Résumé - Jade Elizabeth Bates

Jade Bates
6765 Corporate Blvd. Apt. 2206, Baton Rouge, LA 70809
334-507-9247 | jbate13@lsu.edu
Louisiana State University – Baton Rouge, LA
Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering, December 2015, GPA: 3.48
Honors: Nonresident Academic Scholar Award, Distinguished Communicator Candidate, Dr. William Brookshire Scholar,
BASF Team Chemistry Award, Omega Chi Epsilon Chemical Engineering Honor Society (LSU Chapter Vice-President
2014-2015), Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
Extracurricular Activities: American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Work Experience
Facilities Engineering Intern, May 2015 to August 2015
Chevron North America Exploration and Production
Gulf of Mexico Business Unit, Operations Support – Covington, LA
Oversaw cross-functional (MP313 operators, Facilities Engineering, GIS Construction, Process Engineering,
turnaround coordinators) projects and utilized Chevron Project Development and Execution Process (CPDEP)
MP313 Relief System Upgrades
o Identified and verified relief system improvement opportunities with Process Engineering
o Presented preferred alternative to Decision Review Board for team alignment and funding
 Granted approval on alternative and $200,000 long-lead material funding
o Advanced preferred alternative: construction scoping, cost and schedule estimation, logistics
o Integrated project work packs and LOTO plans into turnaround master work pack and master LOTO plan
MP313 Temporary Camp Installation
o Designed camp layout alternatives
o Advanced preferred alternative: construction scoping, cost and schedule estimation, logistics
o Granted approval on project BSEE submittal within 1 week
o Conceptualized and conducted IFO session with GOM HES Specialist prior to project execution
o Reinforced focus on IFO during project execution by visiting offshore and engaging crew members
 Achieved Incident Free project execution
o Granted BSEE approval for occupancy with no further requests
Presented projects to GOM FE Team Leads and Supervisors at the end of the summer
Facilities Engineering Intern, May 2014 to August 2014
Chevron North America Exploration and Production
Mid-Continent Business Unit, Gas Plants – Midland, TX
Productively collaborated with multiple teams (Conger operators, Facilities Engineering, Process Engineering,
and Odessa Pumps) and utilized Chevron Project Development and Execution Process (CPDEP)
Conger Sales Facility Inlet Separator Pump Replacement
o Identified pump reliability issues and generated a Basis of Design, project alternatives, and system
curves then performed calculations to select and develop an alternative
Presented project to MCBU FE Team Leads at the end of the summer
Chemical Process Engineering Intern, May 2013 to August 2013
Occidental Chemical Corporation – Niagara Falls, NY
Identified major steam consumers and condensate generators and developed process flow diagrams.
Performed experimental testing and calculations to develop a salt saturation curve for the brine feed to the
plant’s chlorine electrochemical cells
Effectively worked and communicated with plant operators, supervisors, engineers, and lab technicians
Presented projects to plant management at the end of the summer