Price Range : Economic About Company : Boots, Classical Moccasins, Classical Shoes, Evening Shoes, Other Non-Classical Closed Shoes, Other Sports Shoes Brands : JAG CLUB Sub Sectors : Sport Shoes, Men, Contacts Factory M. Nesih Özmen Mah. Merter Tekstil Merkezi Kasım Sk. No:11/4 Merter 34010 Istanbul / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Ahmet POLAT APPA DERİ Status : Manufacturer Tel : 90 212 505 35 71 Fax : 90 212 505 35 73 E-Mail: jaguar@jaguar.com.tr Web: www.jaguar.com.tr Exporter Year of Foundation : 2005 Countries of Export : Germany, Belgium, USA, Holland, Russia Price Range : Economic Sub Sectors : Double-Face, Nappa, Garment, Contacts Head Office GÖKALP MAH. 39/4 SOK. NO:1719 ZEYTİNBURNU, İSTANBUL Contact Details : ERHAN ERÇETİN Tel : 0212-679-9050 Fax : 0212-679-9044 E-Mail: info@jappaleather.com Web: www.jappaleather.com Kardeşler Deri Year of Foundation : 2002 Price Range : Economic Brands : Kardeşler Deri Contacts Head Office Sancaktepe Mah. Sancak Sk. No: 20 Güngören / İSTANBUL Contact Details : Sinan KARATLI Halit YÜKSEL Tel : +90 (212) 637-3435 Fax : +90 (212) 637-7600 E-Mail: kardeslerderi@hotmail.com Web:turan1972@hotmail.com Kardersan Deri San Tic. Ltd. Sti. Countries of Export : China, HongKong, Korea, Denmark, Russia, Ukrainia, Italy, Germany, Indonesia, Poland Price Range : Economic About Company : Producing cow hide leather for garments, shoes and had bags. Contacts Head Office Bursa Deri O.S.B. Aziz Demirkakan Cad. 6.Sok. No:9 Nilüfer - BURSA Contact Details : Korkut ÇAÇAR, Sezgin KARTAL, Uğur ÇAÇAR Tel : +90 (224) 487-0050 Fax : +90 (224) 487-0059 E-Mail: kardersan@kardersan.com Web: www.kardersan.com Kızılkaya Deri Year of Foundation : 2006 Countries of Export : Russia, China Price Range : Economic About Company : Kizilkaya leather start to leather business around 1970, Our new factory was built in Usak industrial zone at 2006, we start to manufacture ship leather. Our product expert many country as Russia , Europe. Contacts Head Office Ziya Gökalp Mah. 42/1 Sok. No:8 Zeytinburnu / ISTANBUL Contact Details : Yunus KIZILKAYA Tel : +90 (212) 416-6852 Fax : +90 (212) 416-6852 E-Mail: info@kizilkayaderi.com Web: www.kizilkayaderi.com Kopuzlar Deri Year of Foundation : 1978 Countries of Export : HongKong, South Korea, Ukrainia, Greece, Egypt Price Range : Economic About Company : Bonded leather for shoes and leather goods. Fiberboard (shankboard) for shoes. Contacts Head Office İstanbul Org. Deri Sanayi Bölg. Tabak Sok. No:2 N7-1 Parsel Aydınlıkoy/Tuzla - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Ziya KOPUZ Tel : +90 (216) 394-1224 Fax : +90 (216) 394-1229 E-Mail: mustafa@kopuzlar.com Web: www.kopuzlar.com KOZA AYAKKABI DERİ DIŞ TİCARET - MUHAMMED YAHŞİ Status : Exporter Foreign Trade Company Year of Foundation : 2011 Number of Employees : 1 Countries of Export : USA, İngiltere, Rusya, İtalya, Almanya, Japonya, İsviçre, Pakistan, Dubai Price Range : Mid-Range Brands : Koza Ayakkabı Sub Sectors : Sport Shoes, Safety Shoes, Kids, Men, Women, Contacts Head Office Evren Mah. Selen Sok. Koza Konakları N:9 D:12 Güneşli / Bağcılar / İstanbul / TURKIYE Contact Details : Muhamed YAHŞİ Tel : 0090 212 549 71 71 Fax : 0090 212 549 71 17 E-Mail: info@tasd.com.tr Web: www.derisan.com KARYOKA AYAKKABI SAN VE TIC.LTD.