Step 1

My Travel Diary
Step 1 : Preparing for writing
- Prepare the answers to the questions that will be used
in your writing
- Please refer to the worksheet and the example.
Step 2 : Practice Writing 1- group work
- Practice with a worksheet in group
- Complete the travel diary using answers on the
- Please refer to the example.
Step 3 : Practice Writing 2 – individual work
- Practice with a worksheet individually
- Complete the travel diary using answers on the
- Please refer to the example.
Step 4 : Free writing - Writing a draft
Write your own travel diary in your own style.
Step 5 : Feedback & comments
Step 6 : Revise and complete your diary
My Travel Diary
Step 1 : Preparing for writing
- Prepare the answers to the questions that will be used
in your writing
- Please refer to the worksheet and the example.
Step 2 : Practice Writing 1- group work
- Practice with a worksheet in group
- Complete the travel diary using answers on the
- Please refer to the example.
Step 3 : Practice Writing 2 – individual work
- Practice with a worksheet individually
- Complete the travel diary using answers on the
- Please refer to the example.
Step 4 : Free writing - Writing a draft
Write your own travel diary in your own style.
Step 5 : Feedback & comments
Step 6 : Revise and complete your diary
My Travel Diary
Step 1 : Preparing for writing
- Prepare the answers to the questions that will be used
in your writing
- Please refer to the worksheet and the example.
Step 2 : Practice Writing 1- group work
- Practice with a worksheet in group
- Complete the travel diary using answers on the
- Please refer to the example.
Step 3 : Practice Writing 2 – individual work
- Practice with a worksheet individually
- Complete the travel diary using answers on the
- Please refer to the example.
Step 4 : Free writing - Writing a draft
Write your own travel diary in your own style.
Step 5 : Feedback & comments
Step 6 : Revise and complete your diary
Step 1 : Preparing for writing
- Prepare the answers to the questions that will be used
in your writing
- Please refer to the worksheet and the example.
Step 2 : Practice Writing 1- group work
- Practice with a worksheet in group
- Complete the travel diary using answers on the
- Please refer to the example.
Step 3 : Practice Writing 2 – individual work
- Practice with a worksheet individually
- Complete the travel diary using answers on the
- Please refer to the example.
Step 4 : Free writing - Writing a draft
Write your own travel diary in your own style.
Step 5 : Feedback & comments
Step 6 : Revise and complete your diary
My Travel Diary
Step 1 : Preparing for writing
1. Where did you visit?
(country, city, place)
2. Who did you go with?
3. When did you go there?
4. How long did you stay there?
5. Which specific places did you visit there?
6. What was the most impressive sight? or
Which place was the most impressive to you?
7. Why was it so impressive to you?
How can you describe the sight?
8. What kinds of local food did you try?
9. What did it taste like?
10. What is it made of? Did you like it?
11. How did you feel after the trip?
My Travel Diary
Step 1 : Preparing for writing
1. Where did you visit?
(country, city, place)
2. Who did you go with?
3. When did you go there?
4. How long did you stay there?
5. Which specific places did you visit there?
6. What was the most impressive sight? or
Which place was the most impressive to you?
7. Why was it so impressive to you?
How can you describe the sight?
8. What kinds of local food did you try?
9. What did it taste like?
10. What is it made of? Did you like it?
11. How did you feel after the trip?
My Travel Diary
Step 1 : Preparing for writing
1. Where did you visit?
(country, city, place)
2. Who did you go with?
my friends
3. When did you go there?
last summer
4. How long did you stay there?
for three days
5. Which specific places did you visit there?
the Trevi Fountain,
Capitoline Hill, and
the Vatican
6. What was the most impressive sight? or
Which place was the most impressive to you?
the Trevi Fountain
7. Why was it so impressive to you?
How can you describe the sight?
I could see a lot of people tossing coins into
the fountain making their wishes.
It is said that if you throw coins into the
fountain you'll come back to Rome.
I tossed coins, too.
8. What kinds of local food did you try?
Italian traditional pizza
9. What did it taste like?
10. What is it made of? Did you like it?
I liked it very much.
11. How did you feel after the trip?
a little bit tired but excited
My Travel Diary
Step 1 : Preparing for writing
1. Where did you visit?
(country, city, place)
2. Who did you go with?
my friends
3. When did you go there?
last summer
4. How long did you stay there?
for three days
5. Which specific places did you visit there?
the Trevi Fountain,
Capitoline Hill, and
the Vatican
6. What was the most impressive sight? or
Which place was the most impressive to you?
the Trevi Fountain
7. Why was it so impressive to you?
How can you describe the sight?
I could see a lot of people
tossing coins into the fountain
making their wishes.
It is said that if you throw coins
into the fountain you'll come
back to Rome.
I tossed coins, too.
8. What kinds of local food did you try?
Italian traditional pizza
9. What did it taste like?
10. What is it made of? Did you like it?
I liked it very much.
11. How did you feel after the trip?
a little bit tired but excited