Age UK Memory loss and dementia doc

Memory loss and dementia
- practical help in your area
Amended June 2015
This information sheet covers a selection of organisations providing help and support
for people with memory loss and dementia. It is compiled by Age UK Sevenoaks &
Tonbridge Tel: 01732 454108. Web:
Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge is a registered charity no. 1088213
If you cannot find what you are looking for please ask Age UK if we can help further.
Amendments and additions are welcome; please contact us.
Getting a diagnosis – Memory Clinics and Kent Dementia Helpline
Finding out more – Alzheimer’s Society and local services
Dementia cafes, Peer Support Groups, dementia support for carers
Day centres, home support, Singing for the Brain and befriending
COGS clubs (cognitive stimulation groups), Down Memory Lane, lunch clubs
Looking after someone with dementia
Having a break – Crossroads, Carers First and Shared Lives
Private carers, Admiral Nurses and Dementia UK
Being understood, library services and helpful books
Keeping healthy – walks, health checks, weight management, falls prevention
Peace of mind, Kent Carers’ Emergency Card and home safety
Council Tax, Attendance Allowance and other benefits
Advocacy – Citizens’ Rights for Older People and Invicta
Legal advice and Powers of Attorney
Driving, Blue Badges for disabled parking and concessionary bus passes
Pets and the Cinnamon Trust
Care homes and Dementia Care Matters
Helping out with research
Raising awareness – Dementia Friends and Dementia Action Alliance
Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge publish separate lists covering:
Care agencies
Care homes
Health and wellbeing
Help at home
Memory loss and dementia
Money matters
Sheltered housing
Social activities
Transport and travel
Work and leisure
Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge Tel: 01732 454108. Web:
Getting a diagnosis
It is natural to forget things sometimes, especially as we get older. However if you
think that you are getting more confused than would be normal, you can speak to
your GP and they can refer you to a specialist for a memory test. This is likely to be
at the Memory Clinic in Darent House next to Sevenoaks Hospital. They can tell
you more about what dementia is and why it is important to get a diagnosis. For
more information contact Sevenoaks Community Mental Health Team for Older
People Tel: 01732 228242. Web:
Please note that there are many types of memory loss of which the most well-known
is dementia. In addition there are many types of dementia of which the most wellknown is Alzheimer’s Disease. The information below is mainly about dementia but
would usually also apply to other types of memory loss.
Kent has a Dementia Helpline (24 hours). They can provide information and advice
both before and after a diagnosis. Tel: 0800 500 3014 (Freephone).
Coming to terms with a diagnosis may be difficult; it may help to read a book called
“Welcome to our World” written by people before and after diagnosis. It is
available from the Alzheimer’s Society or bookshops such as Waterstones.
To find out more about memory loss and dementia
The best place to start is probably the Alzheimer’s Society National Helpline who
can tell you more about both Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia. They
usually answer the phone 9am to 5pm weekdays and 10am to 4pm weekends. Tel:
0300 222 1122. Web:
They can send you free copies of their Dementia Guide and Memory Handbook.
The local branch is Alzheimer’s Society Kent & Medway Tel: 01892 835498,
07742 037882. Email:
They offer various services which are explained in more detail below:
Dementia cafes
Peer support groups
Day centres
Home support & outreach visits
Singing for the Brain
Befriending service
Dementia Cafes
These are free drop-in sessions for people with dementia and those who are affected
by it such as partners and families. They provides support for carers and the people
they are looking after in a safe and comfortable environment. You are welcome to
bring someone you are looking after and it is a good way to meet other people in
similar situations and support each other over a cup of tea or coffee. Unless
otherwise stated they are run by Alzheimer’s Society Kent & Medway Tel: 01892
835498. Email:
Sevenoaks. Lodge Café (1st floor of the Stag Theatre). 1st and 3rd Tuesday of
every month 2pm-4pm.
Tonbridge. Angel Centre. 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month 2pm-4pm.
Southborough. The Ark, Gallards Close. 1st and 3rd Monday of every month
Chipstead/Bessels Green. Sunrise Care Home, 64-70 Westerham Rd run a
dementia cafe which is open to anyone regardless of whether they are a
resident of the care home. Meets last Tuesday of the month 3-5pm. Tel:
01732 748400, 807397 Web:
2 more cafes are opening soon:
Westerham. Evangelical Church Hall once a month on Fridays 11am-1pm.
