You Try - iModules

Applications With
Section 8-5
How to solve word problems using vectors and
right triangle trigonometry.
Fun and Games with Vector Word Problems
Two rodeo clowns are attempting to lead a bull back to the
paddocks. Suppose one clown is exerting a force of 270
newtons due north and the other is pulling with a force of
360 due east. What is the resultant force on the bull?
Find the angle the resultant force makes with the eastwest axis (x-axis).
You Try
Suppose two wrestlers are pulling horizontally and at a right angle
to each other on the arms of a wrestling opponent. Lenny exerts
a force of 180 pounds due north while his partner exerts a force
of 125 pounds due east.
A. Draw a picture
B. Determine the resultant force exerted on the opponent.
C. Determine the angle the resultant force makes with the eastwest axis.
Two Forces Working “Against” Each Other
• Suppose someone is pushing a cart full of packages weighing 100
pounds up a ramp 8 feet long at an incline of 25o. Find the work
done by gravity as the cart moves the length of the ramp.
Assume that friction is not a factor.
You Try
• Suppose someone is pushing a cart full of packages weighting 125
pounds up a ramp 10 feet long at an incline of 20o. Find the work
done by gravity as the cart moves the length of the ramp.
Assume that friction is not a factor.
Balancing Forces
• Someone is hanging a sign for her restaurant. The sign is
supported by two lightweight support bars as shown in the
diagram. If the bars make a 30o angle with each other, and the
sign weighs 200 pounds, what are the magnitudes of the forces
exerted by the sign on each support bar?
You Try
• A sign is held by two support bars as shown in the figure. If the
bars make a 60o angle with each other and the sign weighs 100
pounds, what are the magnitudes of the forces exerted by the
sign on each support bar?
Balanced Forces – Non-Right Triangles
• A lighting system for a theater is supported equally by two
cables suspended from the ceiling of the theater. The cables
form a 140o angle with each other. If the lighting system weighs
950 pounds, what is the force exerted by each of the cables on
the lighting system?
You Try
• A large television screen inside a restaurant is supported equally
by on each of its sides by two cables suspended from the ceiling
of the restaurant. The cables form a 100o angle with each other.
If the screen weighs 800 pounds, what is the force exerted by
each of the cables on the screen?
• Page 517, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28
• Homework tips: 18, 20 and 24, draw on an x/y
coordinate plane. The “positives” and “negatives” make
a difference.
• Example together: #23