2016 Draft General Fund Operating Budget One

Overview to Date
• Staff began work in August
• Fine-tuning recommendations on 2016 General Fund Operating
budget and property tax increase
• Completed draft 2016 budget for Solid Waste Services
• Completed review of General Fund capital requests and
considering funding options
• Completed 5 year projections for Water Fund
• Fine tuning draft 2016 budgets for Sanitary and Drainage
Operating Funds
• Completed review of Sanitary and Drainage Fund capital
General Fund Operating Budget –
Property Taxes & Solid Waste Fee
In 2015 there was a Property Tax REDUCTION of 2.89%
Due to transferring 6 months’ worth of Solid Waste costs from property tax
levy to solid waste fee
2015 Solid Waste User Fee was $175 (for 6 month’s worth of service)
The final 2015 to 2019 Financial Plan projected a target property tax
REDUCTION of .06% for 2016 and a solid waste fee of approximately $360
At this time, the draft budget reflects a 2016 property tax REDUCTION of 1.6%,
but there are some items not funded that need to be reviewed, and one-time
requests recommended to be funded from the City’s accumulated surplus
Draft budget projects a solid waste user fee of $340
2016 Draft General Fund Operating
The draft budget, which proposes a tax reduction of 1.6%, incorporates the
– Nondiscretionary contract increases & provision for Firefighter collective
agreement settlement
– Funding of $12,500 for Police Services DNA Testing
– Anticipated increases in hydro and other utility costs
– Increased casual staff hours to meet service demands in Recreation and
Culture, Financial Services, RCMP, Facilities Maintenance and Bylaw
– Cost increases for IT hardware and software maintenance contracts
– Increase in annual funding for Tourism in the amount of $20,000
– Net costs associated with new office space on Russell Ave
2016 Draft General Fund Operating
The draft budget, which proposes a tax reduction of 1.6%, incorporates the
following new full-time staff positions:
– Planning & Development Assistant
– Financial Analyst
2016 Draft General Fund Operating
Budget – New Revenue Sources
Projected taxes from new development (new money):
– Estimating $187,000 for 2016 based on BCA info to date
– $143,000 allocated to operating budget and $44,000 to capital
Increased budget for Business Licence Revenue
Increased budget for Pay Parking Revenue
Increase Secondary Suite Service Fee:
– Propose to increase by $10 from $260 to $270 – for capital projects
Increased Misc Fees & Charges
2016 Draft General Fund Operating
Budget – Requests Not Funded or Fully
IT – Business Application Analyst Position (draft FP includes
funding in contingency for temporary IT assistance in 2015 and
full time staffing starting in 2017/18)
Manager, Economic Development
2 Full-time Parks Staff Positions (increase level of service)
Parks Contract Maintenance (boulevard trees)
Purchasing Officer (total salary $80,000, remainder would have
been charged to utility budgets)
Museum Grant Increase
Request to Eliminate Pay Parking at Centennial Park (net
revenue loss)
2016 Draft General Fund Operating
One-time Items recommended to be funded from
Reserves/Accumulated Surplus:
Hillside Transportation Feasibility Study (carry over from
Contribution to Railway Relocation Study ($17,000 carry over)
Misc Studies Related to Council Goals
Zoning Bylaw Review
Temporary Planner (to Oct 2017)
Planning Summer Student
2016 Draft General Fund Operating
One-time Items recommended to be funded from
Reserves/Accumulated Surplus:
Temporary Planning & Development Assistant
Contribution to WR/SS Youth Centre (carry over from 2015)
Tourism - One-Time Projects
Leased Space (Johnston Rd) Utilities for 2016
Parks Contract Maintenance – extra watering of 150 trees planted in
2013 and 2014 (funding for 2016 and 2017)
Waterfront Concert Series (cost shared with BIA)
Temporary Assistance for HR Dept
Office furniture and computer for new Finance staff
2016 Draft General Fund Operating
One-time requests not funded in draft budget:
WR Sea Festival for Operating Budget
WR Sea Festival matching grant for float
(could apply for grant in aid)
General Fund Asset Improvements
(Capital Projects)
Last year’s Financial Plan:
• Included $7.5M worth of general fund capital projects in 2016
• Included $34M worth over 4 years 2016 to 2019
• This year, an additional $5.5M was requested for 2016, consisting of
cost increases for existing projects, moving some projects forward
from future years and new projects
• $5.2M more than what was included in the last FP was requested for
• As well, some previously budgeted grant funding has not materialized:
• Johnston Road - $216K in 2016, $217K in 2017, $305K in 2018,
$405K in 2019 – total of $1,143K
• Memorial Park - $350K in 2016, $150K in 2017
• Plus, previously new parkland purchases were 100% funded from
DCC’s, and new DCC Bylaw proposes that 50% be funded from DCC’s.
