Slide - Newcastle University

Why engage with Course Reps
and how to work effectively
with them
Learning and Teaching Conference
Objectives of today’s training
By the end of this session, you will...
1. To reflect on your levels of engagement with Course
2. To consider the benefits of engaging with Course
3. To evaluate how your engagement could be
4. To be able Identify the key responsibilities of Course
Reps and how to work effectively with them.
Define a Course Rep
Course Rep Key Stats
1068 Course Reps registered
51% of Course Reps trained
27.4% PG (21.8 PGT & 5.6% PGR)
72 Student Chairs registered
16 Student Secretaries
5 Faculty Reps
Course Representation at Newcastle
University Teaching Learning and Student Experience Committee
- Education Officer
- Postgraduate Representative
Students’ Union Education Executive Committee
Composed of School Representatives and chaired by the
Education Officer
Faculty Teaching Learning and Student Experience
Committees (FTLSECs)
- Taught School Representatives
Boards of Studies
Graduate School Committees (GSCs)
- Research School Representatives
School Postgraduate Research Committees
- Chairs and Secretaries of Staff-Student
- Chairs and Secretaries of Staff-Student Committees
Staff Student Committees
Staff-Student Committees
Usually several per School to cover all programmes
and stages
Separate staff-student committees for postgraduate
research students are recommended
- Course Representatives
- Course Representatives
Course Rep Achievements
• Law Library to open on Sundays.
• In Biomed the Course Reps have successfully lobbied for laser
pointers to be replaced by cursors in lectures so they can be
seen on recap.
• In Historical Studies the Course Reps highlighted issues with
the module selection process.
• In Combined Honours Course Reps have helped improve
communication between subject schools.
• In Biology, Course Reps successfully increased the time that
they have to complete lab based work.
• SACS Course Reps have re-designed the Art Café.
Don’t take our word for it…
“I was surprised how seriously the staff took our opinions”
“Many of the reps' ideas have been implemented - such as a re
vamp of the common room and a new student mentor service.”
“Not only did it improve the course but I got to know my Degree
Programme Director and the course admin staff which is useful”
“I have a problem myself and I have gained important diplomatic
skills from the meetings.”
How Engaged Are
You With Course
L.O.E = Level of
engagement score
out of 10.
Discussion Groups
Discussion Questions
1.What are the positives of working with Course
2.What difficulties could be encountered
working with Course Reps?
3. How could these difficulties be overcome?
Discussion Group
How the SU supports Course
Representation at the heart of
what we do
“Representing our members is core to our
existence and we will provide a strong and
independent voice to decision makers, both
locally and nationally. We will support our
members in creating the change they want to
see, through effective representation and
campaigns which have real impact.“
NUSU strategic plan, 2012-15.
SU Support
Monthly newsletter
E-mail support
Dedicated facebook page
Web pages
Face to face meetings
Attendance at relevant meetings
Regular training
Session & Audience (No.)
17 Oct—20 Nov
Course Rep Training
New Course Reps (500+)
PGT & PGR Course Rep Training
23 Nov
Course Rep Refresher Lunch
Returning Course Reps (40)
Oct & Nov
Chair & Sec Training
SSC Chairs and Secretaries (40)
Dec 11th
Skills Training Day
All (20)
January Intake Training
January Intake Reps (20)
Feb 21st
Information Day
All (25)
Leadership Skills Day
Employability Day
School Rep Training
School Reps and Chairs & Secretaries (20)
All (40)
New School Reps (50)
The responsibilities of a Course Rep
The Revised Student
Representation Policy
The revised policy
• During 2010/11, the Student Representation
Policy was reviewed.
• The aim of the review was to assess the
effectiveness of the current policy and ensure it
remained fit for purpose.
• Following widespread consultation, a revised
policy was produced and was approved by
UTLSEC in December.
Major Amendments
• Faculty reps to be replaced by School
• Secretary role to become optional.
Minor Amendments
• Chair role to remain mandatory and deputy chair
role to be created.
• Annual Reports to be a standing item for the final
SSC meeting
• Schools encouraged to reward representatives.
• The work of higher level reps to be recognised in
the Higher Education Achievement Award.
Items to note
• Current requirement to hold minimum of four
SSC meetings per year to be maintained.
• NUSU to continue to offer centralised training.
• Schools encourage to facilitate informal meetings
/ events for SSC members.
• Minutes from SSCs to be made available to
relevant cohort.
School Reps – How it will work
 Each School will have two representatives, one taught
and one research.
 School Representatives will be recruited during
semester 2 wherever possible.
 22 Currently recruited (19 Taught, 3 Research)
 Once selected, the school reps will be trained by the
Students’ Union.
What would you like
to achieve? (Course
Rep wise)
Rachael Thornton / Liam Dale (Education Officer)
t: 0191 239 3963
George Watkins (Representation and Democracy Coordinator)
t: 0191 239 3983
Gilly Box (Development Officer, QuILT)
t: 6290