ŞTI Price Range : Economic About Company : Ladies Shoes, Comfort Shoes Brands : KARYOKA Sub Sectors : Women, Contacts Factory Maltepe Mah. Davutpaşa Çiftehavuzlar Sk. No:6 K:1 Topkapı 34010 Istanbul / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Oğuz INNER Tel : 90 212 612 64 80 Fax : 90 212 612 64 90 E-Mail: info@karyoka.com.tr Web: www.karyoka.com.tr Lider Deri Urun. San. ve Tic. A.S. Year of Foundation : 1985 Price Range : Economic About Company : LIDER Tannery produce lamb and sheep nappa and suede. Production is due with high quality of finishing articles for garments and bags answering the international markets. Brands : Lİder Deri Contacts Head Office 10006 Sok.No:3 A.O.S.B. Çiğli - İZMİR Contact Details : Marc GALİKO Tel : +90 (232) 376-8197 Fax : +90 (232) 376-8073 E-Mail: marc@liderderi.com; hatice@liderderi.com Web: www.liderderi.com LCM Deri Year of Foundation : 2002 Countries of Export : France, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Italy, America, China, Colombia, Belgium, Austria, Greece, England, Denmark Price Range : Economic About Company : LCM began by saying ''This is a story of changes '' This Slogan is the indicator of LCM vision. Dynamic, innovative, visioner... LCM gives 3 services ın the 3 strategic fields. Special leather ''Garment Leather '' Special Chemistry Special Machinery (Drying Machinery,Washing Machinery and Dyeing Machinery for the Tannery and for the Garment Confection for remain very good trend effect) LCM Predicts to target the needs of the sector and aims to create fashion and vision. Contacts Head Office Çınar San. Sitesi 10007 Sok. No:18/B5 Ulukent İZMİR Contact Details : Mustafa MUMCUOĞLU, Semra ŞAHİN Tel : +90 (232) 833-4248 Fax : +90 (232) 833-4248 E-Mail: lcm@lcmleather.com Web: www.lcmleather.com LOTA AYAKKBI VE DERİ SAN. TİC. LTD.ŞTİ Price Range : Economic About Company : Ankle Boots, Booties, Boots, Classical Moccasins Brands : INUOVO Sub Sectors : Sport Shoes, Women, Contacts Factory Ikıtelli Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Bedrettin Dalan Bulvarı Aykosan Sanayi Sitesi 2.Kısım No:1 K:2 Başakşehir 34126 Istanbul / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. İsmet Mert DOĞANER MUR-DER DERİ SAN. A.Ş. Status : Manufacturer Year of Foundation : 1978 Number of Employees : 60 Production Capacity : 500 sqm/year Exports in 2010 : 1.500.000 USD Countries of Export : Russia, Ukraine Tel : 90 212 458 22 28 Fax : 90 212 458 22 26 E-Mail: info@inuovo.com Web: www.inuovo.com Price Range : Mid-Range- Expensive About Company : Calf Leather Manufacturer (Shoes & Bags) Dana Derisi İmalatı (Ayakkabı & Çanta) Sub Sectors : Upperleather, Contacts Factory Tel : 0224 4870070 Fax : 0224 4870077 Bursa Deri OSB, Aziz Demirkakan Cd. 6. Sk. No:18 Nilüfer Bursa Contact Details : Murat Çağlar E-Mail: murcaglar@superonline.com Web: www.murderderi.com Mader Deri San. ve Tic. A.S. Year of Foundation : 1983 Price Range : Economic About Company : Mader Deri produces high quality leather for handbag, belt and shoe upper. Major products are vegetable tanned and wet-white tanned leathers. Mader provides different types of cutting, like culltta, double-butt, shoulder, belly and etc. Products vary from 0.8mm up to 4mm. thickness. Contacts Head Office Org. Deri San. Bölgesi Parsel F2 Tuzla İSTANBUL Contact Details : Erdal MATRAŞ, Tuğrul MATRAŞ Tel : +90 (216) 394-1418 Fax : +90 (216) 394-1420 E-Mail: info@mader-tanning.com; Web:cemkobak@mader-tanning.com www.mader-tanning.com Marmara Deri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Year of Foundation : 1992 Countries of Export : China, HongKong, India, Korea, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, UK, USA