General Fund Capital Projects
Railway Crossing Upgrades
• Current FP includes:
– Finlay in 2016
– Bay in 2018
– Balsam in 2019
• Fed Grant approved to fund 50% ($550K) of Finlay and Bay if
completed by Mar 31, 2016, must move Bay forward
• Discussions underway for BNSF to fund 37.5%, leaving $12.5%
for City
• Legislation requires all to be upgraded in 6 years
• Will add 3 to the Draft FP, for a total of 6 of the 8 crossings
General Fund Capital Projects
• Johnston Road:
– General Fund Cost in last FP was $1.7M phased over 4
years from 2016 to 2019, with $1.143M (2/3) funded from
grant (not approved)
– Recommended to move construction forward as follows:
• 2016 Design (Landscape Architect) - $100,000
• 2017 N Bluff to Russell - $549,000
• 2017 Russell to Thrift - $457,000
• 2018 Thrift to Roper - $608,000
– Recommended funding source 2017/18 – DCC’s, Gas Tax
(maybe) and anticipated CAC’s
General Fund Capital Projects
Lee – Pacific to Columbia ($85K in 2015, to be carried over)
Maple – Pacific to Columbia (cost increase from $85K to $205K)
Parker – Pacific to Columbia (move forward from 2017 $85K))
Pacific – Maple to Parker (move forward from 2017 $253K)
• Requires additional $458K for 2016 – to be funded from
suggested deferrals
• Council resolution to consider underground wiring, funded by
local service area
• Estimated cost for underground wiring approximately $790,000
per segment
General Fund Capital Projects
Waterfront Masterplan - $100,000 requested for 2016
Memorial Park
• Budget of $1M phased 2015 to 2017, with $500K funded from grant which was
not approved
• Recommended to defer until after waterfront masterplan is completed
• During interim, staff are considering purchase of a mobile stage
• Assume project will be completed in 2017/18 funded by anticipated CAC’s
Other projects recommended to be deferred 1 to 2 years pending completion
of Waterfront Masterplan are Mooring Buoys & Replacement of the Pier
General Fund Capital Projects
East Beach Erosion Control:
• Current FP includes
– $65K in 2015 to develop concept plan, carry over to 2016
– $100K in each of 2016 & 2017 to start implementing
– $3M in each of 2017 & 2018 for creation of land and other
improvements, funded mostly by grants and contributions
(defer one year?)
– All Abilities Park in 2017 for $300K, funded by
contributions (defer one year?)
