COMPLETING AN IFTA TAX RETURN Revised 8/06 OVERVIEW Completing the IFTA Return Appropriate rounding on the IFTA Return Surcharge Jurisdictions and how to calculate surcharge Penalties and Interest Important Reminders Taxpayer Assistance 2 BEFORE YOU START Records of all miles traveled in each jurisdiction Fuel receipts for all jurisdictions traveled IFTA Tax Return (Gas-1276 IFTA) IFTA Return Instructions (Gas-1276 IFTA-I) Fuel Tax Rate Sheet for the appropriate quarter (Gas-1278) 3 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Legal name as shown on IFTA License Mailing Address City State ZIP NC890000001IF 3/31/06 Name and Address: If your return has a pre-addressed label, verify that all information on the label is correct. Make any changes necessary on the form. If you do not have a pre-addressed label be sure to include the company name, mailing address, city, state, and zip code. 4 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 9/30/06 Legal name as shown on IFTA License Mailing Address City State ZIP NC890000001IF 930/06 Close Account: If your business is no longer operating and you wish to close your account, fill in the applicable circle and enter the effective date for closing the account. 5 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Legal name as shown on IFTA License Mailing Address City State ZIP 890000001 Account Number: If your account number is not included on a pre-addressed mailing label, enter the account number in the space provided. Your account number will be a 9 digit number and will begin with 89. 6 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Legal name as shown on IFTA License Mailing Address City State ZIP NC890000001IF 890000001 9/30/06 Account Number: If your account number has changed, please note the change in the space “Account Number” and attach an explanation for the change. Do not draw a line through the account number printed on the label. 7 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Legal name as shown on IFTA License Mailing Address City State ZIP 2006 NC890000001IF 9/30/06 Return Period: Fill in the applicable circle for the quarter that represents the period being filed. Enter the 4-digit number that represents the year of the filing period. 8 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Legal name as shown on IFTA License Mailing Address City State ZIP 2006 NC890000001IF 9/30/06 X No Operations: If you did not have any operations in any jurisdictions during the reporting period, place an “X” in the box on Line 1. A return must be filed even if you do not operate in any jurisdiction during the period. 9 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 AMENDED Legal name as shown on IFTA License Mailing Address City State ZIP X 890000001 9/30/06 Amended Return: If you are amending a previously filed return, indicate the period to be amended. Also, mark the return as “AMENDED” at the top of the return. 10 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 2 Schedule A Fuel Type Total Miles All Jurisdictions Total Fuel All Jurisdictions Average Miles Per Gallon (0.00) Fuel Type Total Miles All Jurisdictions 3466 855 4.05 Ethanol ET Diesel DI Gasoline GA Methanol MT Gasohol GH E85 E8 Propane LP M85 M8 Liquid Natural Gas LN A55 A5 CNG CN Other CN Total Fuel All Jurisdictions Average Miles Per Gallon (0.00) TOTAL MILES ALL JURISDICTIONS: Beside each applicable fuel type, enter the total miles traveled by all qualified vehicles using that fuel type. TOTAL FUEL ALL JURISDICTIONS: Beside the appropriate fuel type line, enter the total gallons of fuel purchased for each applicable fuel type. 11 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 2 Schedule A Fuel Type Total Miles All Jurisdictions Total Fuel All Jurisdictions Average Miles Per Gallon (0.00) Fuel Type Total Miles All Jurisdictions 3466 855 4.05 Ethanol ET Diesel DI Gasoline GA Methanol MT Gasohol GH E85 E8 Propane LP M85 M8 Liquid Natural Gas LN A55 A5 CNG CN Other CN Total Fuel All Jurisdictions Average Miles Per Gallon (0.00) TOTAL MILES AND FUEL ALL JURISDICTIONS: If all of your operations are within the State of North Carolina, and your vehicles display IFTA decals, you must report all miles and fuel on the tax return. You may not file a “No Operations” return due to not traveling outside of North Carolina. 