Says Means Matters

I am Joaquin/Yo Soy Joaquin
Says, Means, Matters
Stanza 8
Stanza 7
Stanza 4
Stanza 1
What does the text SAY?
What does the text MEAN?
Why does it MATTER?
Yo soy Joaquin./I am Cuauhtemoc, proud and
In this quote the author suggests ______________
This quote demonstrates that_________________
noble,/ Leader of men, king of an empire civilized
I have been the bloody revolution,/ The victor,/ The
In this quote the author implies________________
This quote shows___________________________
vanquished./ I have killed/ And been killed./ I am
In a country that has wiped out/ All my history,/
In this quote the author suggests______________
This quote is interesting because _______________
Stifled all my pride,/ In a country that has placed a/
I look at myself/ And see part of me/ Who rejects
In this quote the author implies________________
This quote is revealing because_________________
my father and mother/ And dissolved into the
beyond the dreams of the gachupin Cortes,/ who
also is the blood image of myself.
the despots Diaz/ And Huerta/And the apostle of
democracy,/ Francisco Madero.
Different weight of indignity upon my age-/ old
burdened back./ Inferiority is the new load…
melting pot/ To disappear in shame.