Chapter 6: Elasticity and Demand McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2011 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Elasticity % in dependent variable % in independen t variabl e Price elasticity of demand % in quantity demanded % in price 6-2 Price Elasticity of Demand (E) • Measures responsiveness or sensitivity of consumers to changes in the price of a good Q E P • P & Q are inversely related by the law of demand so E is always negative • The larger the absolute value of E, the more sensitive buyers are to a change in price 6-3 Sign of Price Elasticity of Demand • The coefficient of the price elasticity of demand is always negative • It is intuitively more appealing to talk about price elasticity in terms of its absolute value. 6-4 6-4 Price Elasticity of Demand (E) Table 6.1 Elasticity Responsiveness E Elastic %∆Q> %∆P E> 1 Unitary Elastic %∆Q= %∆P E= 1 Inelastic %∆Q< %∆P E< 1 6-5 Elastic Demand 6-6 6-6 Inelastic Demand Demand becomes less elastic as price declines along a linear demand curve. 6-7 6-7 Price Elasticity of Demand (E) • Percentage change in quantity demanded can be predicted for a given percentage change in price as: • %Qd = %P x E • Percentage change in price required for a given change in quantity demanded can be predicted as: • %P = %Qd ÷ E 6-8 Price Elasticity & Total Revenue Table 6.2 Elastic Unitary elastic Inelastic %∆Q> %∆P%∆Q= %∆P%∆Q< %∆P Quantity-effect dominates No dominant effect Price-effect dominates Price rises TR falls No change in TR TR rises Price falls TR rises No change in TR TR falls 6-9 Factors Affecting Price Elasticity of Demand • Availability of substitutes • The better & more numerous the substitutes for a good, the more elastic is demand • Percentage of consumer’s budget • The greater the percentage of the consumer’s budget spent on the good, the more elastic is demand • Time period of adjustment • The longer the time period consumers have to adjust to price changes, the more elastic is demand 6-10 Factors Affecting Price Elasticity of Demand • Necessities versus Luxuries • Luxuries have a more elastic demand • Definition of the market • The more finely defined the market the more elastic the demand. The more aggregate the definition of the market the more inelastic the demand hamburger < beef <all meat products 6-11 6- Calculating Price Elasticity of Demand • Price elasticity can be calculated by multiplying the slope of demand (Q/P) times the ratio of price to quantity (P/Q) Q 100 Q P Q Q E P P Q P 100 P 6-12 Calculating Price Elasticity of Demand • Price elasticity can be measured at an interval (or arc) along demand, or at a specific point on the demand curve • If the price change is relatively small, a point calculation is suitable • If the price change spans a sizable arc along the demand curve, the interval calculation provides a better measure 6-13 Calculating Price Elasticity of Demand • Regression analysis provides a point estimate • Arc elasticity is typically only used for teaching purposes 6-14 6- Computation of Elasticity Over an Interval • When calculating price elasticity of demand over an interval of demand, use the interval or arc elasticity formula Q Average P E P Average Q 6-15 Computation of Elasticity at a Point • When calculating price elasticity at a point on demand, multiply the slope of demand (Q/P), computed at the point of measure, times the ratio P/Q, using the values of P and Q at the point of measure • Method of measuring point elasticity depends on whether demand is linear or curvilinear 6-16 Price Elasticity for Linear Demand Q / Q Q p . p / p p Q Q a bp p b Q 6–17 6-17 Point Elasticity When Demand is Linear • Given Q = a + bP + cM + dPR, let income & price of the related good take specific values M and PR , respectively • Then express demand as Q = a′ + bP , where a′ = a + cM + dPR and the slope parameter is b = ∆Q ∕ ∆P 6-18 Point Elasticity When Demand is Linear • Compute elasticity using either of the two formulas below which give the same value for E P P Eb or E Q PA Where P and Q are values of price and quantity demanded at the point of measure along demand, and A ( = –a′ ∕ b) is the price-intercept of demand 6-19 Point Elasticity When Demand is Curvilinear • Compute elasticity using either of two equivalent formulas below Q P P E P Q P A Where ∆Q ∕ ∆P is the slope of the curved demand at the point of measure, P and Q are values of price and quantity demanded at the point of measure, and A is the priceintercept of the tangent line extended to cross the price axis 6-20 Elasticity (Generally) Varies Along a Demand Curve • For linear demand, price and Evary directly • The higher the price, the more elastic is demand • The lower the price, the less elastic is demand • For curvilinear demand, no general rule about the relation between price and quantity • Special case of Q = aPb which has a constant price elasticity (equal to b) for all prices 6-21 Constant elasticity demand function 1. Q P log Q log log P 2. Q / P ( ) P 1 3. ( Q / P )( P / Q ) ( ) P 1 P P 6-22 Constant Elasticity of Demand (Figure 6.3) 6-23 Constant elasticity demand function 6-24 6- Marginal Revenue • Marginal revenue (MR) is the change in total revenue per unit change in output • Since MR measures the rate of change in total revenue as quantity changes, MR is the slope of the total revenue (TR) curve TR MR Q 6-25 Demand & Marginal Revenue (Table 6.3) TR = P Q MR = TR/Q Unit sales (Q) Price 0 $4.50 1 4.00 $4.00 $4.00 2 3.50 $7.00 $3.00 3 3.10 $9.30 $2.30 4 2.80 $11.20 $1.90 5 2.40 $12.00 $0.80 6 2.00 $12.00 $0 7 1.50 $10.50 $-1.50 $ 0 -- 6-26 Demand, MR, & TR Panel A (Figure 6.4) Panel B 6-27 Demand & Marginal Revenue • When inverse demand is linear, P = A + BQ (A > 0, B < 0) • Marginal revenue is also linear, intersects the vertical (price) axis at the same point as demand, & is twice as steep as demand MR = A + 2BQ 6-28 Proof P A BQ TR PQ ( A BQ )Q AQ BQ MR TR / Q A 2 BQ 2 6-29 6- Marginal Revenue 6-30 6- Total Revenue 6-31 6- Linear Demand, MR, & Elasticity (Figure 6.5) 6-32 MR, TR, & Price Elasticity (Table 6.4) Marginal revenue MR > 0 Total revenue TR increases as Q increases (P decreases) Price elasticity of demand Elastic (│E│> 1) MR = 0 TR is maximized Unit Elastic (│E│= 1) MR < 0 TR decreases as Q increases Inelastic (│E│< 1) (P decreases) 6-33 Marginal Revenue & Price Elasticity • For all demand & marginal revenue curves, the relation between marginal revenue, price, & elasticity can be expressed as 1 MR P 1 E 6-34 Proof MR TR / Q TR P Q P(Q) Q P Q TR / Q P (P / Q) Q P 1 Q P Q P P Q 1 MR P 1 6-35 6- Marginal Revenue & Price Elasticity Note that as E - that MRP 1 MR P 1 E 6-36 6- Income Elasticity • Income elasticity (EM) measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in income, holding the price of the good & all other demand determinants constant • Positive for a normal good • Negative for an inferior good Qd Qd M EM M M Qd 6-37 Normal Good 6-38 6- Inferior Good 6-39 6- Cross-Price Elasticity • Cross-price elasticity (EXR) measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of good X to changes in the price of related good R, holding the price of good X & all other demand determinants for good X constant • Positive when the two goods are substitutes • Negative when the two goods are complements E XR QX QX PR PR PR QX 6-40 Substitute Good 6-41 6- Interval Elasticity Measures • To calculate interval measures of income & cross-price elasticities, the following formulas can be employed Q Average M EM M Average Q E XR Q Average PR PR Average Q 6-42 Point Elasticity Measures • For the linear demand function Q = a + bP + cM + dPR, point measures of income & cross-price elasticities can be calculated as M EM c Q E XR PR d Q 6-43 6-44 6- 6-45 6-