Chapter 15 reading guide - Mercer Island School District

Amstuds / RADOW
Period 5: Reheating the slavery controversy
the swiftly moving stream over the waterfall.
Key Questions
 What caused the Civil War?
 Why did compromise between Northern and Southern states over the issue of
slavery fail?
REVIEW The triangle trade
the difference between a society with slaves and a slave society.
The invention of whiteness by law The lower south, sold down the river, cotton gin,
Chapter 10 for Limits of a slave society, outline of white southern society, slave life,
Southern defense of slavery,
Nat Turner’s 1831 Rebellion as a turning point in Southern attitudes toward slavery
442-445 review the antislavery movement. tactics and strategies, disagreements and
divisions within the movement. Differences between free African-Americans, Quakers,
and militant white reformers in the Abolitionist movement.
CHAPtER 15 teacher notes
492-493 The Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858. The major outlines of the debate over
slavery appear here.
Expansion and Growth (p.494)—note the reasons for the declining economic
importance of slavery.
Political Parties and Slavery (p.496)—Be able to explain how did the national political
parties unite the nation? Understand this and you will more easily understand how
compromise fails.
Congressional Debate (pp.497-8)—Outline the arguments of Webster, Clay and Calhoun
the three great sectional leaders. Note the definition of “slave power” p.498.
Two Communities, Two Perspectives (pp.498-499)—Read about and note how
Northerners and Southerners viewed each other. How would these views make
compromise over slavery more or less likely?
Know and be able to explain the different parts of the Compromise of 1850.
Define popular sovereignty. Show how this undid earlier compromises.
Define personal liberty laws. Why were they passed?
the effects of the Fugitive Slave Act on northerners.
The Election of 1852 (p.503)—Explain how the Election of 1850 affected the Whig
Party in the elections of 1852.
Kansas-Nebraska Act (pp.505-506)—Why did Douglas introduce this Bill? Know what it
did. How did it affect the two major political parties?
Bleeding Kansas (pp.506-507) Note and be able to explain who fought whom and why.
How did events in Kansas affect the sections’ views toward each other?
Politics of Nativism, Republican Party and the Election of 1856 (pp.506-510)—Read
about two new political parties that spring up in the 1850s as the old parties begin to
weaken. What are the positions of the Know-Nothing and Republican Parties? Who was
attracted to them?
How did these crises after 1856 drive southerners and northerners further apart ?
Sumner Brooks incident, Dred Scott decision how did it undo 1820 compromise
the Lecompton Constitution (512), John Brown’s Raid (514).
The election of 1860 (pp.515-516)—Be able to identify the candidates and explain each
party’s position on slavery and its extension. Why does the textbook claim the ”true
winner of the 1860 election was sectionalism?”