Health and Physical Education Year 5 Term # Unit Title: Achievement Standard Healthy Habits By the end of Year 6, students investigate developmental changes and transitions. They recognise the influence of emotions on behaviours and discuss factors that influence how people interact. They describe their own and others’ contributions to health, physical activity, safety and wellbeing. They describe the key features of health related fitness and the significance of physical activity participation to health and wellbeing. Students access and interpret health information and apply decision making and problem solving skills to enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. HPE Strands Content Descriptions Personal, social and community health Being healthy, safe and active Communicating and interacting for health and well being Contributing to healthy and active communities In this unit, students explore the concept of health and the importance of food and activity. They identify good habits and the concept of mental fitness. They identify how activity and good food contribute to overall health and mental fitness. Being healthy, safe and active ● identify community resources that are available to assist with good health (ACPPS053) ● explore habits that they have and how they are developed (ACPPS054) ● identify which are good habits (ACPPS054) ● explore the concept of mental fitness – (mental fitness refers to a person’s capacity to be self-determined; selfdetermination refers to a person’s capacity to think about, plan and act on personal decisions that contribute to emotional, social and physical development). (ACPPS056) ● identify how activity and good food contribute to mental fitness and isolate the mental fitness, food and activity habits. (ACPPS058) ● identify what is meant by the term ‘preventative health’ (ACPPS058) ● explore the concept of health and the importance of food and activity and identify the characteristics of a healthy person (ACPPS058) Movement and Physical Activity Moving our body Understanding movement Learning through movement Assessment (A) Assessment For Learning Students put themselves on a ‘health continuum’, displaying how healthy they think they are. Assessment As Learning Students produce a poster or brochure which displays what health services are available in their area. Assessment Of Learning Students complete a multimodal presentation. They investigate a school procedure and rules related to health and wellbeing, and prepare a multimodal presentation to highlight the importance of these practices as healthy habits. ● explore how physical activity supports wellbeing and cultural understanding (ACPPS059) Focus Areas HPE Alcohol and other drugs (AD) Food and nutrition (FN) Health benefits of physical activity (HBPA) Mental health and wellbeing (MH) Relationships and sexuality (RS) Safety (S) Learning Framework Cross Curricula Priorities General Capabilities Links to other LA’s Active play and minor games (AP) Challenge and adventure activities (CA) Fundamental movement skills (FMS) Games and sports (GS) Lifelong physical activities (LLPA) Rhythmic and expressive activities (RE) Community Contributor Leader and Collaborator Active Investigator Effective Communicator Catholic Ethos Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Literacy Critical and Creative Thinking Intercultural Understanding Social Emotional Learning Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia Numeracy Ethical Understanding Designer and Creator Quality Producer Inclusive Education Sustainability Education ICT Personal and Social Capability Links to other Learning Areas: Australian Curriculum: HPE English, ICT, SEL Situational Context of Unit This unit can be completed in the following ways: General Classroom Teacher - HPE Combination 2 hours HPE Specialist in addition to Classroom Teacher PE Component(specialist) 1 hr PE Component (Classroom Teacher)...hrs H Component (specialist/classroom teacher) 10 hrs Additional information: This unit can be taught in conjunction with any of the PE units. Learning and Teaching Strategies Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cross Curricular Priorities Catholic Ethos, Social Emotional Learning, Inclusive Education General Capabilities Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, ICT Engage ⇒ Explore ⇒ Explain ⇒ 7 Elaborate ⇒ Engage What is ‘preventative health’? Activity 1 Introduction: Ask the question - ‘ If health was a stool, how many legs would it have and what would each leg be?’ 8 9 10 Evaluate Resources Teacher Resources http://www.healthykids. As a class, discuss the various aspects of health. Students use iPads to research what ‘health’ is. (They should be able to come up with at least three legs:- physical, mental, social/emotional + spiritual) Students draw their ‘health stool’ in their health books. Explain to students that if any of the legs of their ‘Health Stool’ is not attended to it will fall over. Note: the students will be adding more information to their stools so make sure they are big and have plenty of room around them. Activity 2 Get the students to put themselves on a health continuum starting at extremely unhealthy on one side of the room and extremely healthy on the other side. Ask individual students why they think they belong where they put themselves. Activity 3 Open