For more details contact Westerham Town Council Tel: 01959 562147. Web:
Edenbridge. Bridges Café, High St once a month on Fridays 11am-1pm. For
more details Tel: 01732 868186
Peer Support Groups
These are fortnightly opportunities for people who have been recently diagnosed
with dementia to get together over in the early stages. Alzheimer’s Society Kent &
Medway Tel: 01892 835498. Email:
Otford (in the library). 2nd and 4th Friday of every month 11am-2pm.
Tunbridge Wells. 2nd and 4th Monday of every month 11am-2pm.
West Malling. 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month 11am-2pm.
Dementia support for carers
Support is available for carers as well as people with dementia to help partners and
families cope with caring. A carers’ group meets in Pembury on the 1st Wednesday
of every month 10am-12pm. Alzheimer’s Society Kent & Medway Tel: 01892
835498. Email:
See also Having a break below.
Day centres
The Alzheimer’s Society run a day centre specifically for people with dementia at
Tonbridge and another one further afield at Pembury. They may have a waiting list.
Tonbridge. Town Lock Day Centre, Lyons Crescent. Mondays and
Wednesdays 9.30am-3.30pm. Contact Alzheimer’s Society Kent & Medway
Tel: 01892 835498. Email:
Pembury. Cornford House Day Centre, Cornford Lane. Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Fridays. 9.30am-3.30pm. Contact Alzheimer’s Society Kent
& Medway Tel: 01892 835498. Email:
In addition there are other day centres. These are social day centres rather than
medical or secure day centres but they may be suitable for people with mild
dementia who do not wander and can manage minibus transport.
Sevenoaks. Hollybush Court Day Centre, Hollybush Lane. Monday to Friday.
Contact Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge Tel: 01732 454108. Web:
Edenbridge. Eden Centre, Four Elms Rd. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Contact
Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge Tel: 03000 422882. Web:
o Town Lock Day Centre. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Contact
Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge Tel: 01732 771780. Web:
o Woodgate Day Centre. Tudeley Lane. Contact Abbeyfield Tel: 01732
o Darent Day Centre. Baptist Church, Darenth Avenue. Contact Liz Ford
Tel: 01732 352824. Email:
Tunbridge Wells
o Hazel Dene Day Centre. Takes clients from Tonbridge area and will
take clients from Sevenoaks if they have space. Contact Age UK
Tunbridge Wells. Tel: 01892 826593
Some care homes may also take people for day care; it is always worth asking. A list
of care homes is available from Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge Tel: 01732
454108. Web:
Home support
This is a service that visits people with dementia in their own homes. Support
workers can offer some personal care and help with medication. Alzheimer’s
Society Kent & Medway Tel: 01892 835498. Email:
They also offer outreach visits.
Singing for the Brain
Music can be very therapeutic for people with dementia. These recognised courses
run regularly. Alzheimer’s Society Kent & Medway Tel: 01892 835498. Email:
This is where a volunteer may visit you at home once a week for an hour to have a
chat over a cup of tea etc. If you feel lonely, isolated or vulnerable befriending could
help you.
A befriending service for partners and families to help them cope with caring
is run by Alzheimer’s Society Kent & Medway Tel: 01892 835498. Email:
In addition Age UK may be able to offer a befriending service for people with
mild dementia in Sevenoaks and Tonbridge (waiting list in Westerham and
Edenbridge). Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge Tel: 01732 454108. Web:
COGS clubs (cognitive stimulation groups)
Crossroads Care run a COGS Club (Cognitive Stimulation Group) for people with
mild to moderate dementia to take part in stimulating activities and hopefully make
new friends. There is also a fairly new COGS Club at Stangrove Lodge care home in
Edenbridge run by Abbeyfield, a social housing provider.