12 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 2 Schedule A Fuel Type Total Miles All Jurisdictions Total Fuel All Jurisdictions Average Miles Per Gallon (0.00) Fuel Type Total Miles All Jurisdictions 3466 855 4.05 Ethanol ET Diesel DI Gasoline GA Methanol MT Gasohol GH E85 E8 Propane LP M85 M8 Liquid Natural Gas LN A55 A5 CNG CN Other CN Total Fuel All Jurisdictions Average Miles Per Gallon (0.00) AVERAGE MILES PER GALLON: Divide the total miles for each fuel type by the total gallons of fuel purchased for that fuel type. Enter the average miles per gallon. Round the MPG to 2 decimal places – Example: (0.00) (TOTAL MILES / TOTAL GALLONS = MPG) 13 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) FL GA NC SC TN VA VA SC SubTotals Page 2 IFTA MEMBER JURISDICTION: List all member jurisdictions, in alphabetical order, in which you operated during the period. (VA SC = Virginia Surcharge) 14 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS - PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types FL DI GA DI NC DI SC DI TN DI VA DI VA SC DI (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) SubTotals Page 2 FUEL TYPES: Indicate the fuel types for each jurisdiction listed. If more than one fuel type is used in any jurisdiction, a separate line must be used for each fuel type. 15 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals FL DI 772 GA DI 234 NC DI 1598 SC DI 398 TN DI 132 VA DI 332 VA SC DI SubTotals Page 2 (C) (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) 3466 TOTAL MEMBER JURISDICTION MILES: Enter the total miles traveled for each jurisdiction, for each fuel type. You must include taxable and non-taxable miles. 16 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule A Fuel Type Diesel Total Miles All Jurisdictions Total Fuel All Jurisdictions 3466 855 DI Average Miles Per Gallon (0.00) 4.05 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals FL DI 772 GA DI 234 NC DI 1598 SC DI 398 TN DI 132 VA DI 332 VA SC DI SubTotals Page 2 (C) (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) 3466 TOTAL MEMBER JURISDICTION MILES: Schedule B, Column “B”, should equal Schedule A, Total Miles All Jurisdictions; unless you have operations in Non-IFTA jurisdictions that are not shown on the return; i.e. DC mileage. 17 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals FL DI 772 GA DI 234 NC DI 1598 SC DI 398 TN DI 132 VA DI 332 VA SC DI 0 SubTotals Page 2 (C) (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) 3466 SURCHARGES: Some jurisdictions have a surcharge. This is a separate tax in addition to the fuel tax. The surcharge is based on taxable gallons. Enter –0– on the Surcharge row for Total Member Jurisdiction Miles. 18 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals FL DI 772 GA DI 234 NC DI 1598 SC DI 398 TN DI 132 VA DI 332 VA SC DI 0 SubTotals Page 2 (C) (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) 3466 SURCHARGES: Jurisdictions having a surcharge are listed twice on the IFTA Tax Rate Sheet and are noted “SurChg”. These jurisdictions should be listed on the return just as they appear on the tax rate sheet. The following jurisdictions have a surcharge: Indiana, Kentucky, and Virginia. 19 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals FL DI 772 772 GA DI 234 234 NC DI 1598 1598 SC DI 398 398 TN DI 132 132 VA DI 332 332 VA SC DI 0 0 3466 3466 SubTotals Page 2 (D) (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) TAXABLE MILES: Enter the total taxable miles traveled for each jurisdiction by fuel type. Miles traveled in all IFTA jurisdictions while operating under an IFTA Temporary Permit are taxable. Enter –0– on the surcharge row for Taxable Miles. 20 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals FL DI 772 772 GA DI 234 234 NC DI 1598 1598 SC DI 398 398 TN DI 132 132 VA DI 332 332 VA SC DI 0 0 3466 3466 SubTotals Page 2 (D) (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) EXEMPT MILES: Some jurisdictions allow exempt miles. If exempt miles are claimed, provide an explanation for each exemption taken on the return. 