General Metabolism I Andy Howard Introductory Biochemistry 24 November 2009 Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Metabolism: the core of biochem All of biology 402 will concern itself with the specific pathways of metabolism Our purpose here is to arm you with the necessary weaponry Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 2 of 36 What we’ll discuss Metabolism Definitions Pathways Control Biochemistry: Metabolism I Metabolism, cont’d Feedback Phosphorylation 11/24/2009 Page 3 of 36 Metabolism Almost ready to start the specifics (chapter 18) Define it! Metabolism is the network of chemical reactions that occur in biological systems, including the ways in which they are controlled. So it covers most of what we do here! Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 4 of 36 Intermediary Metabolism Metabolism involving small molecules Describing it this way is a matter of perspective: Do the small molecules exist to give the proteins something to do, or do the proteins exist to get the metabolites interconverted? Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 5 of 36 How similar are pathways in various organisms? Enormous degree of similarity in the general metabolic approaches all the way from E.coli to elephants Glycolysis arose prior to oxygenation of the atmosphere This is considered strong evidence that all living organisms are derived from a common ancestor Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 6 of 36 Anabolism and catabolism Anabolism: synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones Generally energy-requiring Involved in making small molecules and macromolecules Catabolism: degradation of large molecules into simpler ones Generally energy-yielding All the sources had to come from somewhere Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 7 of 36 Common metabolic themes Maintenance of internal concentrations of ions, metabolites, & (? enzymes) Extraction of energy from external sources Pathways specified genetically Organisms & cells interact with their environment Constant degradation & synthesis of metabolites and macromolecules to produce steady state Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 8 of 36 Metabolism and energy Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 9 of 36 Metabolic classifications Carbon sources Autotrophs vs. heterotrophs Atmospheric CO2 as a C source vs. otherwise-derived C sources Energy sources Phototrophs vs. chemotrophs (Sun)light as source of energy vs. reduced organic compounds as a source of energy Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 10 of 36 Fourway divisions (table 17.2) Energy/Carbon Phototrophs: Energy from light Chemotrophs: Energy from reduced organic molecules Autotrophs: Carbon from atmospheric CO2 Photoautotrophs: Green plants, cyanobacteria, … Chemoautotrophs: Nitrifying bacteria, H, S, Fe bacteria Heterotrophs: Photoheterotrophs: Chemoheterotrophs: Carbon from other Nonsulfur purple Animals, many [organic] sources bacteria microorganisms, . . . Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 11 of 36 Another distinction: the organism and oxygen Aerobes: use O2 as the ultimate electron acceptor in oxidation-reduction reactions Anaerobes: don’t depend on O2 Obligate: poisoned by O2 Facultative: can switch hit Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 12 of 36 Flow of energy Sun is ultimate source of energy Photoautotrophs drive synthesis of [reduced] organic compounds from atmospheric CO2 and water Chemoheterotrophs use those compounds as energy sources & carbon; CO2 returned to atmosphere Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 13 of 36 How to anabolism & catabolism interact? Sometimes anabolism & catabolism occur simultaneously. How do cells avoid futile cycling? Just-in-time metabolism Compartmentalization: Anabolism often cytosolic Catabolism often mitochondrial Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 14 of 36 Pathway A sequence of reactions such that the product of one is the substrate for the next Similar to an organic synthesis scheme (but with better yields!) May be: Unbranched Branched Circular Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 15 of 36 Catabolism stages Stage 1: big nutrient macromolecules hydrolyzed into their building blocks Stage 2: Building blocks degraded into limited set of simpler intermediates, notably acetyl CoA Stage 3: Simple intermediates are fed to TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 16 of 36 Anabolism stages Short list of simple precursors These are elaborated in characteristic ways to build monomers e.g.: transamination of -ketoacids to make -amino acids Those are then polymerized to form proteins, polysaccharides, polynucleotides, etc. Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 17 of 36 Some intermediates play two roles Some metabolites play roles in both kinds of pathways We describe them as amphibolic Just recall that: catabolism is many down to few, anabolism is few up to many Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 18 of 36 Differences between catabolic and anabolic pathways Often they share many reactions, notably the ones that are nearly isoergic (G ~ 0) Reactions with G < -20 kJ mol-1 are not reversible as is Those must be replaced by (de)coupled reactions so that the oppositely-signed reactions aren’t unfeasible Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 19 of 36 Other differences involve regulation Generally control mechanisms influence catalysis in both directions Therefore a controlling influence (e.g. an allosteric effector) will up- or down-regulate both directions If that’s not what the cell needs, it will need asymmetric pathways or pathways involving different enzymes in the two directions Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 20 of 36 ATP’s role We’ve discussed its significance as an energy currency It’s one of two energy-rich products of the conversion of light energy into chemical energy in phototrophs ATP then provides drivers for almost everything else other than redox Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 21 of 36 NAD’s role QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. NAD acts as as an electron acceptor via net Image courtesy Michigan Tech transfer of hydride ions, Biological Sciences H:-, in catabolic reactions Reduced substrates get oxidized in the process, and their reducing power ends up in NADH Energy implied by that is used to make ATP (3.5 ATP/NAD) in oxidative phosphorylation Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 22 of 36 NADPH’s role Involved in anabolic redox reactions Reducing power in NADPH NADP used to reduce some organic molecule Involves hydride transfers again NADPH regenerated in phototrophs via light-dependent reactions that pull electrons from water Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 23 of 36 How do we study pathways? Inhibitor studies Mutagenesis Isotopic traces (radio- or not) NMR Disruption of cells to examine which reactions take place in which organelle Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 24 of 36 Why multistep pathways? Limited reaction specificity of enzymes Control of energy input and output: Break big inputs into ATP-sized inputs Break energy output into pieces that can be readily used elsewhere Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 25 of 36 iClicker quiz question 1 A reaction A+B C+D proceeds from left to right in the cytosol and from right to left in the mitochondrion. As written, it is probably (a) a catabolic reaction (b) an anabolic reaction (c) an amphibolic reaction (d) we don’t have enough information to answer. Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 26 of 36 iClicker quiz question 2 An asymmetry between stage 1 of catabolism (C1) and the final stage of anabolism (A3) is (a) A3 always requires light energy; C1 doesn’t (b) A3 never produces nucleotides; C1 can involve nucleotide breakdown (c) A3 adds one building block at a time to the end of the growing polymer; C1 can involve hydrolysis in the middle of the polymer (d) There are no asymmetries between A3 and C1 Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 27 of 36 iClicker quiz question 3 Could dAMP, derived from degradation of DNA, serve as a building block to make NADP? (a) Yes. (b) Probably not: the energetics wouldn’t allow it. (c) Probably not: the missing 2’-OH would make it difficult to build NADP (d) No: dAMP is never present in the cell Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 28 of 36 Regulation Organisms respond to change Fastest: small ions move in msec Metabolites: 0.1-5 sec Enzymes: minutes to days Flow of metabolites is flux: steady state is like a leaky bucket Addition of new material replaces the material that leaks out the bottom Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 29 of 36 Metabolic flux, illustrated Courtesy Jeremy Zucker’s wiki Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 30 of 36 Feedback and Feed-forward Mechanisms by which the concentration of a metabolite that is involved in one reaction influences the rate of some other reaction in the same pathway Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 31 of 36 Feedback realities Control usually exerted at first committed step (i.e., the first reaction that is unique to the pathway) Controlling element is usually the last element in the path Often the controlled reaction has a large negative Go’. Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 32 of 36 Feed-forward Early metabolite activates a reaction farther down the pathway Has the potential for instabilities, just as in electrical feed-forward Usually modulated by feedback Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 33 of 36 Activation and inactivation by post-translational modification Most common: covalent phosphorylation of protein usually S, T, Y, sometimes H Kinases add phosphate Protein-OH + ATP Protein-O-P + ADP … ATP is source of energy and Pi Phosphatases hydrolyze phosphoester: Protein-O-P +H2O Protein-OH + Pi … no external energy source required Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 34 of 36 Phosphorylation’s effects Phosphorylation of an enzyme can either activate it or deactivate it Usually catabolic enzymes are activated by phosphorylation and anabolic enzymes are inactivated Example: glycogen phosphorylase is activated by phosphorylation; it’s a catabolic enzyme Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 35 of 36 Glycogen phosphorylase Reaction: extracts 1 glucose unit from non-reducing end of glycogen & phosphorylates it: (glycogen)n + Pi (glycogen)n-1 + glucose-1-P Activated by phosphorylation via phosphorylase kinase Deactivated by dephosphorylation by phosphorylase phosphatase Biochemistry: Metabolism I 11/24/2009 Page 36 of 36