Katelyn Adams Simulation Report Gizmo’s- Cannonball Clowns http://www.explorelearning.com/index.cfm?method=cResource.dspDetail&ResourceID=1025& ClassID=0 Video Summary: The video’s about Gizmo’s gave demonstrations on how the Gizmo’s work and also teacher’s opinions of the Gizmo’s. I especially enjoyed the video of the teacher’s testimonials, (http://www.explorelearning.com/View/Layout/Graphics/movies/EL_Customers_Video/EL_Cus tomers.html). Studies prove that the computer simulations caused a noticeable improvement in students work. The thing I enjoy most about the Gizmo’s is that the lessons can be altered to meet the needs of every student. Special needs as well as advanced students can work on the same assignment at different levels. Each simulation has a activity for the students to do and the students can watch the simulation and they give instant feedback. There is also a small quiz at the end of each simulation and the students can see their answers and if they are correct or not and explanations to the answers. (http://help.explorelearning.com/help/2005/06/an_introduction.html and http://help.explorelearning.com/2005/05/fraction_sense_.html). Brief Description: I explored the simulation called “Cannonball Clowns”. This simulation is intended for third grade math. In the Gizmo the students work with whole numbers, estimations, and using different units of measurements. The simulation requires students to guess how far they need to launch the clowns in the cannons. This Gizmo gives the students an area where they have to aim the clown. The students guess the number that it will take to launch the clown in the given area. This simulation can be done in feet, yards, inches, ect. Learning Objectives Addressed: Identify an objects location on the number line. Develop strategies for estimating distances. Estimate distances using various measurement units. Convert from one measurement unit to another. Ease of Use: This Gizmo is easy to use and I believe that a class of third class students would catch onto it quickly. I don’t think that it would require a lot of explanation. I believe that one brief explanation and a demonstration would be enough to get the class to understand the lesson. The directions on the Gizmo are detailed as well. Usefulness in the Classroom: I would use this Gizmo on a third grade classroom for a math lesson. I think the students would appreciate it because it’s a game like lesson and it will give them a new approach to a lesson. This Gizmo will help students meet the state standards and I believe it will improve learning because it gives the students the visual aspect that they need to fully understand the lesson and the aspect of estimation and different units of measurements.