21 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals FL DI 772 772 GA DI 234 234 NC DI 1598 1598 SC DI 398 398 TN DI 132 132 VA DI 332 332 VA SC DI 0 0 3466 3466 SubTotals Page 2 (D) (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) EXEMPT MILES: It is your responsibility to contact jurisdictions, individually, to determine exempt miles. It is also your responsibility to maintain records of exemptions for future review. 22 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals FL DI 772 772 191 GA DI 234 234 58 NC DI 1598 1598 395 SC DI 398 398 98 TN DI 132 132 33 VA DI 332 332 82 VA SC DI 0 0 82 3466 3466 857 SubTotals Page 2 (E) (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) TAXABLE GALLONS: Enter the total taxable gallons of fuel consumed for each jurisdiction and fuel type. 23 Schedule A Fuel Type Diesel IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Total Miles All Jurisdictions Total Fuel All Jurisdictions Average Miles Per Gallon (0.00) 3466 855 4.05 DI Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals FL DI 772 772 191 GA DI 234 234 58 NC DI 1598 1598 395 SC DI 398 398 98 TN DI 132 132 33 VA DI 332 332 82 VA SC DI 0 0 82 3466 3466 857 SubTotals Page 2 (E) (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) TAXABLE GALLONS: To determine this figure, divide Taxable Miles (Column C) by the average MPG calculated for that fuel type in Schedule A. (772 / 4.05 = 191) For jurisdictions with surcharge, the Taxable Gallons should be the same for both lines. 24 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals FL DI 772 772 191 110 GA DI 234 234 58 130 NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 SC DI 398 398 98 89 TN DI 132 132 33 0 VA DI 332 332 82 127 VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 3466 3466 857 855 SubTotals Page 2 (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) TAX-PAID GALLONS: Enter the gallons of tax-paid fuel purchased for each fuel type. Include fuel purchased at the retail pump and withdrawals from bulk storage. Enter –0– on the surcharge row for Tax-paid Gallons. Do not include NON-TAX-PAID purchases. 25 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals FL DI 772 772 191 110 GA DI 234 234 58 130 NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 SC DI 398 398 98 89 TN DI 132 132 33 0 VA DI 332 332 82 127 VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 3466 3466 857 855 SubTotals Page 2 (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) TAX-PAID GALLONS: If a jurisdiction has a surcharge, the surcharge amount is owed on all the gallons you consume in that jurisdiction. Surcharge is always a tax due. You do not receive a credit for surcharge on Tax-paid Gallons. 26 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals FL DI 772 772 191 110 GA DI 234 234 58 130 NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 SC DI 398 398 98 89 TN DI 132 132 33 0 VA DI 332 332 82 127 VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 3466 3466 857 855 SubTotals Page 2 (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) TAX-PAID GALLONS: Include fuel purchased while operating under a North Carolina IFTA Temporary Permit or North Carolina Temporary Trip Permit. For fuel purchased while operating under another jurisdiction’s temporary permit, contact that jurisdiction for reporting requirements. 27 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) FL DI 772 772 191 110 81 GA DI 234 234 58 130 -72 NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 -4 SC DI 398 398 98 89 9 TN DI 132 132 33 0 33 VA DI 332 332 82 127 -45 VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 82 3466 3466 857 855 2 SubTotals Page 2 (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) NET TAXABLE OR (CREDIT) GALLONS: Net taxable or (Credit) gallons represent the difference between taxable gallons and Tax-paid Gallons. To calculate this figure, subtract Column E from Column D. ( 191 – 110 = 81) 28 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) FL DI 772 772 191 110 81 GA DI 234 234 58 130 -72 NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 -4 SC DI 398 398 98 89 9 TN DI 132 132 33 0 33 VA DI 332 332 82 127 -45 VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 82 3466 3466 857 855 2 SubTotals Page 2 (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) NET TAXABLE OR (CREDIT) GALLONS: If Column D is greater than Column E, you will owe additional tax. If Column D is less than Column E, you are due a credit. Identify this credit with a minus sign ( - ) or brackets. 