Price Range : Economic About Company : Marmara Deri leading the sector with its strong, aesthetical and modern presentations prepared every year has demonstrated its entrepreneurial spirit once more by moving to its new production facilities with European Standards located in Corlu Organized Industrial Leather zone in 2004. Nappa leather is produced by continuously developing the articulates for fashion by its strong R&D department, innovative structure and by the machine park of the latest technology. Brands : MARMARA DERİ Contacts Head Office Gökalp Mah. Zübeyde Hanım Cad. No:64 34020 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Halil AĞCA, Ahmet KUYULU, Hakan BİLGEN Tel : +90 (212) 679-7462 Fax : +90 (212) 679-7464 E-Mail: info@marmaraderi.com Web: www.marmaraderi.com MEHMET GÜLER AYAKKABI VE DERİ MAM. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ Price Range : Economic About Company : Boat Moccasins, Boots, Classical Moccaisins, Classical Shoes, Evening Shoes Brands : PANUCCI - GÜLER Sub Sectors : Men, Women, Contacts Factory Egemenlik Mah. 130. Sk. No:11 Işıkkent 35070 Izmır / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Fırat GÜLER Tel : 90 232 436 10 00 Fax : 90 232 436 10 05 E-Mail: info@gulerayakkabi.com Web: www.panucci.com.tr MİNİMEN ORTOPEDİK AYAKKABI. SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ Price Range : Economic About Company : Anatomical Footwear, Boots, Others, Children Shoes Brands : MINIMEN Sub Sectors : Kids, Men, Women, Contacts Factory 50. Yıl Mah. B. Cd. 2002 Sk. No:4/2 Sultangazi 34265 Istanbul / TURKEY Tel : 90 212 668 55 89 Fax : 90 212 667 20 41 Contact Details : Mr. İsmail BÜLBÜL E-Mail: minimen@minimen.com.tr Web: www.minimen.com.tr ΜOLYER AYAKKABICILIK VE DERİ SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ Price Range : Economic About Company : Boat Moccasins, Boots, Classical Moccasins, Classical Shoes, Evening Shoes, Sandals, Sport Brands : SERGIO PAGANELLI Sub Sectors : Sport Shoes, Men, Contacts Factory Ikitelli Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Aymakop Sanayi Sitesi A5 Blok A Kapısı Kat:3 Ikitelli 34303 Istanbul / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Süleyman GÜRSOY Tel : 90 212 671 56 90 Fax : 90 212 671 41 38 E-Mail: info@molyer.com Web: www.molyer.com Odabaşı Deri Year of Foundation : 1998 Countries of Export : Germany, Italy, France, China, HongKong, Japan, Korea Price Range : Economic About Company : Odabasi Deri is one of the best and well known producer and supplier of Finished Lambskin Leather( nappa) and Finished Lambfur Leather( double face) articles in Turkey. It has a production capacity of 6.000.000 sqft nappa and 8.000.000 sqft double face yearly in 20.000 m2 closed area in Usak/Turkey. It manufactures finished lambskin and lambfur leather for apparel industry by processing imported high quality raw skins by its 200 qualified staff by latest technology. Brands : ODABASI GROUP Contacts Head Office Tel : +90 (212) 679-0101 Fax : +90 (212) 679-1930 Gökalp Mah. 39.Sok. No:8 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Hayrettin ODABAŞI, Deniz ELMAS E-Mail: info@odabasigroup.com Web: www.odabasigroup.com ΟRJİN Deri Konfeksiyon AŞ Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1978 Number of Employees : 460 Production Capacity : 120 sqm/year Exports in 2010 : 25.000.000,- USD Countries of Export : EC Countries, USA, Japan, China... Price Range : Luxury Brands : ZAFFERS, VITTORIO&VITTORIO, ELEMENTS Producer of Foreign Brands : All international brands Sub Sectors : Double-Face, Nappa, Contacts Head Office Güneşli, Gülbahar Cad. 19 Bagcılar- Tel : +90.212.550 40 50 ISTANBUL Contact Details : Mr. Burkan AKBAS Fax : +90.212.550 20 50 E-Mail: burkan.akbas@orjin.com Web: www.orjin.com OSM Leather Year of Foundation : 1990 Countries of Export : Russia, Ukrainia, Iraq, China Price Range : Economic About Company : We are leather tanning company producing high grade finished leather for garment, handbags and shoes. We have been in the leather business for almost 50 years. Annual capacity is 750.000 ovine skins, lamb and goat skins. Contacts Head Office Yenidoğan Mah. 41/1 Sok. No:7 34760 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Refik YILMAZ, Adnan YILMAZ, Aysun UNSAL Tel : +90 (232) 842-6215 +90 (232) 842-6216 Fax : +90 (232) 842-6217 E-Mail: info@osmleather.com Web: www.osmleather.com latin Deri Year of Foundation : 1992 Countries of Export : UK, China, Italy, Spain, Korea, Germany, France, England Price Range : Economic About Company : PLATIN DERI has a wide-range collection of double-face. It offers to the customers a lot of articles like TOSCANA, RASATO, BABY LAMB ASTRAKAN, CORTOS, MERINO, MERINILLO, LACON, TIGRADOS etc. It is pretty possible to find any kind of finishing. There is no need for many words. ''Touch and feel the difference'' Contacts Head Office Sümer Mah. Zübeyde Hanım Cad. No:380 34760 Zeytinburnu İSTANBUL Tel : +90 (212) 679-6692 Fax : +90 (212) 679-8837 Contact Details : Turgut KÜTÜK, Faik KÜTÜK E-Mail: platin@platinderi.com.tr Web: www.platinderi.com.tr PLASTAB PLASTIK TABAN SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED ŞIRKETI Price Range : Economic About Company : Beach Shoes, Flip Flops, Boots, Espadrilles, Evening Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, House Shoes Brands : PIXY Sub Sectors : Women, Contacts Factory San. Bir. Bulvarı 4. Bölge 9. Cadde No:117 34010 Istanbul / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Burak TÜRKKAN Tel : 90 212 886 58 10 Fax : 90 212 886 56 98 E-Mail: plastab@plastab.com.tr Web: www.plastab.com.tr POLETTO AYAKKABICILIK SAN.VE DIŞ TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. Price Range : Economic About Company : Ankle Boots, Booties, Boots, Classical Shoes, Evening Shoes Brands : POLETTO Sub Sectors : Women, Contacts Factory Keresteciler Sitesi Fatih Caddesi Tel : 90 212 637 79 61 Kızılağaç Sokak No:3 Merter 34010 Istanul / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Hacı Bayram POLAT Fax : 90 212 637 79 62 E-Mail: info@polettoshoes.com Web: www.polettoshoes.com Renk Deri Year of Foundation : 1991 Countries of Export : EU Countries, China, HongKong, Russia, USA, Korea, Ukraine, Pakistan Price Range : Economic About Company : Renk Deri, a leading Turkish tannery, manufactures 4,200,000 sqft finished and semi-finished double-face lambskins and 4,000,000 sqft cow garment leather annually. World-class fashion clothing leather plus fur-suede material of Spanish, Italian and English origins are processed in the state-of-theart tannery. These garment leathers in creative and trendy finishes and in endless variety of colors are exported to EU countries, USA, Russia, Ukraine, Korea and China. Brands : RENK, NUPA Contacts Head Office Gökalp Mah. Şehit Komiser Günaydın Cad. No:13 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Nuri YERLİKAYA, Anıl CAN, Serdar YERLİKAYA Tel : +90 (212) 679-3235 Fax : +90 (212) 546-8060 E-Mail: renkderi@renkderi.com.tr Web: www.renkderi.com.tr RG Deri Year of Foundation : 2005 Countries of Export : Far Est, America, Europe Price Range : Economic About Company : High and middle end lamb and sheep leather tanned and finished for garment, shoes and handbags industries. Built on the basis of know-how accumulated over the years, RG deri is continously in touch with fashion people, in search of new ways of processing leather in order to create fashion forwarded articles. Brands : ARG DERI Contacts Head Office Gökalp Mah. 39.Sok. SRG Plaza No:19 Kat: 4 Zeytinburnu İSTANBUL Contact Details : Ruken GÜNDÜZ Tel : +90 (212) 582-1004 Fax : +90 (212) 582-1013 E-Mail: rgderi@rgderi.co Web: SÜED MOD DERİCİLİK SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1992 Number of Employees : 260 Production Capacity : 60000 sqm/year Exports in 2010 : 13.000.000-USD Countries of Export : ABD, FRANSA, İNGİLTERE, POLONYA, İTALYA, ALMANYA, HOLLANDA, YUNANİSTAN, RUSYA, İSVİÇRE Price Range : Mid-Range- Expensive About Company : İstanbul Güneşli'de kendi binasında deri ve kürkten bay bayan dış giyim imalat ve ihracatı yapan SÜED MOD 260 çalışanı ile yılın 12 ayı tam kapasite çalışan nadir deri firmalarından dır. Sub Sectors : Kids, Men, Women, Double-Face, Nappa, Raw Materials, Contacts Factory BAĞLAR MH.MEHMET AKİF CD.NO:14 BAĞCILAR ISTANBUL Contact Details : TANJU Tel : 0 212 410 28 28 Fax : 0 212 410 28 68 E-Mail: tamergecgoren@suedmod.com GECGOREN Web: www.suedmod.com SİMGE DERİ TEKSTİL Status : Manufacturer Exporter Price Range : Economic About Company : ABOUT US Since 1989, SIMGE Leather is one of the leading companies in the Turkish leather textile industry. As a result of the top quality production and with our brands SMY and Armonia, SIMGE is well known in the leather industry. We're keeping our operations in a 1500 m2 factory area - located in Zeytinburnu - which includes all production departments and the showrooms as well. The annual production capacity of SIMGE Leather is around 25.000-30.000 pieces with exports to Russia, USA, Canada and the European Community as well. We are preparing two different product catalogues - spring and winter collections - annualy which are designed up to latest fashion trends all over the world. Fur, suede And zig leather which are main elements of our collections - let us widen our vision in design for men and women leather products ranging from all kinds of style such as winterwear. Aware of the power of a good design team which could morph a company to be an international brand, we may be proud of our investments in arge and style departments which will be our guides to be a future-international-brand. Brands : SMY, ENZIOGIZZI Contacts Factory YENİDOĞAN MH.ZÜBEYDE HANIM CAD.41.SK. NO:8 ZEYTİNBURNUİSTANBUL Tel : 0212 679 1188-0212 555 9080 Fax : 0212 679 2425 Seyhan Deri Year of Foundation : 1997 Countries of Export : China, HongKong, India, Korea, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, UK, USA Price Range : Economic About Company : Seyhan Deri leading the sector with its strong, aesthetical and modern presentations prepared every year has demonstrated its entrepreneurial spirit once more by moving to its new production facilities with European Standards located in Corlu Organized Industrial Leather zone in 2004. Double Face leather is produced by continuously developing the articulates for fashion by its strong R&D department, innovative