Crossroads Care Kent Tel: 01622 817114. Web:
Abbeyfield Tel: 01732 864975. Web:
Down Memory Lane
This is a club which meets in Otford Methodist Church Hall on Saturdays 10am12.30pm. They offer coffee, art & craft activities, reminiscence, sitting-down
exercises and singing. Your carer does not have to be present but is welcome to
accompany you. Contact Carolyn Knight Tel: 01732 743056 Email:
Lunch Clubs
These provide a hot meal and sometimes transport can also be provided. They may
be suitable for someone with early dementia; phone the organiser to discuss
Bessels Green. Contact Margaret Tel: 01732 453716
Cudham. Tel: 01959 532662
Dunton Green. Contact Mrs Sharp Tel: 01959 523157
Fordcombe. Contact Kate Hargreave Tel: 01892 861047
Hildenborough (HOPS Lunch Club). Contact Faydra Tel: 07846 238925
Kemsing. Contact Lesley Harman Tel: 01732 761680
Otford. Contact Mrs Arnaud Tel: 01959 523297
Riverhead (Littlecourt Lunch Club). Contact Deirdre Montanaro Tel: 01732
455435 or Pam Rankin Tel: 01732 460209
o Age UK Thursday Lunch Club. Tel: 01732 366100
o Baptist Church Lunch Club. Tel: 01732 352824
o Methodist Church Community Lunch. Tel: 01732 352835
Westerham. Contact Pauline Trodden Tel: 07904 779159
Woodlands. Contact Ann Shelley Tel: 01959 522986
Looking after someone with dementia
There are many guides to memory loss and dementia. Age UK produce an
information guide on Caring for someone with dementia. You can get a copy from
Age UK Tel: 0800 169 6565. Web:
Another example is the guide to Memory Loss produced by Sunrise, a care home in
Sevenoaks. This guide has lots of useful information for everyone, regardless of
whether the person with dementia moves to a care home. It is called the “Memory
Care Guide – Understanding the Memory Loss Journey” and you can download
a free copy from Sunrise’s website at: It includes:
What to expect as a carer – assistance, inhibitions etc
Early signs of dementia
How to be an effective carer
Building bridges with people with dementia – respect, reminiscence, empathy
Tips for good communication
Creating meaning and purpose in their lives, especially at mealtimes
How music can help
Looking after your own health as a carer – support groups, respite breaks etc
Overcoming challenges – sense of time, anger, how to say hello, what to do if
they don’t recognise you
Moving into a care home – how to handle this
Sunrise is only one of several care homes which can look after people with
dementia. If you need to find a care home, a list of local care homes is published by
Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge. Tel: 01732 454108. Web:
Having a break
There are two local charities which can provide you with a break by looking after the
person you are caring for while you catch up on sleep, meet friends, go shopping
etc. Alternatively they can take out the person you are looking after while you have
your home to yourself for a few hours. These breaks can be regular and are either
free or nominal cost.
Crossroads Care Kent Tel: 01622 817114. Web:
Carers First Tel: 0300 303 1555. Web:
Respite care breaks are also offered by Alzheimer’s Society Kent & Medway Tel:
01892 835498. Email:
The Shared Lives Dementia Project is where Social Services train other families to
share their own homes to provide long-term but temporary care placements or short
breaks for people with dementia. You can find out more from Shared Lives Tel:
03000 414141. Web:
Private carers
Many private care agencies can provider carers at home and also respite care
breaks. Some have staff who are trained to help people with dementia and their
families (such as Admiral Nurses). You can get a list of local care agencies from Age
UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge. Tel: 01732 454108 Web:
When ringing round or looking at their websites it is a good idea to find out if they
have staff trained to help people with dementia. For example, you could ask them if
their staff use the SPECAL method of person-centred care. This has been developed
as a model of best practice by a charity called the Contented Dementia Trust
Here are a few examples of agencies you could try but there are many others:
All About Home Care Tel: 01732 447055. Web:
Good Care Group Tel: 01732 441098. Web:
Home Instead Senior Care Tel: 01732 759854, 01892 731264. Web:
Admiral Nurses
Dementia UK is a charity who can provide Admiral Nurses. They can give you
practical and emotional support in your home. Tel: 0845 257 9406. Web:
Being understood
To Know Me Ltd is a company set up by someone whose mother has dementia. It
can help you create a personalised book about someone with dementia that will help
carers understand better the person you are looking after. You can either download
or buy a printed blank book and then add your own photos and text to the pages. To
Know Me Tel: 01892 710117. Web:
Library services
For all services offered by Kent Libraries contact Janet Davies Tel: 01732 585300.
“Pictures to Share”. This is a range of books to help trigger memories and
make it easier to hold conversations available at Sevenoaks, Edenbridge and
Tonbridge libraries. There is also a small collection of books at the Dementia
Café hosted at the Stag Theatre.
