hysterical, adj. Synonym/ Antonym SYN: ludicrous, agitated ANT: calm, controlled hys· ter· i· cal Explanation/Examples Having excessive or uncontrollable emotion Example: Children who become hysterical on seeing a bee or wasp invite further stings. Image incite, verb. Synonym/ Antonym Explanation/Examples SYN: To encourage; to provoke coax, Example: If they could not influence incite the mob to stone him to death, he would have to ANT: be murdered as secretly as discourage, possible. frustrate in· cite Image nocturnal , adj. Synonym/ Antonym SYN: after dark, late, night ANT: light, daytime noc· turn· al Explanation/Examples Happening at night Example: The nocturnal man crept inside doorways, waiting for children to come out. Image lucidity , n. Synonym/ Antonym Explanation/Examples SYN: purity, Clearness clarity ANT: obscurity, dirtiness Example: The lucidity of the lesson amazed the usually confounded students lu· cid· i· ty Image oppressive, adj. Synonym/ Antonym SYN: Dismal, gloomy, harsh ANT: calm, gentle opp· res· sive Explanation/Examples Overwhelming, repressive Distressing or grievous Example: The oppressive heat wound its way through the Southern states. Image morale, n. Synonym/ Antonym SYN: spirit, drive ANT: aimlessne ss Explanation/Examples Emotional or mental condition with respect to cheerfulness, confidence, zeal, etc., especially in the face of opposition, hardship Example: The troops’ morale was high after defeating the Germans at Normandy. mor· ale Image