Baker College Lesson Plan Example Healthcare

Baker College Lesson Plan- Asepsis Example
Title of Lesson:
Proper Hand Washing and Gloving
MED 106 Asepsis
Student Learning Goal(s):
The to “do” outcome
SLO#1a Perform the medical aseptic hand washing technique without
contamination to self when given the necessary equipment.
The to “know” and to “do” outcome
SLO#2 Discuss and perform aseptic gloving, obtain an educational tool that discusses disease
prevention and obtain a copy of the State of Michigan’s communicable disease report with a
listing of reportable diseases.
Bloom’s Taxonomy and Rigor/Relevance Framework:
Applying (The students will be demonstrating or applying the
knowledge of knowing how to properly hand wash and apply gloves.)
High up in the “B” Application quadrant.
Assessment will be formative. Instructor will observe students
actually washing their hands and gloving. The instructor will use a check sheet for recording
their observations on each student.
Procedures/Lesson Sequence:
1. Identify objective: Students will be able to perform the medical aseptic hand washing
technique without contamination to self when given the equipment.
2. Recall prior learning: Ask students to discuss with a partner their earliest memory of
learning how to wash their hands.
3. Present new material: Introduce and discuss Medical Asepsis- provide the students with the
discussion questions to focus their conversations. Provide an Internet site related to Asepsis
and direct the students to respond to the guiding questions related to the website. Finally,
show the DVD on Asepsis.
4. Elicit performance: Engage students in practice of proper hand washing techniques.
5. Provide feedback: Instructor will observe students performing hand washing techniques
and proved feedback to each student on what he/she did well and what he/she may need
more practice on.
6. Assess performance: Instructor will complete hand washing check off sheets for each
1. DVD
2. Sink
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3. Soap
4. Towels
5. Gloves
DVD and computer to the Asepsis video demonstrate on. The video will provide a model to
proper hand washing and gloving. The video will visually reinforce the procedures that must be
Students will need to be placed into small groups of no more than 3 at a station. This will allow
each student to have the opportunity and time to practice.
Reflection (to be completed after the lesson is taught):
1. What went well?
The actual demonstration and the students practicing were the most beneficial.
2. How effectively did the students accomplish the objective(s)?
Most students (90%) were able to properly wash their hands and glove by the end of the
3. What evidence of understanding do you have?
The check off sheets used to document that the students followed all procedures/steps
4. What would you do differently the next time you teach this lesson?
The instructor may look for a better DVD or not show it next time.
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