Gizmo Outcome Description Grade Subtractive Color V2

Subtractive Color V2
Understandings - Topic D:
Light & Shadows
3D Eclipse
Understandings - Topic C: Sky
Phases of the Moon
Recognize that the Moon's
phases are regular and
predictable, and describe the
cycle of its phases.
Force on a Wing
Understandings - Topic B:
Penumbra Effect
Understandings - Topic C: Sky
Solar System Explorer
Understandings - Topic C: Sky
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows
users to move spots of yellow, cyan,
and magenta paint on a white surface.
As the colours overlap, other colours
can be seen due to colour subtraction.
The intensity of the cyan, magenta,
and yellow can be adjusted, and the
RGB (red, green, blue) values at any
location can be measured. An
exploration guide and assessment
questions are included.
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows the
user to observe the motions of the
Earth, its moon, and the sun in a
three-dimensional simulation to
investigate the causes of and timing of
eclipses. The angle of the moon's orbit
and the distance between Earth and
its moon are adjustable. The resource
includes an exploration guide and
assessment questions.
This ExploreLearning Gizmo helps
students to understand the phases of
the Earth's moon by observing the
positions of the Earth, moon and sun.
The resource includes supplementary
materials and assessment questions.
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows the
user to perform experiments on an
airplane wing in a wind tunnel. The
wing angle may be adjusted and
changes in lift and drag forces
observed. Data from each trial may be
recorded via screen shots to facilitate
analysis and understanding of
aerodynamics. The resource includes
supplementary materials.
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows the
user to gain an understanding of how
partial shadows are created. The
simulation features multiple light
sources and adjustable light spacing.
The width of the shadow-casting block
and light distance can also be changed
and the resultant cast shadow
observed. Screen shots may be taken
to record data. The resource includes
an exploration guide and assessment
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows the
user to observe the length of a year
and the orbital paths of the planets
and other bodies while exploring the
solar system. The position of the
planets, their composition, gravity,
surface temperature, and other
characteristics are presented. The
speed of the simulation may be
adjusted and screen shots taken to
record data. The resource includes an
Demonstrate and interpret
evidence of magnetic fields
around magnets and around
current-carrying wires, by use
of iron filings or by use of one
or more compasses.
Summer and Winter
Describe seasonal changes in
the length of the day and night
and in the angle of the Sun
above the horizon.
Solar System
Recognize that the other eight
known planets, which revolve
around the Sun, have
characteristics and surface
conditions that are different
from Earth; and identify
examples of those differences.
exploration guide and assessment
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows
students to experiment with bar
magnets. Students can see what
combinations of magnets and
materials result in attraction, repulsion
or no movement at all and can
observe magnetic field lines produced
when iron filings are sprinkled over
the magnets and other materials. The
resource includes supplementary
materials and assessment questions.
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows
students to explore why seasons occur
on Earth by comparing the angle of
the Sun’s rays, temperatures and the
length of a day on June 21 and
December 21. Students can make
observations from any latitude and
can vary the tilt of Earth’s axis as well.
The resource includes supplementary
material and assessment questions.
This ExploreLearning Gizmo contains a
simulation of planets orbiting around
the Sun as well as information about
the size and unique features of the
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
The resource includes supplementary
material and assessment questions.
2, 5
* Understand that Earth, the
Sun and the Moon are part of
a solar system that occupies
only a tiny part of the known
2D Eclipse
Understandings - Topic C: Sky
This resource is related to the
entire grade.
Circuit Builder
* Demonstrate different ways
of lighting two lights from a
single power source, and
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows the
user to manipulate the relative
positions of the sun, Earth, and Earth's
moon and observe how eclipses occur
in a two-dimensional model. Partial
and total eclipses as well as lunar and
solar eclipses are simulated. The
resource includes an exploration guide
and assessment questions.
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows the
user to determine the porosity of
different samples. In the simulation
the user pours water on a variety of
sediment samples to find out how
much water can be absorbed by the
sample (porosity) and how easily
water flows through the sample
(permeability). The resource includes
an exploration guide and assessment
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows
students to simulate building circuits
using batteries, light bulbs, switches,
compare the results. Students
should recognize that wiring
two bulbs in series makes both
bulbs glow less brightly than if
the bulbs are wired in parallel.
Students may demonstrate
this knowledge operationally
and do not need to use the
terms series and parallel.
[Program of Study]
fuses and a variety of materials. The
resource includes supplementary
materials and assessment questions.
* Demonstrate different ways
of using two batteries to light a
bulb, and compare the results.
Students should recognize that
wiring the batteries in series
causes the bulb to glow
brighter than it would if
parallel wiring were used.
[Program of Study]
* Design and construct circuits
that operate lights and other
electrical devices. [Program of
* Recognize the importance of
switches and other control
mechanisms to the design and
operation of electrical devices,
and identify purposes of
switches in particular
* Construct models of levers;
and explain how levers are
involved in such devices as:
teetertotters, scissors, pliers,
pry bars, tongs, nutcrackers,
fishing rods, wheelbarrows.
[Program of Study]
* Demonstrate ways to use a
lever that:
applies a small force
to create a large force
applies a small
movement to create a
large movement.
[Program of Study]
* Predict how changes in the
size of a lever or the position
of the fulcrum will affect the
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows
students to experiment with levers by
changing the location of the load, the
effort and the fulcrum as well as the
magnitude of the effort. A circus
strongman supplies the effort and
various farm animals represent the
load. The resource includes
supplementary materials and
assessment questions.
forces and movements
Flower Polination
identify the reproductive
structures of the plant.
Measuring Trees
* Interpret the growth pattern
of a young tree, distinguishing
this year's growth from that of
the previous year and from the
year before that. Students
meeting this expectation
should recognize differences in
colouration and texture of new
growth and old growth, and
locate scars that separate old
and new growth.
* Recognize that the Moon's
phases are regular and
predictable, and describe the
cycle of its phases.
Ocean Tides
Growing Plants
* Recognize that plant
requirements for growth; i.e.,
air, light energy, water,
nutrients and space; vary from
plant to plant and that other
conditions; e.g., temperature
and humidity; may also be
important to the growth of
particular plants.
Additive Color V2
Understandings - Topic D:
Light & Shadows
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows
students to observe the steps of
pollination and fertilization in flowering
plants. The resource includes an
exercise on flower structure
identification, supplementary materials
and assessment questions.
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows
students to measure the height,
diameter and circumference of trees in
a forest; count growth rings to
determine the age of a tree; and
investigate how tree growth is affected
by precipitation. The resource includes
supplementary materials and
assessment questions.
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows
students to develop an understanding
of ocean tides by comparing the depth
of water near a dock, over time, to the
positions of the Earth, moon and sun.
The resource includes supplementary
materials and assessment questions.
This ExploreLearning Gizmo simulates
plant growth. Students can manipulate
four variables: seed type (bean,
tomato or turnip), soil additives
(compost and/or fertilizer), the
amount of daily water and the amount
of light. Students can then view the
plants’ height and mass data in a table
and on graphs. The resource includes
supplementary materials and
assessment questions.
This ExploreLearning Gizmo allows the
user manipulate the intensity of
simulated spotlights in primary colours
(red, green, and blue) and observe the
resulting secondary colours which
comprise the remainder of the visible
spectrum. The RGB values of the
overlapping areas are measurable. The
resource includes an exploration guide
and assessment questions.