Reminiscence collections, which include historical objects, audio
recordings, books, photos and posters. You can find such collections at big
libraries and Eden Valley Museum.
Home Library Service. If you are looking after someone with dementia but
find it difficult to get out they can bring books to you and this includes books
for yourself as well as ones you can share together.
“10 Helpful Hints for Carers: Practical Solutions for Carers Living with
People with Dementia”. This is a book written by June Andrews and Allan
House. It is published by the Dementia Services Development Centre at the
University of Stirling. You can order it from libraries or bookshops.
“Grandma”. This is a book for children which explains dementia. It is written
by Jessica Shepherd and published by Child’s Play.
Mood-boosting books. Libraries have a selection of books designed to boost
your mood including novels, poetry and non-fiction. To find out more contact
Janet Davies Tel: 01732 585300. Web:
Keeping healthy
Your council has a Healthy Living Team. The local contacts are:
 Sevenoaks Healthy Living Team Tel: 01732 227000 Email:
 Tonbridge & Malling Healthy Living Team Tel: 01732 844522 Email.
These Healthy Living Teams offer a range of activities which may be suitable for
people with mild dementia, especially the health walks. Activities include:
Free health walks. Take a step towards a healthier life, take in some fresh air
and meet up with a group of people. It’s sociable and you get fit in the
process. The walks are led by a trained volunteer and last about an hour.
o Hildenborough. Recreation Ground (Mondays 10am).
o Otford. Village Memorial Hall (Mondays 10.30am).
o Shoreham. Lullingstone Country Park Visitor Centre (Mondays 2pm).
o Edenbridge. Leisure Centre (Wednesdays 9.30am).
o Tonbridge. Swimming Pool (Wednesdays 10.15am & 11am).
o Sevenoaks. Leisure Centre (Thursdays 10.30am).
Free health checks.
Free weight management courses.
Free falls prevention classes. For over-60s who are worried about falling.
They give you the know-how to avoid a fall and what to do if you take a
tumble. Classes last about an hour and include light exercise, usually in a
chair, to improve balance, strength and stability. They give you confidence,
helping you to lead an active life and continuing to do the things you like
o Edenbridge. Self Unlimited, Philippines Close (Mondays 11.30am).
o Otford. Methodist Church Hall (Tuesdays 3pm).
o Sevenoaks. Hollybush Court Day Centre (Wednesdays 3pm).
o Tonbridge. Contact the Good Neighbour Project Tel: 01892 510200
Yoga for over-50s. A relaxing way to improve fitness and flexibility. Sessions
cost about £2-3 including refreshments. There’s no need to book; just turn up.
Beginners and newcomers are always welcome. They are a fun and sociable
way to improve your fitness and overall wellbeing.
o Shoreham. Village Hall (Wednesdays 1pm-2pm).
o Dunton Green. Village Hall (Wednesdays 3pm-4.30pm).
Up & Running. A jogging group for women who have mild to moderate
depression, low self-esteem, anxiety or depression. The group is ideal for
non-runners and starts with walking and gentler jogging, building up over 10
weeks. Small charge. Outdoor exercise can really help with low moods and
anxiety improving your physical and mental wellbeing. The group meets at
Sevenoaks Leisure Centre (Wednesdays 1pm) and runs in Knole Park. If you
are interested phone Shona on 07710 279497 or Harriet on 07855 893863.
Peace of mind
There are many organisations which offer personal alarms for use in the home. One
example is Age UK Tel: 01732 454108, 0800 032 9425. Web:
Other kinds of alarms are also available. Here are a couple of suggestions:
Centra Pulse (formerly known as Invicta Telecare) offer:
Vega devices worn on the wrist. These can send alerts if the person wanders
out of pre-agreed “safe zones” or goes out in the middle of the night; it uses a
mobile signal to alert a call centre and GPS to locate the person.
Add-on telecare systems that include smoke detectors, flood detectors,
extreme temperature sensors, fall detectors, property exit sensors, carbon
monoxide detectors.
Centra Pulse Tel: 0330 134 7409. Web:
Just Checking Ltd offer online monitoring to give families peace of mind. Wireless
sensors placed around the home will send text or email alerts to families if:
 there are no signs of activity in the morning.
 a carer hasn’t arrived.
 a door has been left open.
 someone has gone out at night.
 someone has visited at an unusual time.