29 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) FL DI 772 772 191 110 81 GA DI 234 234 58 130 -72 NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 -4 SC DI 398 398 98 89 9 TN DI 132 132 33 0 33 VA DI 332 332 82 127 -45 VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 82 3466 3466 857 855 2 SubTotals Page 2 (G) (H) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) NET TAXABLE OR (CREDIT) GALLONS: If a jurisdiction has a surcharge, the surcharge amount will be the same figure as entered on the surcharge line from Column D. 30 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) (G) (H) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) FL DI 772 772 191 110 81 0.2937 GA DI 234 234 58 130 -72 0.1297 NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 -4 0.266 SC DI 398 398 98 89 9 0.16 TN DI 132 132 33 0 33 0.17 VA DI 332 332 82 127 -45 0.16 VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 82 0.035 3466 3466 857 855 2 SubTotals Page 2 (I) (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) TAX RATE: For each jurisdiction listed on your return, enter the tax rate indicated on the tax rate sheet (Gas-1278) for each applicable fuel type and surcharge. The tax rate sheet changes every quarter so you need to make sure that you have the correct tax rate sheet for the filing period. 31 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) (G) (H) (I) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) FL DI 772 772 191 110 81 0.2937 $ 23.79 GA DI 234 234 58 130 -72 0.1297 $ (9.34) NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 -4 0.266 $ (1.06) SC DI 398 398 98 89 9 0.16 $ 1.44 TN DI 132 132 33 0 33 0.17 $ 5.61 VA DI 332 332 82 127 -45 0.16 $ (7.20) VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 82 0.035 $ 2.87 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 16.11 SubTotals Page 2 (J) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) TAX OR (CREDIT): Multiply the figure in Column F by the tax rate reported in Column G. Enter the results on each line in Column H. If the figure in Column F is positive then additional tax is due. If the figure in Column F is negative then a credit is due and should be represented with a minus sign or in brackets. 32 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) (G) (H) (I) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) $ FL DI 772 772 191 110 81 0.2937 $ 23.79 GA DI 234 234 58 130 -72 0.1297 $ (9.34) $ - NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 -4 0.266 $ (1.06) $ - SC DI 398 398 98 89 9 0.16 $ 1.44 $ 0.03 TN DI 132 132 33 0 33 0.17 $ 5.61 $ 0.11 VA DI 332 332 82 127 -45 0.16 $ VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 82 0.035 $ 2.87 $ - 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 16.11 $ 0.62 SubTotals Page 2 (7.20) $ (J) 0.48 - INTEREST: If you file your return late, you must calculate interest for each jurisdiction that is owed additional tax. Calculate the interest by multiplying Column H by one percent (1%) for each month that the return is late. A partial month is charged a full month’s interest. 33 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) (G) (H) (I) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) $ FL DI 772 772 191 110 81 0.2937 $ 23.79 GA DI 234 234 58 130 -72 0.1297 $ (9.34) $ - NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 -4 0.266 $ (1.06) $ - SC DI 398 398 98 89 9 0.16 $ 1.44 $ 0.03 TN DI 132 132 33 0 33 0.17 $ 5.61 $ 0.11 VA DI 332 332 82 127 -45 0.16 $ VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 82 0.035 $ 2.87 $ - 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 16.11 $ 0.62 SubTotals Page 2 (7.20) $ (J) 0.48 - INTEREST: Interest is not calculated for (Credits). 