a class discussion about who the students think are the healthiest people they know and why. Activity 4 As a class, use the ‘think, pair, share’ strategy to brainstorm what the term, ‘preventative health’ means. Write ideas down on poster paper or the board and have displayed for the duration of the unit. primary-school/primarynutrition-teachingresources.aspx Student resources 8 To Live By: http://intermountainhe ncid=520289779 http://www.healthykids. http://blog.missionforhe hools/ http://www.nourishinte Health and Physical Education Metalanguage Assessment Opportunities Preventative health, physical, mental, social/emotional, spiritual, nutrition, think/pair/share strategy, continuum, Health continuum Reflection Learning and Teaching Strategies Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Cross Curricular Priorities Social Emotional Learning, Inclusive Education General Capabilities Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, ICT Engage ⇒ Explore ⇒ Explain ⇒ Elaborate ⇒ Engage Resources What is ‘preventative health’? Activity 1 Introduction: Revise the answers from last lesson on ‘What is Preventative Health?’ Activity 2 Students use iPads, computers or library resources to check their understanding of ‘preventative health’. (see student resources) Activity 3 After looking at the preventative health websites students write a definition of what the term ‘preventative health’ means. As a class, come up with an agreed upon definition for ‘preventative health’. (eg Things we can do to prevent us from dying earlier) Activity 4 Ask students to think about people in our community who can help us to be healthy. Students develop a ‘People Who Help Me To Be Healthy’ map with themselves in the middle and people or health practitioners surrounding them who contribute to their health. Health and Physical Education Metalanguage Health services, practitioners, preventative health Reflection Evaluate Teacher Resources Student resources Dettol Mission for Health: http://blog.missionforhe hools/ Aust National Preventative Health Association: u/internet/anpha/publis hing.nsf People Who Help Me To Be Healthy - H/O Assessment Opportunities Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cross Curricular Priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, Social Emotional Learning, Inclusive Education General Capabilities Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, ICT Engage ⇒ Explore ⇒ Explain ⇒ Elaborate ⇒ Explore 10 Evaluate Resources Who can help? Activity 1 Introduction: Discuss with the class what services there are in the community to help us with our health. eg doctors, dentists, physios etc. Ask the question - ‘What health professionals have YOU been to?’ Discuss if there are different services for different people. ie indigenous services / needs Activity 2 Use the link to Qld Health website to help explore what services are available. Health and Physical Education Metalanguage Teacher Resources Student Resources Qld Health: Assessment Opportunities Community health, practitioner, specialist, indigenous, physiotherapist, chiropractor, podiatrist, nutritionist, doctor, dentist, orthodontist, dermatologist, optometrist, psychologist, psychiatrist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, massage therapist, Reflection Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cross Curricular Priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, Social Emotional Learning, Inclusive Education General Capabilities Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, ICT Engage ⇒ Explore ⇒ Explain ⇒ Elaborate ⇒ Explore 10 Evaluate Resources Who can help? Activity 1 Introduction: Discuss from the last lesson what services the students found on the Qld Health website. Ask: ‘Where else could you find out what health services are available?’ (phone book, doctor’s surgery etc) Students make a list of health care professionals and what they do. Activity 2 Students produce a brochure or poster to display what health services are available locally. Health and Physical Education Metalanguage Teacher Resources Student Resources Assessment Opportunities Community health, practitioner, specialist, indigenous, physiotherapist, chiropractor, podiatrist, nutritionist, doctor, dentist, orthodontist, dermatologist, optometrist, psychologist, psychiatrist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, massage therapist Poster / brochure Reflection Week 1 2 3 4 5 Cross Curricular Priorities Social Emotional Learning, Inclusive Education General Capabilities Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, ICT Engage ⇒ Explain What are good habits? Activity 1 Explore ⇒ Explain ⇒ 6 7 Elaborate ⇒ 8 9 10 Evaluate Resources Teacher Resources Introduction: Use the ‘think, pair, share’ strategy to generate a list of habits the students have in relation to their health (good and bad). Put this list where it is visible. ie whiteboard, interactive board, poster paper etc. Activity 2 Students make a table in their books with two columns: Good Habits / Bad Habits Activity 3 Students use the Healthy Kids website link to extend their list of habits. Activity 4 Students are assigned one of the 5 habits from the Healthy Kids website and report back to the class (class expert) after using the website for research to elaborate. The 5 habits are: Get Active Each Day; Eat