structure and by the machine park of the latest technology. Brands : Seyhan Deri Contacts Head Office Gökalp Mah. 42/2 Sok. No:8 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Cemal AĞCA, Ahmet KUYULU, Hakan BİLGEN Tel : +90 (212) 679-7462 Fax : +90 (212) 679-7464 E-Mail: info@marmaraderi.com Web: www.marmaraderi.com SEBATA ALYASAN AYAKKABI İMALATI VE YAN SAN. LTD. ŞTİ. Price Range : Economic About Company : Boots, Classical Moccasins, Classical Shoes, Other, Non-Classical Closed Shoes Brands : DE MARCHI CALZATURA Sub Sectors : Men, Contacts Factory Keresteciler Sitesi Mehmet Akif Caddesi Kiraz Sokak No:8 Merter 34010 Istanbul / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Ercan DEMİRKAN TESS DIS TIC. LTD. STI. Status : Exporter Year of Foundation : 1986 Number of Employees : 48 Production Capacity : 30 sqm/year Exports in 2010 : 3.500.000 USD Countries of Export : Italy, China, France, Belgium Price Range : Mid-Range- Expensive Tel : 90 212 637 08 88 Fax : 90 212 637 06 76 E-Mail: sebata@sebata.com Web: www.sebata.com About Company : Leather-Fur & Exotic Leather Jacket Exotic Leather and Fur Trade Artificial Leather & Faux Fur, Jacket Trade Brands : TESS, PONTESSA, BIENTO Producer of Foreign Brands : Benetton, George Rech, Essentiel Sub Sectors : Luggage, Gloves, Belts, Handbags, Double-Face, Nappa, Contacts Head Office ZEYTINBURNU, SUMER MAH. PROF. TURAN GUNES CAD. NO. 20-2 34025 ISTANBUL Contact Details : M.OSMAN BATURAY Tel : 902126645807 Fax : 902125460670 E-Mail: tess@tess.com.tr Web: www.tess.com.tr Turteks Tekstil Etiket San. ve Tic. A.S. Status : Manufacturer Year of Foundation : 2000 Number of Employees : 60 Production Capacity : 24000000 sqm/year Price Range : Mid-Range- Expensive Sub Sectors : Contacts Factory Huzur Mahallesi, Suvari Sokak No.5, Seyrantepe, Istanbul Contact Details : Vidal CIPRUT Tel : +90 212 284 53 45 Fax : +90 212 324 28 65 E-Mail: info@turteksetiket.com Web: http://www.turteksetiket.com Toprak Kürk ve Deri Year of Foundation : 2002 Countries of Export : China, Japan, Italy, France, Russia, Spain, HongKong, Korea Price Range : Economic About Company : Toprakkurk produces 1.000.000 pieces of fur per year. It has cold storage area for 300.000 pieces. Double face fur a garment. It has 320m2 lab for footwear industry. Contacts Head Office Yeşiltepe OSB Mahallesi Seçkin Sok. No:8 Çorlu - İSTANBUL Contact Details : Özdemir TOPRAK, Kadir YÜKSEL, Gülibahaer HUSEYİN Tel : +90 (282) 686-7373 Fax : +90 (282) 686-7377 E-Mail: ozdemir@toprakkurk.com; Web:sunay@toprakkurk.com www.toprakkurk.com TURGUT KARDESLER LEATHER Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1994 Production Capacity : 1500000 sqm/year Countries of Export : HONG KONG,CHINA,TAIWAN,KOREA,RUSSIA,UKRANIA,BULGARIA,SIRBIJA,ROMANIA,POLLAND,GEORG Price Range : Mid-Range About Company : OUR SALES OFFICES AND WAREHOUSES LOCATED IN ISTANBUL ( BEYAZIT, GÜNGÖREN, İKİTELLİ ). TA BURSA. IN PRODUCTION, WE USE QUALITY RAW MATERIAL OF OUR DOMESTIC MARKETS FOR PRODUC AND HIGH QUALITY FINISHED CALF LEATHERS FOR OUR CUSTOMERS IN TURKEY AND ALL AROUND T PRODUCE CALF AND SMALL BOVINE LEATHERS FOR SHOES, BAGS, BELTS, LEATHER GOODS, SADDLER CHROM AND MIX TANNAGE AVAILABLE. MANY FINISHES POSSIBLE; NATURAL, SMOOTH, TUMBLED, SO SEMI-ANILINE, PIGMENTED, BOX, CRACLED, METALLIC, CLASSIC, FASHION, PRINTED AND EMBOSSED, LINING. Sub Sectors : Leather Merchant, Upperleather, Raw Materials, Contacts Head Office SANCAKTEPE SANAYI MAHALLESI SANCAK SOKAK