34 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) (G) (H) (I) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) $ FL DI 772 772 191 110 81 0.2937 $ 23.79 GA DI 234 234 58 130 -72 0.1297 $ (9.34) $ - NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 -4 0.266 $ (1.06) $ - SC DI 398 398 98 89 9 0.16 $ 1.44 $ 0.03 TN DI 132 132 33 0 33 0.17 $ 5.61 $ 0.11 VA DI 332 332 82 127 -45 0.16 $ VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 82 0.035 $ 2.87 $ - 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 16.11 $ 0.62 SubTotals Page 2 (7.20) $ (J) 0.48 - INTEREST: To calculate the interest for jurisdictions with a surcharge, add the surcharge due to any tax(credit) due. If the net figure is a (Credit), as above, then no interest is due. 35 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) (G) (H) (I) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) $ FL DI 772 772 191 110 81 0.2937 $ 23.79 GA DI 234 234 58 130 -72 0.1297 $ (9.34) $ - NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 -4 0.266 $ (1.06) $ - SC DI 398 398 98 89 9 0.16 $ 1.44 $ 0.03 TN DI 132 132 33 0 33 0.17 $ 5.61 $ 0.11 VA DI 332 332 82 37 45 0.16 $ 7.20 $ 0.20 VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 82 0.035 $ 2.87 3466 3466 857 765 92 $ 30.51 $ 0.82 SubTotals Page 2 (J) 0.48 INTEREST: If the net figure is a tax liability, as above, then interest is calculated on the net liability and recorded on the tax due line as noted with the arrow . 36 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) (G) (H) (I) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) $ FL DI 772 772 191 110 81 0.2937 $ 23.79 GA DI 234 234 58 130 -72 0.1297 $ NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 -4 0.266 $ SC DI 398 398 98 89 9 0.16 $ 1.44 TN DI 132 132 33 0 33 0.17 $ 5.61 VA DI 332 332 82 127 -45 0.16 $ VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 82 0.035 $ 2.87 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 16.11 SubTotals Page 2 (J) 0.48 $ 24.27 (9.34) $ - $ (9.34) (1.06) $ - $ (1.06) $ 0.03 $ 1.47 $ 0.11 $ 5.72 - $ (7.20) $ - $ 2.87 $ 0.62 $ 16.73 (7.20) $ TOTAL TAX OR (CREDIT) DUE: Add the totals of Columns H and I for each jurisdiction listed. Record those totals in Column J. 37 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) (G) (H) (I) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) $ FL DI 772 772 191 110 81 0.2937 $ 23.79 GA DI 234 234 58 130 -72 0.1297 $ NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 -4 0.266 $ SC DI 398 398 98 89 9 0.16 $ 1.44 TN DI 132 132 33 0 33 0.17 $ 5.61 VA DI 332 332 82 127 -45 0.16 $ VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 82 0.035 $ 2.87 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 16.11 SubTotals Page 2 (J) 0.48 $ 24.27 (9.34) $ - $ (9.34) (1.06) $ - $ (1.06) $ 0.03 $ 1.47 $ 0.11 $ 5.72 - $ (7.20) $ - $ 2.87 $ 0.62 $ 16.73 (7.20) $ SUBTOTALS: Calculate the subtotals for each column, on each page, by adding each vertical column. Enter the results in the space entitled “Subtotals Page X”, along the bottom of each page. 38 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGES 2-4 Schedule B (A) IFTA Member Fuel Jurisdiction Types (B) (C) (D) (E) Taxable Taxpaid Gallons Taxable Gallons Service Stations Total Member Member (col C divided Purchases Jurisdiction Jurisdiction by calculated and/or Bulk Miles Miles MPG in Sch. A) Withdrawals (F) (G) (H) (I) Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons (col D-E) Tax Rate Tax or (Credit) (col F x G) Total or (Credit) Due Interest (col H +I) $ FL DI 772 772 191 110 81 0.2937 $ 23.79 GA DI 234 234 58 130 -72 0.1297 $ NC DI 1598 1598 395 399 -4 0.266 $ SC DI 398 398 98 89 9 0.16 $ 1.44 TN DI 132 132 33 0 33 0.17 $ 5.61 VA DI 332 332 82 127 -45 0.16 $ VA SC DI 0 0 82 0 82 0.035 $ 2.87 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 16.11 SubTotals Page 2 (J) 0.48 $ 24.27 (9.34) $ - $ (9.34) (1.06) $ - $ (1.06) $ 0.03 $ 1.47 $ 0.11 $ 5.72 - $ (7.20) $ - $ 2.87 $ 0.62 $ 16.73 (7.20) $ SUBTOTALS : Do not include the taxable gallons entered for surcharges when adding Columns D and F when calculating subtotals. 39 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Total Miles Col. B Taxable Miles Col. C Taxable Gallons Col. D Taxpaid Gallons Col. E Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons Col. F 3. Page 2 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 4. Page 3 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 5. Page 4 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - Subtotals From Schedule B Tax or (Credit) Col. H Interest Col. I 16.11 $ 0.62 6. Totals 7. Tax or (Credit) Due(Total from Line 7, Column H) 8. Previous (Credit) Availiable 9. Penalty Due (See Instructions) 10. Interest Due (Total from Line 7, Column I) 11. Total Balance or (Credit) Due (Make check payable to: N.C. Department of Revenue. Any payment must be drawn on a U.S. (domestic) bank and payable in US dollars. $ - TAX OR (CREDIT) CALCULATIONS: Bring the subtotals for Columns B, C, D, E, F, H, and I from Pages 2, 3, and 4 to the front of the tax return to Lines 3, 4, and 5 respectively. 40 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Total Miles Col. B Taxable Miles Col. C Taxable Gallons Col. D Taxpaid Gallons Col. E Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons Col. F 3. Page 2 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 4. Page 3 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 5. Page 4 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 6. Totals 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ Subtotals From Schedule B Tax or (Credit) Col. H Interest Col. I 16.11 $ 16.11 $ 0.06 0.62 7. Tax or (Credit) Due(Total from Line 7, Column H) 8. Previous (Credit) Availiable 9. Penalty Due (See Instructions) 10. Interest Due (Total from Line 7, Column I) 11. Total Balance or (Credit) Due (Make check payable to: N.C. Department of Revenue. Any payment must be drawn on a U.S. (domestic) bank and payable in US dollars. $ - TAX OR (CREDIT) CALCULATIONS: Enter the total amounts for Line 6 for each column by adding Lines 3, 4, and 5. 41 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Total Miles Col. B Taxable Miles Col. C Taxable Gallons Col. D Taxpaid Gallons Col. E Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons Col. F 3. Page 2 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 4. Page 3 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 5. Page 4 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 6. Totals 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ Subtotals From Schedule B 7. Tax or (Credit) Due(Total from Line 7, Column H) Tax or (Credit) Col. H $ Interest Col. I 16.11 $ 16.11 $ 0.62 0.62 16.11 8. Previous (Credit) Availiable 9. Penalty Due (See Instructions) 10. Interest Due (Total from Line 7, Column I) 11. Total Balance or (Credit) Due (Make check payable to: N.C. Department of Revenue. Any payment must be drawn on a U.S. (domestic) bank and payable in US dollars. TAX/(CREDIT) DUE: Enter the total from Line 6, Column H. 42 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Total Miles Col. B Taxable Miles Col. C Taxable Gallons Col. D Taxpaid Gallons Col. E Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons Col. F 3. Page 2 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 4. Page 3 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 5. Page 4 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 6. Totals 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ Subtotals From Schedule B 7. Tax or (Credit) Due(Total from Line 7, Column H) Tax or (Credit) Col. H $ Interest Col. I 16.11 $ 16.11 $ 0.62 0.62 16.11 8. Previous (Credit) Availiable 9. Penalty Due (See Instructions) 10. Interest Due (Total from Line 7, Column I) 11. Total Balance or (Credit) Due (Make check payable to: N.C. Department of Revenue. Any payment must be drawn on a U.S. (domestic) bank and payable in US dollars. PREVIOUS (CREDIT) AVAILABLE: You may apply any unused North Carolina credit that has not been previously refunded. Available credits would generally be for an amount less than $3.00 as credits over $3.00 have been automatically refunded by the Department. 43 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS RETURN DUE DATE: Returns are due on the last day of the month following the close of each quarter. RETURN PERIOD DUE DATE January – March April 30 April – June July 31 July – September October 31 October – December January 31 RETURN RECEIVED DATE: The Department uses the postmark date stamped by the U.S. Post Office to determine if your return is on time. If you use a postage meter to stamp your mail the Department will use the meter stamp so long as the Post Office does not also postmark the envelope. 