Fewer Snacks and Select Healthier Alternatives; Turn Off the TV or Computer and Get Active; Eat More Fruit and Vegies; Choose Water as a Drink. Student Resources Healthy Kids website: http://www.healthykids. Health and Physical Education Metalanguage Assessment Opportunities Reflection Week 1 2 3 4 5 Cross Curricular Priorities Social Emotional Learning, Inclusive Education General Capabilities Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, ICT Engage ⇒ Explore ⇒ Explain ⇒ 6 7 Elaborate ⇒ 8 9 10 Evaluate Explain Resources What are good habits? Activity 1 Introduction: Revise what are some good health habits from the previous lesson. (use the Healthy Kids website as reference) Activity 2 Students peruse the 8 to Live By resource and highlight the main points (ie what ARE the 8 healthy habits?) Activity 3 Discuss with the class what the 8 healthy habits are. Activity 4 Students go back to their Good / Bad Habits list and revise it. Teacher Resources Student Resources Healthy Kids website: http://www.healthykids. 8 to Live By: http://intermountainhe ncid=520289779 Health and Physical Education Metalanguage Assessment Opportunities Reflection Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Cross Curricular Priorities Social Emotional Learning, Inclusive Education General Capabilities Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, ICT Engage ⇒ Explore ⇒ Explain ⇒ Evaluate Elaborate ⇒ Elaborate Resources Excuses, excuses! Activity 1 Introduction: Revisit the 8 to Live By pages and revise the 8 habits. Activity 2 Ask the question: ‘What are some of the excuses that kids give for not making healthy choices?’ Students use the 8 to Live By resource to answer the question. Class discussion: ‘Have YOU ever used any of these excuses or other excuses for the choices you have made?’ Teacher Resources Student Resources 8 to Live By: http://intermountainhe ncid=520289779 Health and Physical Education Metalanguage Assessment Opportunities Reflection Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Cross Curricular Priorities Catholic Ethos, Social Emotional Learning, Inclusive Education General Capabilities Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, ICT Engage ⇒ Explore ⇒ Explain ⇒ Elaborate ⇒ Elaborate Resources Excuses, excuses! Activity 1 Introduction: Revisit the 8 to Live By pages and revise the 8 habits. Students write down the 8 habits and then summarise ‘Why’ we should have those habits. Activity 2 Students report back to the class their findings as to ‘Why’ we should have the 8 habits. Activity 3 Students relate the 8 habits back to their stool from the first lesson. Where do they fit in? Students label the 8 habits on their stools from the first lesson. (eg Always Eat Breakfast - physical, mental; Eat Meals Together As a Family - physical, social/emotional) Activity 4 Discuss with the class: ‘What leg of the Health Stool has NOT been addressed?’ (spiritual) ‘How can we address this part of health?’ Health and Physical Education Metalanguage Reflection Evaluate Teacher Resources Student Resources 8 to Live By: http://intermountainhe ncid=520289779 Assessment Opportunities Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cross Curricular Priorities Catholic Ethos, Social Emotional Learning, Inclusive Education General Capabilities Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, ICT Engage ⇒ Explore ⇒ Explain ⇒ 7 8 9 Elaborate ⇒ Evaluate How do you rate? Activity 1 Introduction: Students work through the 8 to Live By booklet and use a ✩for the things they already do and a ✓for something they are going to do in the future. Activity 2 Students make a list of school procedures and rules. Activity 3 Students relate the procedures or rules back to the 8 to Live By healthy habits and to the Health Stool. Activity 4 Students use whatever resources they have at their disposal to begin a multi-media presentation which highlights how a school 10 Evaluate Resources Teacher Resources Student Resources iPads video camera poster materials Healthy Kids website: http://www.healthykids. 8 to Live By: procedure or rules are important to developing healthy habits. http://intermountainhe ncid=520289779 Health and Physical Education Metalanguage Assessment Opportunities Multimedia presentation Reflection Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cross Curricular Priorities Catholic Ethos, Social Emotional Learning, Inclusive Education General Capabilities Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, ICT Engage ⇒ Evaluate Assessment Activity 1 Introduction: Explore ⇒ Explain ⇒ 7 Elaborate ⇒ 8 9 10 Evaluate Resources Teacher Resources Student Resources Remind students about what their task is. Activity 2 Students use whatever resources they have at their disposal to produce a multi-media presentation which highlights how a school procedure or rules are important to developing healthy habits. Health and Physical Education Metalanguage iPads video camera poster materials Healthy Kids website: http://www.healthykids. 8 to Live By: http://intermountainhe ncid=520289779 Assessment Opportunities Multimedia presentation Reflection Planning for Differently Abled Students Student/s Different Ability Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions being addressed Learning and Teaching Strategies Assessment Strategies PEOPLE WHO HELP ME TO BE HEALTHY