NO:17 GUNGOREN Tel : 0090 212 6370561 Fax : 0090 212 6373470 ISTANBUL TURKEY Contact Details : MR.ISMAIL TURGUT E-Mail: ercument@turgutkardesler.com.tr Web: www.turgutkardesler.com.tr TOPBAS SHOES UNITED CLUB SPORT Price Range : Economic About Company : Boots, Espadrilles, Other Non-Classical Closed Shoes, Other Sports Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, House Shoes Brands : TOPBAŞ AYAKKABI Sub Sectors : Men, Women, Contacts Factory İzmir-Bursa Sürat Yolu PK 77 Selimşahlar 45040 Manisa / TURKEY Tel : 90 236 266 43 88 Fax : 90 236 266 40 24 Contact Details : Mr. Arif TOPBAŞ E-Mail: info@topbas.com.tr Web: www.topbas.com.tr Uyguner Deri Year of Foundation : 1977 Countries of Export : Germany, Austria, China, HongKong, USA, UAE, Korea, Russia, Vietnam Price Range : Economic About Company : Semi-Finished Cow Leather, Finished Cow Leather, Man-Made Leather, Split Leather, Finished and Printed Leather For Shoes, Bags, Upholstery and Garments / Nappa, Nubuck, Suede Leather. Contacts Head Office UYGUNER Oganize Deri San. Bölg. Tel : +90 (216) 394-1547 Fax : +90 (216) 394-1551 Nokra Cad. No:3 G-4 Özel Parsel Tuzla İSTANBUL Contact Details : Cengiz Giray / Berivan Şahin E-Mail: info@uyguner.com; Web:berivan@uyguner.com www.uyguner.com Vieri Gianluca Year of Foundation : 1986 Countries of Export : China, Russia, USA, Italy, France, Hong Kong, UAE Price Range : Economic Brands : VİERİ GİANLUCA Contacts Head Office Nuri Paşa Mah. 13.Sok No:59 Zeytinburnu - İSTANBUL Tel : +90 (212) 546-7542 Fax : +90 (212) 582 36 90 Contact Details : Aydın ÖZER, Burak ERÇAKIR E-Mail: vieriozer@hotmail.com Web: VENÜS AYAKKABICILIK VE DERİ ÜRÜNLERİ SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. Price Range : Economic About Company : Boots, Classical Moccasins, Classical Shoes, Ladies Shoes Brands : VENUS Sub Sectors : Women, Contacts Factory OSB Aykosan Sanayi Sitesi 2. Kısım 15. Ada C Blok İkitelli - Başakşehir 34306 Istanbul / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Mustafa AKBULUT Tel : 90 212 549 18 62 Fax : 90 212 549 84 45 E-Mail: info@venusayakkabi.com.tr Web: www.venusayakkabi.com.tr VODER AYAKKABI VE DERİ TEKSTİL SANAYİ TİCARET LTD STİ Price Range : Economic About Company : Boat Moccasins, Boots, Classical Moccasins, Classical Shoes, Evening Shoes, Other Non-Classical Closed Shoes, Others, Sandals Brands : VODER Sub Sectors : Men, Contacts Factory Egemenlik Mahallesi 6088 Sokak No:5/201 Işıkkent - Bornova 35070 Izmir / TURKEY Contact Details : Mr. Akın VOLAKA Tel : 90 232 436 22 55 Fax : 90 232 436 61 82 E-Mail: info@voderayakkabi.com Web: www.voderayakkabi.com YENER KUNDURA SAN.TIC.LDT.STI Status : Manufacturer Year of Foundation : 1992 Number of Employees : 22 Production Capacity : 120000 sqm/year Price Range : Economic Quality Certificates : ISO9001 Sub Sectors : Sport Shoes, Safety Shoes, Kids, Men, Women, Contacts Factory 6083 SOK.NO:29 ISIKKENT/İZMİR Contact Details : YENER DEMIRCI Head Office Tel : 232 436 27 52 Fax : 232 436 52 86 E-Mail: yener@yenershoes.com.tr Web: yenershoes.com.tr 6083 Sokak No: 29 Işıkkent /İZMİR Contact Details : Yener DEMİRCİ Tel : 0 (232) 436 27 52 Fax : 0 (232) 436 52 86 E-Mail: yener@yenershoes.com.tr Web: http://www.yenershoes.com.tr YUSUFOĞULLARI TEKSTİL VE DERİ Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1997 Number of Employees : 61 Countries of Export : RUSYA, POLONYA, İTALYA, NORVEÇ, ABD. AVUSTURYA, DUBAİ, ALMANYA , BAE. Price Range : Economic Brands : SHAKY Sub