44 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Total Miles Col. B Taxable Miles Col. C Taxable Gallons Col. D Taxpaid Gallons Col. E Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons Col. F 3. Page 2 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 4. Page 3 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 5. Page 4 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 6. Totals 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ Subtotals From Schedule B 7. Tax or (Credit) Due(Total from Line 7, Column H) Tax or (Credit) Col. H Interest Col. I 16.11 $ 16.11 $ 0.62 0.62 $ 16.11 $ 100.00 8. Previous (Credit) Availiable 9. Penalty Due (See Instructions) 10. Interest Due (Total from Line 7, Column I) 11. Total Balance or (Credit) Due (Make check payable to: N.C. Department of Revenue. Any payment must be drawn on a U.S. (domestic) bank and payable in US dollars. PENALTIES DUE: Penalty for Late Filing: The penalty for late filing of the return is $50.00. Penalty for Late Payment: The penalty for a return that is filed late and has a tax due is $50.00, or 10% of the tax due, whichever is greater. 45 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Total Miles Col. B Taxable Miles Col. C Taxable Gallons Col. D Taxpaid Gallons Col. E Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons Col. F 3. Page 2 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 4. Page 3 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 5. Page 4 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 6. Totals 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ Subtotals From Schedule B 7. Tax or (Credit) Due(Total from Line 7, Column H) Tax or (Credit) Col. H Interest Col. I 16.11 $ 16.11 $ 0.62 0.62 $ 16.11 $ 100.00 8. Previous (Credit) Availiable 9. Penalty Due (See Instructions) 10. Interest Due (Total from Line 7, Column I) 11. Total Balance or (Credit) Due (Make check payable to: N.C. Department of Revenue. Any payment must be drawn on a U.S. (domestic) bank and payable in US dollars. PENALTIES DUE: Penalty for Underpayment of Tax Due: The penalty for a return that is underpaid is $50.00, or 10% of the tax due, whichever is greater. 46 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Total Miles Col. B Taxable Miles Col. C Taxable Gallons Col. D Taxpaid Gallons Col. E Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons Col. F 3. Page 2 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 4. Page 3 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 5. Page 4 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 6. Totals 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ Subtotals From Schedule B Tax or (Credit) Col. H Interest Col. I 16.11 $ 16.11 $ 0.62 0.62 $ 16.11 9. Penalty Due (See Instructions) $ 100.00 10. Interest Due (Total from Line 7, Column I) $ 0.62 7. Tax or (Credit) Due(Total from Line 7, Column H) 8. Previous (Credit) Availiable 11. Total Balance or (Credit) Due (Make check payable to: N.C. Department of Revenue. Any payment must be drawn on a U.S. (domestic) bank and payable in US dollars. INTEREST DUE: Enter the total from Line 6, Column I. 47 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Total Miles Col. B Taxable Miles Col. C Taxable Gallons Col. D Taxpaid Gallons Col. E Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons Col. F 3. Page 2 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 4. Page 3 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 5. Page 4 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 6. Totals 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ Subtotals From Schedule B Tax or (Credit) Col. H Interest Col. I 16.11 $ 16.11 $ 0.62 0.62 $ 16.11 9. Penalty Due (See Instructions) $ 100.00 10. Interest Due (Total from Line 7, Column I) $ 0.62 11. Total Balance or (Credit) Due (Make check payable to: N.C. Department of Revenue. Any payment must be drawn on a U.S. (domestic) bank and payable in US dollars. $ 116.73 7. Tax or (Credit) Due(Total from Line 7, Column H) 8. Previous (Credit) Availiable TOTAL BALANCE DUE: Add Lines 7, 9, and 10, then subtract Line 8. If tax is due, send the return along with your payment for the amount of the tax, penalty, and interest due to the North Carolina Department of Revenue, Motor Fuels Tax Division, P.O. Box 25000, Raleigh, NC 27640-0950. 