SSUSH5 a and c

SSUSH5 The student will explain specific
events and key ideas that brought about
the adoption and implementation of the
United States Constitution.
a. Explain how weaknesses in the Articles of
Confederation and Daniel Shays’ Rebellion
led to a call for a stronger central
Articles of Confederation
• Prior to the war ending, the Continental Congress adopted
the Articles of Confederation in 1777 as the colonies’ first
form of centralized government
• The Articles were a plan for a loose union, or confederation,
which would be under the authority of the Continental
-The Articles were designed to be weak because the colonies
did not want a powerful central government (Why?)
Why the Articles failed
• The Articles proved to be
too weak
• The central government
was too limited in what it
could do
Shays’ Rebellion and changes to the
• Though unsuccessful, Shays’ Rebellion caused concern
for those in power that states might take property away
from the wealthy
• Shays’ Rebellion, and the weaknesses of the Articles,
convinced the Confederation Congress that a convention
of the states needed to be called in order to revise the
• In May 1787, delegates met in Philadelphia at the
Constitutional Convention to revise the Articles
c. Explain the key features of the Constitution,
specifically the Great Compromise, separation
of powers, limited government, and the issue
of slavery.
Constitutional Convention
• The delegates in
Philadelphia decide not to
revise the Articles, but
rather to write an entirely
new document
• The delegates kept the
meetings a secret as not
to have outside pressure
and opinions put upon
Creating the United States
• The Great Compromise: settled how states would be
represented in the new government, setting up the
House of Representatives, which appeased the larger
states, and the Senate, which appealed to the smaller
(How are states represented in the Senate? Why would this appeal to the smaller states?)
The Great Compromise
was a merger of the Virginia
Plan and the New Jersey
Separation of Powers: Created the 3 branches of
government to prevent the concentration of
power and provide for checks and balances
-legislative: made up of the 2 houses of Congress, would
make the laws
-executive: headed by the president, would implement and
enforce the laws passed by Congress
-judicial: a system of federal courts, would interpret the
Limited Government
• The framers of the Constitution feared misuse/abuse of power
• The framers listed what powers the federal
government does and does not have in Article I of the Constitution
• Limited government also appears in the Bill of Rights
The Issue of Slavery
• Southern states wanted to count slaves as part
of their population in determining representation
in the House (the larger a state’s population, the
more representation they would have in the
• Northerners opposed this because slaves could
not vote or pay taxes
Three-Fifths Compromise
• A solution to the slavery representation
issue was reached with the Three-Fifths
• Every five enslaved people would be
counted as three free persons for taxes
and representation in the House
The Issue of Slavery
• Southerners also wanted the Constitution
to forbid government interference in the
slave trade and limit Congress’ power to
regulate trade
• As a compromise, the delegates decided:
-The new Congress could not tax exports
-Could not ban the slave trade until 1808
Constitutional Convention
• In September 1787 the Confederation
Congress approved the new Constitution
The task now was to convince at least nine of
the thirteen state governments to ratify the
document in order for it to take effect
SSUSH5 The student will explain specific
events and key ideas that brought about
the adoption and implementation of the
United States Constitution.
b. Evaluate the major arguments of the antiFederalists and Federalists during the debate on
ratification of the Constitution as put forth in The
Federalist concerning form of government, factions,
checks and balances, and the power of the
executive, including the roles of Alexander Hamilton
and James Madison.