General Fund Capital Projects
• In order to plan for completion of Council Goals, the following
will be added to the Draft FP:
– Marina Expansion - $425K in 2017, $425K in 2018
– Pier Restaurant - $700K in 2017
• Recommended Funding Source – Anticipated CAC’s
• Assume incremental operating costs will be funded by a
project partner
General Fund Capital Projects
Extension of Coldicutt Ravine:
• General Fund cost increase of $2.33M from $1.1M to $3.43M
• More funding needed to increase width, add retaining wall
work and add overhead walkway
• Budgeted in 2018, requested to bring forward to 2016/17
• Some can be funded from DCC’s when new bylaw is approved,
at this time it is recommended the rest be funded from
anticipated CAC’s
General Fund Capital Projects
Marine Drive Parking Lot Rehab - Oxford to Martin:
Budgeted $375K in 2015, in the General Fund
To be carried over to 2016
Current cost estimate now $1,275K for General Fund portion
Increase of $900K due to change in scope
Need funding source – Anticipated CAC’s?
General Fund Capital Projects
New Parking Facility on Waterfront:
• Current FP includes:
– Land acquisition for $1M in 2015, funded by Land Sale
Reserve, if not complete will be carried over to 2016
– $4M for new parking facility in 2017, with $3.5M funded by
debt, and the rest from reserves and anticipated CAC’s
– Business case being prepared
– Assuming business case supports continuing, staff
suggest long term debt funding source be changed to
anticipated CAC’s
General Fund Capital Projects
New DCC Bylaw Impact:
• Not yet approved, will assume it is
• Need to reduce % of new parkland purchases funded from
DCC’s, from 100% to 50%
• Recommend to leave two parkland purchases in the FP, with
balance funded from anticipated CAC’s
• Greater funding from DCC’s with new bylaw for STP and other
projects, need to reconcile DCC Bylaw with FP
General Fund Capital Projects
Civic Plaza:
• Currently $350K available in FP in 2015/16
• $200K more requested for replacement of City Hall parking lot
• Options for funding are under review
General Fund Capital Projects
City Hall Basement Reno’s:
• Currently $332K available in FP
• Additional $168K requested, for total of $500K
• Recommended funding source – Capital Works Reserve
Seismic Upgrades:
• Currently 305K in 2015, and $160K in 2016
• Additional requests - $200K in 2017, $200K in 2018
• Recommended funding source – Capital Works Reserve
General Fund Capital Projects
Centre Street Walkway:
• Previously in 2016 for $662K
– $115K Parkland DCC’s, $204K CAC’s, $343K Secondary
Suite Service Fee reserve
• Cost increase of $138K back to $800K and move to 2017
• Funding sources to reviewed, may need more from CAC’s
• Redevelopment of one more Hillside Walkway at a cost of
$800K to be added to the FP, funded from anticipated CAC’s
General Fund Capital Projects
Centennial Park Sidewalk Extension:
- $100K requested for 2017
– recommended funding source is anticipated CAC’s
General Fund Capital Projects
Parks Masterplan:
• $25,000 budgeted in 2015, to be carried over to 2016
• Staff considering request to increase budget and scope of
Parks Masterplan from $25,000 to $75,000
• Requested to include Recreation component and Parks
maintenance standards
• Funding source to be identified
General Fund Capital Projects
Not in Draft FP
Request to equip WRCC with capability to video stream
• Capital cost estimate of $25,000
• Annual maintenance costs of $2,400 plus cost of labour to set
up and take down for every meeting
• Staff will not be putting in draft FP unless the Finance and
Audit Committee requests it
New requests for misc other facility upgrades under
• Sanitary and Drainage Fund budgets still under review,
pending final phasing of corresponding projects in General
• At this time, expect annual 1% increase in Sanitary Sewer User
Fee to continue:
– Residential rate from $256 to $259
– Commercial rate from $269 to $272
• At this time, expect annual 5% increase in Drainage User Fee
to continue:
– Typical strata property from $108 to $113
– Typical single family home from $376 to $395
Next Steps
• January 25 – Finance & Audit Committee
• Feb 15 – Public Meeting
• Feb 22 – Special Council Meeting to consider FP Bylaw for
1st, 2nd and 3rd reading
• Feb 29 – Bylaw to be adopted
• Mid April to May 14 – Final FP Amendment (eg. capital carryovers), Property Tax & Utility Rates Bylaws