48 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Total Miles Col. B Taxable Miles Col. C Taxable Gallons Col. D Taxpaid Gallons Col. E Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons Col. F 3. Page 2 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 4. Page 3 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 5. Page 4 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 6. Totals 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ Subtotals From Schedule B Tax or (Credit) Col. H Interest Col. I 16.11 $ 0.62 16.11 $ 0.62 $ 16.11 9. Penalty Due (See Instructions) $ 100.00 10. Interest Due (Total from Line 7, Column I) $ 0.62 11. Total Balance or (Credit) Due (Make check payable to: N.C. Department of Revenue. Any payment must be drawn on a U.S. (domestic) bank and payable in US dollars. $ 116.73 7. Tax or (Credit) Due(Total from Line 7, Column H) 8. Previous (Credit) Availiable PAYMENT: Make all checks or money orders payable to: NC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE NOTE: While most Revenue field locations accept cash, our location at 1429 Rock Quarry Road, Raleigh, NC can only accept checks or money orders. 49 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 Total Miles Col. B Taxable Miles Col. C Taxable Gallons Col. D Taxpaid Gallons Col. E Net Taxable or (Credit) Gallons Col. F 3. Page 2 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ 4. Page 3 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 5. Page 4 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - 6. Totals 3466 3466 857 855 2 $ Subtotals From Schedule B Tax or (Credit) Col. H Interest Col. I 16.11 $ 16.11 $ 0.62 0.62 $ 16.11 9. Penalty Due (See Instructions) $ 100.00 10. Interest Due (Total from Line 7, Column I) $ 0.62 11. Total Balance or (Credit) Due (Make check payable to: N.C. Department of Revenue. Any payment must be drawn on a U.S. (domestic) bank and payable in US dollars. $ 116.73 7. Tax or (Credit) Due(Total from Line 7, Column H) 8. Previous (Credit) Availiable TOTAL (CREDIT) DUE: If you are due a refund, send the return to the North Carolina Department of Revenue, Motor Fuels Tax Division, P.O. Box 25000, Raleigh, NC 27640-0950. 50 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 SIGNATURE, DATE, TELEPHONE NUMBER, AND FAX NUMBER: Please be sure to sign the return and include your title, the date, telephone number, and fax number. 51 IFTA FILING INSTRUCTIONS – PAGE 1 X CERTIFIED COPY OF RETURN: If you wish to receive a certified copy of your return simply place an “X” in the appropriate box and the Department will send you the certified copy once the return has been processed. 52 IMPORTANT REMINDERS If your return does not have a pre-addressed label, be certain that you write your account number, full legal name, address, and return period on Page 1 of the return in the spaces provided. Be sure that your account number and the reporting period is on all correspondence. Report all miles traveled and fuel purchased. Round all miles and gallons to the nearest whole number. Include out of state trips where travel is only a few miles over the state line. 53 IMPORTANT REMINDERS Round the miles per gallon (MPG) calculation to 2 decimal places. All miles must be recorded by jurisdiction. Use the same jurisdiction abbreviations as shown on the tax rate sheet. List jurisdictions in alphabetical order. List only the jurisdictions in which you travel. Round all dollar amounts to the nearest cent. Be sure to have your account number with you if you call or come into our offices. 54 ASSISTANCE North Carolina Department of Revenue Motor Fuels Tax Division 1429 Rock Quarry Road, Suite 105 Raleigh, NC 27610 P.O. Box 25000 Raleigh, NC 27640 Internet Address Telephone Number Toll Free Number Fax (919) 733-3409 (877) 308-9092 (919) 733-8654 55