Ratifying the Constitution
• In order for the Constitution to take effect,
nine of the thirteen states had to ratify, or
vote in favor of it
• Two groups emerged in the ratification
-The Federalist, who supported ratifying
the Constitution
-The Anti-Federalist, who opposed the
The Federalists
• Supported the Constitution
• Believed that the system of checks
and balances would protect the rights
of the people
• The President would be the leader of
the new government, but would have
power checked by the legislative
branch’s power to impeach
• Believed that, though the national
government would have supreme
power, the states would retain many
of their powers
• Alexander Hamilton and James
Madison were two of the Federalist
• They believed in the need for a
national government, but were
concerned over who would retain
the supreme power to rule, the
states or the national
• Made up mostly of western
• Thomas Jefferson was an AntiFederalist
The Federalist
• The Federalist were a collection of 85
essays written by James Madison,
Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay
• Published in NY newspapers, The
Federalist were a way of explaining to the
people how the Constitution worked, and
why it was needed
Early political cartoon, examining
the ratification of the Constitution
Ratifying the Constitution
Five states ratified the Constitution within a
month, however many Anti-Federalists were
holding out until a bill of rights was added
To sway Anti-Federalist, Federalists promised
to add a bill of rights if the Constitution was
By May 1790 all thirteen states had ratified the
• d. Analyze how the Bill of Rights serves as
a protector of individual and states’ rights.
The Bill of Rights
• The Bill of Rights, drafted
by James Madison, are
the first 10 Amendments
(or changes) to the
• They were added as part
of an agreement between
the Federalist and AntiFederalist
• The first 8 Amendments
protect the right’s of
individuals from the
federal government
• The 9th Amendment,
states that the people
have other rights not
• The 10th Amendment
states that powers not
given to the federal
government are reserved,
or given to the states
1st Amendment
• The 1st Amendment serves as an example of
how people’s rights are protected from the
federal government
• The 1st Amendment list the Freedom:
-of religion
-of press
-of speech
-to assemble
-to petition
SSUSH5 The student will explain
specific events and key ideas that
brought about the adoption and
implementation of the United States
e. Explain the importance of the Presidencies of
George Washington and John Adams; include the
Whiskey Rebellion, non-intervention in Europe, and
the development of political parties (Alexander
George Washington
• In April 1789, Washington
was chosen to be the first
President of the new
• Two of key members of
Washington’s cabinet
were Thomas Jefferson,
Alexander Hamilton
The Whiskey Rebellion
• In 1791, Congress imposed a direct tax on
the manufacture of whiskey
• Western farmers, the main manufactures
of whiskey, rebelled against the tax in
• Washington orders 15,000 troops to put
down the rebellion
• The rebels disperse without fighting,
ending the rebellion
What message did the new government send by ordering troops to
put down the rebellion?
Formation of political parties
• During Washington’s 1st term in
office Congress began to split into
factions caused by Secretary of
the Treasury Hamilton’s financial
• Supporters of Hamilton’s
programs were called Federalist,
while opponents were called
Democratic-Republicans, or
Republicans (not to be confused with
today’s Republican Party)
Washington’s Foreign Policy
• During the French Revolution, France
declared war on England: the United
States was divided over who to support
• In 1793, Washington declared that the US
would be “friendly and impartial” towards
both countries
The British however, began seizing
American ships headed to French ports
Washington’s Foreign Policy
Jay’s Treaty: John Jay was sent to Britain to negotiate a
settlement in order to avoid war
The treaty helped prevent war between the US and Britain,
but did little to ease tension between the two countries
Pinckney’s Treaty: The US negotiated with Spain to allow it
free access to the Mississippi River and the Port of New
George Washington
• Washington leaves
office after his 2nd
term-he warns
against political
parties and foreign
• Federalist John
Adams is elected the
2nd President of the
U.S. in 1796
John Adams
• Upset with Jay’s Treaty, the French began
seizing U.S. ships causing an undeclared
navel war between France and the U.S.
• Negotiations between the two countries
ended the hostilities in 1800
John Adams
• The Alien and Sedition Acts:
-Passed in 1798, the Acts were aimed at
weakening the Republican Party
-The Acts would put voting restriction on
immigrants who tended to vote Republican
-The Acts also made it against the law to
criticize the government, making it difficult
for the Republicans to speak out against
the Federalist
John Adams
• The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions:
-Written in secret by Jefferson and
Madison, the Resolutions argued the
states had the right to protect the people
from unjust federal laws
John Adams
• John Adams lost the election of 1800 to
Thomas Jefferson in large part because
many people were angered over the Alien
and Sedition Acts
• Though the Federalist controlled the army,
the presidency, and Congress, they
allowed power to peacefully transfer to the