Topic Sentence: o Your topic sentence should introduce the author, the title(s) of the piece(s), and the two literary devices to be analyzed. For example: The theme of Audre Lorde’s poem “Hanging Fire” is made evident through her use of refrain and personification. In her poems “Young” and “The Fury of Rain Storms,” Anne Sexton’s artful use of connotation and metaphors bring forward her powerful messages about life. Introduce Device #1 (one sentence) o Introduce the first device and incorporate a specific example from the text. Explain Device #1 (one or two sentences) o Describe how the author’s use of this device supports his/her purpose/delivery of the message/theme. Introduce Device #2 (one sentence) o Introduce the second device and incorporate a specific example from the text. Explain Device #2 (one or two sentences) o Describe how the author’s use of this device supports his/her purpose/delivery of the message/theme. Concluding Statement (something similar the following sentence stem): (Author’s Name) __ (“Title(s) of Text”)______ _________(adverb -ly)___________creates his/her own style in using (device #1) __ and (device #2) __ . Example SCR: The theme of Audre Lorde’s poem “Hanging Fire” is made evident through her use of refrain and personification. Lorde uses the refrain, “and momma’s in the bedroom with the door closed” at the end of each of the three stanzas in the poem. The use of this particular literary device makes Lorde’s style unique because she uses it to reinforce the theme of isolation in her poem. Lorde also uses personification to make the speaker’s diffidence clear when she writes “my skin has betrayed me.” The strong negative connotations in this figurative language support the theme of teenage angst and the struggles associated with coming of age while reinforcing Lorde’s distinctive style. Overall, Lorde’s style is shown through her use of refrain and personification in the poem “Hanging Fire.” Rubric Category Structure Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling Incorporating Textual Evidence Analyzing Textual Evidence 4 Exceeds 3 Meets The writer has followed the prescribed format flawlessly. The writer has made no distracting errors in grammar or spelling. The writer has carefully and seamlessly introduced and incorporated two relevant pieces of textual evidence. The writer has followed the prescribed format. The writer has clearly and carefully explained exactly how the author used the selected literary devices to support the theme and create a unique style. 2 Developing The writer has left out an element of the prescribed format. There may be 1 – 2 The writer has distracting errors made 3 – 4 in grammar or distracting errors spelling. in grammar or spelling. The writer has The writer has introduced and presented two incorporated two relevant pieces of relevant pieces of textual evidence, textual evidence. but one or both of the quotes is poorly introduced and/or incorporated. The writer has The writer has explained how the attempted to author used the explain how the selected literary author used the devices to support selected literary the theme and devices to support create a unique the theme and style. create a unique style, but the explanation is confusing or vague. 1 Unsatisfactory The writer has not followed the prescribed format. The writer has made an excessive amount of distracting errors in grammar or spelling. The writer has not introduced specific textual evidence and/or the textual evidence is irrelevant/poorly selected. The writer has not attempted to explain how the author used the selected literary devices to support the theme and create a unique style, and/or the writer demonstrates a lack of understanding when it comes to the selected literary devices.