Free if installed by request of local authority or NHS; otherwise can be bought or
rented by family for about £3 per day. Tel: 01564 785100. Web:
If you are looking after someone, you can carry a Kent Carers’ Emergency Card. If
you are taken ill or have an accident, it alerts people that you look after someone
who depends on you. It tells them to ring a Social Services contact centre who can
arrange emergency cover. This service is free and round-the-clock. You can get the
card from Carers First Tel: 0300 303 1555. Web:
Home safety
Kent Fire & Rescue Service Vulnerable Persons Team can shut off cookers and
provide lockable covers for electric sockets. They can also carry out home safety
visits and provide fire prevention devices (fire retardant bedding & blankets, smoke
alarms for people including those with hearing & visual problems, cooker switches,
letterbox sealing, ashtrays, gas & carbon monoxide alarms). Tel: 0800 923 7000,
01622 692121. Web:
Council Tax reductions and other benefits
If you have dementia and are over 65 you are eligible to apply for Attendance
Allowance. This is a government benefit which is not linked to your income or
savings and is not taxed. It is for people whose health has declined and are finding
things more difficult as a result of their health. You are also eligible to apply for a
25% reduction in your Council Tax. You can get help filling in the forms from Age UK
Sevenoaks & Tonbridge Tel: 01732 454108
If you feel that your views are not being listened to then advocacy may be able to
help. Age UK have an advocacy service for people with mental capacity but there
are also specialist advocacy services for people with dementia.
CROP (Citizens’ Rights for Older People) Tel: 01622 851200. Web:
Invicta Advocacy Network Tel: 01322 285234. Web:
Legal advice and Powers of Attorney
It is very important to try to set up Lasting Powers of Attorney while you still have
mental capacity (in other words while you can recognise and understand what you
will be signing). These will enable your family or friends (or a solicitor) to manage
your finances, property and affairs as well as your health and welfare when you can
no longer make decisions. Forms and guidance are available from the government’s
Office of the Public Guardian Tel: 0300 456 0300. Web:
The cheapest option is to fill in the forms yourself but they are long and complicated.
You may find it easier and less time-consuming to ask a solicitor to do it for you.
Some solicitors specialise in helping people who have dementia. Here are a couple
of examples for solicitors who specialise in helping people who are vulnerable but
there are many others that you can find in the phonebook or on the internet:
JE Bennett Law Tel: 01732 454983. Web:
Brachers Tel: 01622 776409. Web:
If you do not set up Powers of Attorney and no longer have mental capacity your
family will need to go through the Court of Protection which is a lot longer and even
more expensive so it is a good idea to do it as soon as possible. Tel: 0300 456 4600.
Kent Community Health NHS Trust can carry out assessments on whether people
with dementia can still drive safely. Tel: 0300 123 1807. Web:
Disabled Parking & Concessionary Bus Passes
Kent County Council Blue Badge Team can help people with dementia apply for
Blue Badges (for disabled parking) and can give them and their companions
concessionary bus passes. Tel: 03000 416262. Web:
If you can no longer look after your pet then the Cinnamon Trust may be able to
help. They can help walk dogs, fetch cat food etc. Tel: 01736 757900. Web:
Care homes
If you need to go into a care home, many residential and nursing homes specialise in
dementia. You can get a list of local care homes from Age UK Sevenoaks &
Tonbridge Tel: 01732 454108. Web:
Dementia Care Matters is trying an approach which involves accepting the person's
perceived reality rather than trying to correct it. There is some evidence that this
makes people happier but it requires a lot of effort on the part of family and carers.
There are a few care homes adopting this approach; the nearest are on the South
Coast and the other side of Surrey. For more information contact Dementia Care
Matters Tel: 01273 242335. Web:
Helping out with research
If you have dementia or are looking after someone with it and would like to help with
training student doctors, nurses and paramedics to understand more about dementia
and how it affects people then contact Sophie Mackrell Tel: 07713 779582 Email: You would be visited by two students a couple
of times a year.
Raising awareness
If you are interested in raising awareness about dementia, you could contact:
West Kent Dementia Action Alliance Tel: 07730 750906. Web:
Dementia Friends Tel: 01245 454319. Web:
West Kent Memorybilia Service User Group (part of DEEP – the Dementia
Engagement & Empowerment Project) Tel: 01622 725000. Web: