SPF II__by Phoukhieo Chanthasomboune, DG of NRA_English

National Strategic Plan for the UXO Sector
in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
2011 – 2020
“The Safe Path Forward II”
Presented by Phoukhieo CHANTHASOMBOUNE
NRA Board Member,
Director General of NRA Office
Presented Plan
1. References
2. Vision
3. Main Objectives and Actions
4. Organization
5. Fund requirements
6. Monitoring and Evaluation
1. References:
The concerned Government Decrees:
• Decree No: 406/PM, dated 08 November 2011
• Decree No: 61/PM, dated 16 March 2009
• Chairman of NRA Decree No: 001/NRA, dated 30 March
• Chairman of NRA Decree No: 04/NRA, dated 8 January 2009
International Conventions and Declarations:
• The Convention on Cluster Munitions
• The Convention on the Rights of People with
• The UNESCAP Declaration on the Decade of the Disabled
• National Strategic Plan for UXO Sector in the Lao People’s
Democratic Republic “The Save Path Forward II”,
- No 1/PM, the Government of Lao PDR accreditated on 22
June 2012.
- This Strategic Plan is the second version which aligns with the
National Socio – Economic Development Plan of the
Government in terms of its age.
The vision guiding this strategy is a Lao PDR free from the threat of
UXO, where individuals and communities live in a safe environment ,
contributing to development and where UXO victims are fully integrated
into their societies and their needs are met.
3. Objectives and Enabling Actions.
1). Reduce the numbers of the UXO casualties from 300 to less
than 75 per year.
Enabling Actions.
• Formulate legislation, propagated means
• Train (village volunteers, operators, ministries and ministry
of equivalents)
• Encourage to have joint implementation of 3 main tasks;
Mine Risk Education, Clearance and Victim Assistant
• Conduct Mine Risk Education Activities at risk target group
2). Ensure that the medical and health rehabilitation needs
of all UXO Survivors are met in line with treaty obligations.
Major Actions
• Collect, map, analyze and disseminate detailed data on UXO victims
• Improve and create facilities (health care center, hospital,
rehabilitation center and transport system)
• Provide medical treatment, rehabilitation, job and rights
3). Release Priority Land and Clear UXO in accordance
with National Standards and International Treaty Obligation.
Major Actions.
• Identify the UXO contaminated areas and prioritize clearance tasks.
• Strengthening the survey and clearance capacity (Army
Humanitarian UXO clearance Unit, Lao and Foreign UXO Operators
and Companies).
• Conducting research and experiment, using techniques and
• Clear and destroy (general and technical surveys, roving, full
clearance: land release).
• Conduct post clearance assessment.
4). Ensure effective leadership, coordination and
Major Actions.
• Maintain a national data base of all information relevant to the UXO
Sector and make its information available to all stakeholders.
• Formulate periodic work plan to support to the implementation.
• Develop cost requirement plan
• Develop partners increase united contributions, provide
multiyear commitments , establishing trust fund.
• Exchange information for developing the organizations through
the Sector Working Group and the Technical Working Group
5). Establish sustainable national capacity fully integrated into the
regular set-up of the Government
• Major actions
• Ensure that the strategic, socio-economic development and
implementing plans at all levels, take UXO funding and operational
requirements into account.
• Strengthening the capacity of the Government institutions for
responding to the addressing of the UXO problem, (it is the work of
the UXO sector).
• Establish of the National Training Center.
• Formulate and implement long-term plan for international technical
6). Meet international treaty obligations
Major Actions
• Develop and enforce legislation to support implementation of
international treaty obligations, (Decree, laws..)
• Provide an annual report to the Secretary-General of the United
Nations under article 7 of the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
1). Management Organizations.
- Prime Minster Decree No 406/PM, dated 08 November
2011, the NRA Board Members are composed of 17 Ministries.
- NRA is the organization structure of the Government playing the role as a
secretariat of Polit-Bureau Party Central Committee and the Government in
managing at macro level, of Lao PDR. It has the role in policy formulation,
planning, projecting and coordinating the implementation of the National
Strategic Plan for UXO Sector in the Lao PDR.
2). Implementing Partners
Humanitarian Clearance Organizations
• Lao National Unexploded Ordnance Programme
(UXO Lao).
• Army UXO Clearance Unit
• Mine Advisory Group (MAG)
• Handicap International (HI)
• Solidarity Service International (SODI)
• Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)
• The Halo Trust (HALO)
Commercial Clearance Operators
• ASA Power Engineering Co., LTD (ASA)
• Phonsackda UXO Clearance Co., LTD (PSD)
• SBH Clearance
• Lao BSL Unexploded Ordnance Disposal (Lao BSL)
• Lao UN EOD Clearance
• XTD Hi -Tec Clearance
• THB UXO Clearance Company
• Sengphet UXO Clearance Company
• Bactec Lao Limited (BACTEC)
• Milsearch Lao EOD Sole Company LTD
• Phou Louang UXO Clearance Company
• Lane Xang Minerals MMG
UXO Mine Risk Education Organizations:
• UXO Lao
• Mine Advisory Group (MAG)
• Handicap International (HI)
• World Education (WE)
UXO Victim Assistance Organizations:
• Association for Aid and Relief Japan (AAR)
• Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
• Cooperative Orthotic and Prosthetic Enterprise (COPE)
• The Assistance Association for People with Disabilities
and UXO Survivors (QLA)
• World Education (WE).
5. Fund Requirements
- 50 million US Dollars per year in estimate.
- In fact, in 2010 obtained 19 million US Dollars, year 2011 got 30
million US Dollars, year 2012 got 30 US million Dollars. Particularly in
the first period of year 2013 got 17 million US Dollars.
- The fund were donated through trust Fund, bilateral and foreign
6. Monitoring and Evaluation
• NRA formulate work plan, consistent with the National SocialEconomic Development Plan of the Government.
• Operators will provide information and reports to NRA.
• There will be a plan for conducting evaluation of the implementation
of the National Strategic Plan in 2015 and 2020.
• Ministries, Ministrial level organizations, provinces, are the key
organizations to implement the National Strategic Plan.
Thank you