Sectors : Double-Face, Nappa, Contacts Factory BEŞKARDEŞLER 4.SK N.12 34020 KAZLIÇEŞME ZEYTİNBURNU İSTANBUL Contact Details : ŞEVKET YUSUFOĞULLARI Tel : 0212 665 11 22 Fax : 0212 665 42 46 E-Mail: info@shakyleather.com Web: www.shakyleather.com AKO A.S. Status : Manufacturer Exporter Year of Foundation : 1974 Number of Employees : 60 Production Capacity : 19200 sqm/year Countries of Export : USA, EUROPA,RUSYA Price Range : Luxury About Company : YAKO 1974 DEN BU YANA DERİ VE SHEARLING URETIMI YAPMAKTADIR.YURT ICI VE YURT DISINDAKI UNLU MARKALARA URETIM YAPAN FIRMAMIZ YURT ICINI PARAKENDE VE TOPTAN SATISDA YAPMAKTADIR.AYRICA YURT DISINA YONELIK YAKO.COM UZERINDEN E TICARET DE YAPMAKTADIR. Brands : YAKO Sub Sectors : Nappa, Contacts Factory KENNEDY CAD.BESKARDESLER 3. SO. NO.16 ZEYTINBURNU 34020 ISTANBUL Tel : 0090 212 5474466 Fax : 0090 212 5474465 Contact Details : MUSTAFA BOZKUS E-Mail: info@yako.com Web: www.yako.com - www.yako.cc Factory KENNEDY CAD.BESKARDESLER 3. SO. NO.16 ZEYTINBURNU 34020 ISTANBUL Tel : 0090 212 5474466 Fax : 0090 212 5474465 Contact Details : MUSTAFA BOZKUS E-Mail: info@yako.com Web: www.yako.com - www.yako.cc Yateks Year of Foundation : 1984 Countries of Export : China, Germany, Belgium, France Price Range : Economic About Company : YATEKS only works with the highest quality lamb skins. According to our customer requirements we produce every variety of garment leather. Furthermore, Yateks can produce on customer demand lamb leather for shoe uppers and handbags as well as high performance, water repellent leather. Contacts Head Office Sanat Cad. No:35 Çamdibi - İZMİR Tel : +90 (232) 433-6485 Fax : +90 (232) 433-9445 Contact Details : Altemur BAYHAN E-Mail: altemur@yateks.com.tr Web: www.yateks.com.tr Yesiller Deri Year of Foundation : 1983 Countries of Export : China, Hong Kong, Korea, USA, Canada, Russia, Italy, Spain, Germany, France Price Range : Economic About Company : It was a large vision that Yesiller Deri started its activities in a small workshop in 1983 and through the consecutive years it has managed to become one of the most successful companies of its sector in terms of both production capacity and product quality. Today with a Professional management and export to most Europe, Far East countries, Russia and USA, we are experiencing the happiness of meeting expectations and needs of our customers. Contacts Head Office Gökalp Mah. Zübeyde Hanım Cad. No:6 34020 Zeytinburnu İSTANBUL Tel : +90 (212) 547-9090 Fax : +90 (212) 547-9089 Contact Details : Mustafa YEŞIL E-Mail: yesiller@yesillerderi.com.tr Web: www.yesillerderi.com.tr Zirve Dericilik Countries of Export : China, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Russia, USA Price Range : Economic About Company : ZIRVE DERI is a manufacturer and exporter company of TURKEY which has more then 45 years of experience in Hide & Leather industry. With having production capacity of more then 7.500.000 Sqft Finished Leather per year, we are in proud of being the choice of well-known brand owners in the market. PRODUCTS: Patent Leather, Finished Grain Leather and Dyed Suede Split for shoes, bag and belt. Brands : Zirve Deri Contacts Head Office İstanbul Deri Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 11.Yol B-13 Parsel, 34956 Tuzla - İSTANBUL Contact Details : İbrahim KURŞUNOĞLU, Hakan TAŞKAN Tel : +90 (216) 394-2481 Fax : +90 (216) 394-0890 E-Mail: ibrahimkursunoglu@gucluWeb:group.com;hakantaskan@guclu-group.com www.guclu-group.com